Meeting on Monday 19th October 2015

2 pm to 4 pm

Committee Room 1, Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road

Littlehampton BN17 5LF


1. Welcome, INTRODUCTIONS & Apologies for absenCE 2 pm

Hilary Spencer, Chair of AWHP & Chief Executive, Voluntary Action

Arun and Chichester

2. report back from previous meeting/matters arising 2.05

(9th June 2015)

Notes attached

3. SMALL GRANTS FUND 2015/16 AWARDS (second round) 2.10

Claire Dower, Wellbeing Information Officer, Arun District Council

Report plus appendix attached


Richard Banister, Vice Chair, West Sussex Credit Union


Coastal West Sussex CCG Communication and Engagement Plan

Angela Haigh, Interim Project Manager: Stroke, NHS CWS CCG

Bridget Pettitt, Public Engagement Manager, NHS CWS CCG


Roger Wood, Head of Neighbourhoods, Arun District Council


Tim Wilkins – Dementia Alliance

Sabine Margarson, Chichester Dementia Support Group


(information circulated separately to AWHP members)

Hilary Spencer


10. date of next meeting 3.55

2-4 pm on Monday 22nd February 2016, in Committee Rooms 1 and 2,

Arun Civic Centre, Littlehampton BN17 5LF



Date: Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Time: 2:00 pm

Duration: 2 Hours

Venue: Council Chamber, Bognor Regis Town Hall

Chairman: Hilary Spencer

Present: Cllr Marian Ayres (Arun DC); Cllr Ann Rapnik (Arun DC); Roger Wood (Arun DC); Hazel Flack (Arun DC); Georgina Bouette (Arun DC); Kay Bradley (Arun DC); Sarah Wilby (Arun DC); Joy Bradbury-Ball (Arun DC); Hilary Spencer (VAAC) Angie Steel (Albion ITC); Kate Bailey (WSCC); Lisa Palmer (ADC); Nigel Croad (ADC); Jude Day (WSCC); Jane Brown (Carers Support); Mike Collins (Sammy Transport); Jonathan Chapman (Sussex Police); Jo Scott (Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust); Esther Smyrl (WSCC FSN Manager)

Apologies: Claire Dower (Arun DC); Claire Jones (Prevention Assessment Team); Sharon Cuerden (Coastal West Sussex Mind); Vanessa Taylor-Berry (Sussex Community NHS Trust (PAT); Kim Fleming (Age UK); Yvonne Grant (CCG); Russell Tooley (Arun DC); Tracey Light (VSLO, WSCC); Karen Grant (Family Mosaic); Wendy Walker (Sussex Partnership NHS Trust)

Minuted By: Sue Bowley

1. Welcome, INTRODUCTIONS & Apologies for absenCE

Hilary Spencer welcomed everyone to the meeting and members introduced themselves. Sue Bowley noted the received apologies for absence.

2. report back from previous meeting/matters arising

The Minutes of 23 February 2015 were agreed as a correct account of the meeting and actions were reviewed.

Sussex Community NHS Trust – Roger Wood queried whether the diagram identified in the notes of the meeting of 23 February on how various agencies relate to one another was available. Hilary Spencer stated she would circulate this with the notes of this meeting.

ACTION: Hilary Spencer

There were no other matters arising not covered by the Agenda.


Hazel Flack gave an update on the AWHP Small Grants Fund report by Claire Dower. The report confirms the grants awarded by the AWHP funding panel in the third round 2014/15 and proposes an amendment to the application criteria for the next round of funding due to be advertised from June/July 2015 from £500 per applicant to £1000 per applicant. There was some discussion around the difficulties for small organisations whose principal need is for ongoing (revenue) funding which is excluded from most grant funding offers. It was suggested that provided groups could identify how they would sustain their operations themselves after a year, consideration could be given to allowing grants for twelve-months’ operating costs. The group agreed with the recommendations contained in the report to increase to £1000 for this round; and would review the amount of applications received and consider the additional suggestion accordingly.


