NAME______20 Points

Westward Expansion- Children’s Book

In this assignment, you will create an illustrated book about Westward Expansion and Manifest Destiny. Your book will focus on the territories examined in this unit (Texas, California, New Mexico, andOregon) and your story will focus on how America acquired the land. Each story will highlight the important aspects of Manifest Destiny and include specific individuals and events that pertain to the territory.

Your story will highlight the histories of each territory acquired during the Era of Manifest Destiny. As a guide, you may use the following terms to tell your story:


Davy Crockett, Stephen Austin, Sam Houston

Santa Anna


San Jacinto

Lone StarRepublic


Adams-Onis Treaty

Mountain Men

Oregon Trail

Fifty-Four Forty or Fight

President Polk

New Mexico-

Santa Fe Trail


Gadsden Purchase



John C. Fremont


Immigrants and other settlers

Each book will follow the same exact layout and it will be written for younger audiences. You may draw photographs, use actual pictures, or include both! You may type your book OR write your book NEATLY in INK. Regardless of what you choose, you will make each page look similar to the rest in the book (i.e. use the same font, ink color, etc).Each page will be completely filled with information, so that there are no big “white” spots. The only exception to this might be the cover page.

Book Layout

Cover- Title Page/ Table of Contents

Include title, your name, and a picture on the front

On the inside, write the table of contents

Page 1- Identify Manifest Destiny

Summarize American Expansion and Manifest Destiny. In other words, what does this mean? What events lead to westward expansion? This chapter does not need to be that long.

Page 2-3-Texas

How Texas became independent from Mexico AND how it became a state

Include facts, battles, and treaties

Page 4-5- California

How California became independent from Mexico AND how it became a state

Include facts, treaties, and people who settled in the area

Page 6-7- New Mexico

How New Mexico became a state. Include treaties and interesting facts

Page 8-9- Oregon

How Oregon became a state. Include treaties and how people traveled there.



Please make sure you accurately describe your territory AND include the terms that relate to it!!


Table of Contents____/2

Information on Texas____/2

Information on California____/2

Information on New Mexico____/2

Information on Oregon____/2



Writing Conventions____/3
