


A California Distinguished School

“Leading with Technology”

Our Mission Statement

“We believe in teaching all students to value and cherish their education as we prepare them for a changing and technological future.”

Grade 8

Course Descriptions


5170 Greenbrier Ave.

San Diego, CA 92120

(619) 583-3233 1.


Required Course of Study

Algebra 1-2

English 8

U.S. History/Geography 8

Science 1-2

Physical Education


Eighth Grade Program

At the eighth grade level, students are prepared for a successful transition to high school with rigorous academics aligned to a standards-based curriculum. The strong math and science focus continues as all students move from pre-algebra to Algebra 1-2. Science 1-2 is also required, which includes lab experiences. English and U.S. History courses have a coordinated curriculum of literature and history which help to develop students’ reading, writing and critical thinking skills. The elective offerings include foreign language, instrumental music, art, drama, speech, AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination), woodshop and technology to prepare students in personal interest areas. Physical education course completes each student’s daily education. Special programs such as Special Education, Seminar, Cluster, EL (English Learner) classes help students meet California State Standards.


English Language Arts: All students are required to take a full year of English. English is presented in a way that allows students to become proficient readers and writers.

U. S. History/Geography: All students are required to take a full year of U. S. History. Students explore ideas, issues, and events from the framing of the Constitution up to World War I.

Algebra 1-2: All students in grade eight are required to take a full year of algebra. Students having successfully completed Algebra 1-2 in grade 7 will be enrolled in Geometry 1-2.

Science 1-2: This two-semester science course is required for all eighth grade students.

Physical Education: All students are required to take physical education for a full year.

Elective: The elective program of fine arts, technology, Spanish, AVID, woodshop, advance band, orchestra and technology is offered to provide students an enriching education to meet their needs and interests.



English 8: This required, one-year course integrates the four major components of Language Arts skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Coursework is designed to meet the state Language Arts Standards and includes the district’s Literacy Framework strategies of read aloud, shared and guided reading. Students self-evaluate the progress of their own writing skills through portfolios, employing full use of the writing process. Much of the literature students read from novels and the textbook centers on American writers to align with the U. S. History course offered to eighth graders. Students are also required to give oral presentations accompanied by student feedback to improve public speaking skills. English 8 Cluster is offered for GATE identified students. The curriculum is modified to challenge the abilities of GATE students.

Students reading below grade level (identified by the DRP or CST) may be required to take a supplementary English course as an elective. This class will focus on reading strategies in order to meet grade level standards.

English 8 Seminar: This one-year course is offered to a maximum of 20 students who have met the San Diego City Schools qualifications of obtaining a score of 99.9 on the Raven Test. This course integrates the four major components of Language Arts skills and the state standards as stated in the other English 8 descriptions. In addition, students are provided with individualized instruction designed to meet the unique needs of the highly gifted student. There is an emphasis on abstract thought and a focus on analysis, synthesis and evaluation of materials. Instruction for this course is designed to challenge the students through complexity of content. This course is also aligned with the eighth grade U. S. History course.

U. S. History / Geography 8: This required, one-year course examines U. S. History from the colonial period to the Industrial Revolution. The course is designed to instruct students in informational reading comprehension. Knowledge of historical information, trends, and relationships are then applied to visual, written and oral projects. Students will demonstrate the ability to process historical information in a meaningful context according to state Standards. U.S. History cluster is also offered to GATE identified students. Curriculum is modified to challenge the abilities of GATE students.

U. S. History / Geography 8 Seminar: This one-year course is offered to students who have qualified for Seminar by the San DiegoUnifiedSchool District. The course examines U. S. History from the colonial period to the Industrial Revolution. The course is designed to instruct students in obtaining knowledge of historical information, trends, and relationships. This information is then applied to visual, written and oral projects designed to challenge students in presentation of historical fact. Students demonstrate the ability to process information in a meaningful context according to state Standards. In addition, students are exposed to current trends in the news, and use this information to develop skills in reasoning, debate, and historical connection.

Algebra 1-2: This is a challenging first-year algebra course that will provide students the opportunity to move away from a rule-applying approach to a rule-generating approach. Students will learn to use scientific and graphing calculators effectively while they develop confidence in creating their own mathematical approaches to problems. In addition, students will become more aware of their own thinking about problems and describe their efforts both orally and in writing. The Accelerated Math program will help support students’ achievement of standards through individualized achievement of specific objectives.

Geometry: This course is for 8th grade students with a very high achievement level who have successfully completed 7th grade Algebra. Students will learn Euclidean geometry, some coordinate and transformational geometry, measurement formulas, three-dimensional figures, formulas, and proofs. It is designed to acquaint students with the logical structure of mathematics as found in geometry and in some additional topics in algebra.

