/ This 20/11/16
Sunday 5.00pm Mass
/ M Payne
Prayers/Psalm / T Kealy
Gifts / R & M Burgess
Cleaning / S Gliddon Sr Pam
M Rowe, K Neall
Linen / M Burns
Lawns / D Brook
Collection / R Burgess, G McDonnell


/ Next week-end 27/11/16
Sunday 10.30am SAWC
Reader / P Clarke
Prayers/Psalm / G Forster
Leader / C McCann
Ministers / P & G Clarke
Cleaning / C Middleton
Linen / M Burns
Lawns / D Brook
Collection / R Burgess, G McDonnell.



20 November 2016 Yr C – Christ the King

Casterton: Ph: 5581 1044 Mobile: 0422 342 499


Mail: Box 157 Edenhope Vic 3318

Bulletin notices next Sunday to Sr Pam on 5585 1154 or 0458 999 108 or .

Recent Deaths: Hazel Caldow, Dorothy Robinson,

Brian Mulraney.

Anniversaries: Mary-Louise Mettett, Henry Sampey, Eugene Clarke, Robert Robertson, Audrey Mc Dougall, Joseph Farrelly, Lucy Griffin, Therese Mary Bade.

Naracoorte Mass times (see notice board)

Church Collections 13.11.16

Priests Fund $124.00

Goroke $124.00

Minimay $150.00

Planned Giving $149.00

New total for this PG Financial year. $4671.00

Your financial support is much appreciated.

Mission Sunday. Thank you for donations: $30

Available in the Foyer

·  New Ministry Roster Nov 13- Feb 6 2017. (Blue)

·  Parish Pastoral Council Minutes (yellow)

·  Columban Calendars 2017 for sale $9.00.

·  Newest copy of Our Diocesan Community: these are free and help us know what is happening around the Diocese.


While Frances is away, would you please spare some time to pull out weeds, dead-head roses etc? Cecily and Ron are doing a great job, but their time is limited and the recent mixed weather has sent weeds crazy!

This week at St Malachy’s School

Mon: 9-1.00pm Transition Day

Maths support with Teresa

Wed: Angela PD Camperdown

St Malachy’s Art Ex. at Red Tail Gallery for 2 wks.

Thurs: Angela Principals mtg Dunkeld.

Morning tea for Ange Smyth to farewell her.

Fri: Angela Principals mtg Dunkeld

James Henderson’s last day: farewell.

Parish Diary.

Today: 5.00pm Mass

Fri 25 Nov: 6.00pm Edenhope Cemetery

Sun 27 Nov: 10.30am SAWC (1st Sun Advent)

Sun 4 Dec: 9.00am Mass

Wed 7 Dec: 5.00pm Parish Council Mtg.

Sun 11 Dec: 11.00am Graduation Mass.

Sun 18 Dec: 5.00pm Mass

Fr John’s Corner.

Cemetery Masses will be offered at each Mass centre for the faithful departed. Bring your own seating, and umbrellas.Incase of heavy rainat the time, Mass will be offered in the church instead.

Edenhope - 6pm, Friday 25 Nov

Tarrayoukyan - 9am, Sunday 27 Nov

2016 National Church Life Survey. Thank you for completing these surveys. A large envelope is on small table in foyer for completed surveys. If you did not receive a survey, there are new copies in front of the envelope. Please take home and complete. Fr John will post next week

Making a Scene at Christmas

If you happen to be in Ballarat soon, a display of Christmas Nativity scenes will be held in St Patrick’s Hall, Ballarat from Wednesday evening December 14th – Sunday, December 18th.

On display there will be more than 300 nativity scenes from over 40 countries. Opening hours are: Wednesday 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Thursday and

Friday 10.00am – 5.00pm; Saturday 10.00am – 8.00pm and Sunday 9.00am – 7.00pm.

Next year, we are hoping that Fr Andrew will be able to bring a small selection here to Edenhope, even for a day or two.

Advent – our liturgical season to prepare the way of the Lord.

Next Sunday we commence the 4 week season of advent, a time to wait & prepare in joyful hope

Sincere sympathy to Molly and family on the sudden death of Brian. On this feast of Christ the King, may he hear the words of Jesus: “This day you will be with me in Paradise”.