Esther Smyrl, West Sussex County Council, took the group through the attached presentation “Early Help/Think Family: Building a local network”.

As part of their Early Help strategy, WSCC are developing local ‘family support networks’ (FSN) in each District & Borough. Jude Day is the FSN contact for Arun. The Arun FSN will bring a variety of diverse partners together to help deliver help to local families at the earliest opportunity, reducing the need for crisis intervention and offering families the greatest opportunity to resolve emerging issues in a positive and proactive way.

Arun DC is working closely with WSCC to set up the local network which is in its early stages of development. There is considerable scope and opportunity for the AWHP to get involved and help shape the direction and travel, recognising that health and wellbeing are key factors in helping families. Also, health partners are often the ones who have the opportunity to engage directly with a wide number of and diverse families across the District as families are more likely to engage on health concerns rather than crime, debt or housing problems which are usually hidden.

It is important to engage all wellbeing and health partners in understanding how we can work together, contribute to and help effectively develop solutions and services that help our local families at the earliest opportunity.

The central contact point is the Early Help Resource Centre (EHRC); its function is to provide a front door/single access point to capture all early concerns/worries about a family or member and in turn engage with local teams that talk to each other to ascertain a range of services providing specialist support. Effectively the network will:

·  Build local relationships and ways or working that strengthens Early Help capacity across the network.

·  Develop/support use of Early Help Plans across the Network.

·  Support EHRC with local allocation to keyworker services or Early Help activity.

·  Facilitate points of consultation/support/mapping for complex or stuck cases for the local workforce

·  Identify gaps in Early Help provision and inform local and county commissioning processes

In terms of local action specifically in Arun the aim is to –

·  Understand and build on existing local processes that will support the network rather than create new or duplicate what already exists.

·  Build an effective FSN allocation meeting that enables children and their families to be passed to the right help.

·  Identify the Early Help resource in Arun that can support children and families as an Early Help response.

·  Understand the gaps and requirement of services in the local area that will respond to the needs of the children, young people and families in this area.

·  Agree how to build local vision, communicate local plan and develop the relationships that will deliver a strong network.

·  Develop methods of engaging with children, young people and families to design services that help them strengthen their family life and meet their children’s needs.

·  Agree how to measure success.

Roger Wood suggested that DCLG Outcomes Framework Indicator 4 may be useful and of particular relevance to assist organisations where they play a part in the process and work with it. Indicator here:

In summary it was requested that, when available, an organization chart with contact details be circulated to partners. Currently key contacts are: Hazel Flack (ADC), Georgina Bouette (ADC), Esther Smyrl (WSCC) and Jude Day (WSCC).

Action: Georgina Bouette


- Independent Living At Home (Roger Wood)

Earlier in 2015 WSCC terminated the process for awarding the Contract for providing Telecare Services for the next 4 years. The Service is commissioned jointly by WSCC on the CCGs. WSCC extended the Contract with the current service provider until April 2016.

WSCC have stated that it is their intention to use this time to develop a different model of delivery alongside District and Boroughs; CCGs and other relevant partners. This will involve looking at both Telecare Services and Disabled Facilities Grants in the context of supporting people in their own homes. It would appear appropriate for the Partnership to be made aware of this delivery model and how the Partnership can contribute to its development.

- Stroke Service (Yvonne Grant)

Unfortuantely Yvonne was unable to attend the meeting and sent the following update by email.

“There was a review last month at the Clinical Commissioning Group however there have been delays due to incorrect data and so not much progress has been made. Western Sussex Hospitals Foundation Trust are currently considering how they can comply with best practice (ie HASU – Hyper Acute Stroke Units) according to national guidance and within a financial envelope. More should be known in September.”


Hilary opened up this agenda item by expressing her disappointment with regard to the lack of partners around the table; it was felt this restricted what was felt to be a crucial, more in-depth detailed discussion.