Science 1-2: This one-year science course is required for all eighth grade students. This science class is an integrated inquiry based science course that, through a variety of laboratory experiments, classroom activities, teacher demonstrations and research, allows students to explore and contrast many aspects of science. Students will then be able to understand their role and impact on an ever-changing environment.

Physical Education: This one-year class is aligned with the state framework and standards and includes components in fitness, skill building activities, and knowledge of sports and health. Students participate in a variety of activities that involve problem-solving techniques and cooperative skills. Physical education is designed to contribute to the mental, physical, social and emotional growth of each child. Teachers emphasize sportsmanship, fair play, physical fitness, and social interaction.

Special Education: Special Education is designed for students with a learning disability. In the Resource Specialist Program, academic support is given to students who receive instruction in the regular education classroom for the majority of the school day. Those students who qualify for the Special Day Class Program receive instruction from special education teachers in Readers’/Writers’ Workshop, social studies, math, and science. A variety of teaching strategies are utilized to accommodate the different learning needs of these students.


Concert Band: This one-year advanced band class is offered to 7th and 8th grade students with one or more years of experience on the instrument. Enrollment is based on permission of the director.

Cadet Band: A one-year intermediate course for 7th and 8th grade students desiring to learn a band instrument. No experience is necessary.

Spanish 1-2: This is a one-year course in modern foreign language open to all students who meet the qualifications established by the school district. This course is intended to develop a limited facility in each of the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Major emphasis is placed upon development of the ability to speak fluently with accurate pronunciation and intonation.

Spanish 3-4: This is a one-year course designed for those students who have successfully completed (a grade of “C” or better) Spanish 1-2. It is a continuation of the introductory course and is intended to extend the student’s limited facility in the four skills. Reading receives increased attention, although a continuing emphasis is placed upon developing the ability to speak with fluency and accuracy.

Publications (Yearbook): The yearbook staff has the responsibility of producing the award-winning Lewis Yearbook. Students are selected for this yearlong elective class by an application process. Students are responsible for designing and laying out pages, photography, writing copy and artwork for the annual. The yearbook is designed on the computer, using the latest desktop publishing software.

AVID 8: (Advancement via Individual Determination) is a one-year course to prepare students for admission to four-year universities. Students work on study skills, note taking, and preparation for college entrance exams. Field trips to colleges, career guest speakers, and class tutors are provided to help students to set goals and improve grades. Students with academic potential are recommended by teachers and counselors for AVID, and grade 8 AVID students may be recommended for continuation in a high school AVID class.

Art 1 / Woodshop (7th and 8th): This is a one-year elective course combining both of the following semester courses:

Art I: Offers students a chance to learn the basic skills of drawing and painting, collage, some crafts and 3-D design. Students in this class will study art terms and techniques and use those techniques to create weekly projects.

Woodshop (Semester Course): This is a one-period semester course open to students in grades 7 and 8. The students gain skills in the operation and safe use of hand and power tools. Emphasis is placed on developing safe work habits in the shop as well as participating actively in the operation and maintenance of the shop. The class covers the basic skills and fundamentals for hand and power machines used in working with wood. Students learn the names and uses of the various tools and gain an appreciation for the broad application of this knowledge in the home and industry. Various projects are assigned that allow students hands-on experience from planning, construction, and the completion of projects.

Drama: This one-year course involves the study of drama vocabulary, the history of theatre, and the instruction of drama techniques. The first semester concentrates more on student-written skits and performances and further development of drama skills. In the second semester, selected plays will be read and scenes will be performed from those plays in class. Course requires solo and group performances.

Student Government: A.S.B. is an elective, one-year course. Students from 7th and 8th grades are elected by the student body. Students learn and practice parliamentary procedure in a formal group setting. Students use their public speaking, organizational and leadership skills to provide activities for the student body throughout the school year. A.S.B. students are encouraged to work together in group settings as well as independently.

Web Design / Computer Art:

This is a one-year course divided into two semesters, one semester will focus on Computer Art, and the adjacent semester will focus on Web Design. In Computer Art students use Art Software to create projects, use the Internet to explore and research art topics, and learn the elements and principles of Art Design. In Web Design students will be introduced to HTML, create web sites using Web Editing Software, and enhance web sites using Flash 5 adding animation and interactivity to their projects.

Woodshop (Year Course): This is a one-year course open to students in grades 7 and 8. The students gain skills in the operation and safe use of hand and power tools. Emphasis is placed on developing safe work habits in the shop as well as participating actively in the operation and maintenance of the shop. The class covers the basic skills and fundamentals for hand and power machines used in working with wood. Students learn the names and uses of the various tools and gain an appreciation for the broad application of this knowledge in the home and industry. Various projects are assigned that allow students hands-on experience from planning, construction, and the completion of projects.