Dual diagnosis is the term used to describe patients with both severe mental illness (mainly psychotic disorders) and problematic drug and/or alcohol use. The West Sussex Dual Diagnosis needs assessment, can be found here: It contains 15 recommendations, many of which will require a multi-agency response to implement. The new service will be expected to participate in the delivery of many of these recommendations.

This is an excellent opportunity to bring together health and crime and disorder colleagues to explore and understand how this particular problem manifests itself locally. For example, several of the identified street community individuals in the district are thought to come under this diagnosis, however, it is difficult to determine due to the restrictions of certain services in being able to assess and diagnose. This is particularly relevant for adult mental health who currently,do not offer any specialist provision to assess those who regularly use drugs and / or alcohol for mental health needs. Therefore there is potentially a significant number of people who need treatment within a dual diagnosis framework but there are no services available to help.

The impact of dual diagnosis is prominent within the criminal justice system as left untreated, it can perpetuate anti-social behaviour, crime and disorder. It is therefore relevant and pertinent for both partnerships to come together to share information and improve their understandings of the issue locally and assess how best to tackle this issue within Arun.

As Holly Yandall, the Public Health Lead for Substance Misuse, was unable to attend the meeting at short notice, Kate Bailey took the group through a series of slides (“Redesign and procurement of services for children, young people and adults affected by alcohol and other drug use” attached) and gave an overview of the service redesign, which will have a much broader focus than just treating drug and alcohol use and will support people to make positive changes across a whole range of issues affecting their substance use. This could include: physical health, mental health, social isolation, employment (lack of), housing and so on. The new service provider will be required to work very closely with a whole range of other services – including mental health – to ensure that there is real joined up working and integrated packages of support, and to this end it is expected that potential providers will consult with local District and Borough-based partners to identify specific areas of needs in each authority area. A paper was due to go to the Environmental and Community Services Select Committee on the following day – link:

Following a lengthy debate it was agreed that the group would formally make contact and make their concerns known with respect to the needs of residents in Arun, particularly the street community, re commissioning and the service specification going forward from the Sussex Partnership Trust. ACTION: ALL


Men’s Sheds – Family Mosaic is looking for a Bognor premises to be able to run a project for older and isolated men to be able to work on wood working projects, repairs to furniture, making craft items, and potentially get involved in local community projects including restoration and repairs. The room or building would need to be accessible during daytime hours, with facilities such as toilets/wheelchair access, electricity and running water and ideally use of a kitchen area. It is planned to have equipment, tools and materials kept on the premises and initially the clients to use one or two days a week and more days if the project becomes popular. If members have any ideas on this please could they email Karen Grant on ACTION: ALL

Further to the physical activity plan presentation at the previous meeting, Kate Bailey confirmed that Public Health is reviewing their approach to this and may be seeking expressions of interest from one or more district or borough to work with initially. Public Health will also be revisiting the sugar reduction plan and contacting the sugar champions regarding this.

European Social Fund – Hilary Spencer informed the group of relevant web pages and a partnership spreadsheet for all organisations across the area with useful contacts for those interested in delivering partnerships against priorities. See attached.

10. date of next meeting

Monday, 19 October 2015 @ 2:00 pm Arun Civic Centre, Littlehampton



Monday 19th October 2015

Information Paper Report date: Monday 19th October 2015

Subject : AWHP Small Grants Fund

Report by : Claire Dower, Wellbeing Information Officer, Arun District Council

This report confirms the grants awarded by the AWHP funding panel in the second round 2015/2016.


1.1  The Arun Wellbeing and Health Partnership (AWHP) has a small grants fund to which Arun-located voluntary and community groups may apply for for up to £1000 per organisation towards activities which fulfil one or more of the priorities within the Arun Sustainable Community Strategy (previously circulated).

1.2  The annual fund (which is allocated to the Partnership from Arun District Council funds) is £5000. In 2015 underspends carried forward from the previous year enabled a total grant fund of £6,488. £1043 was allocated in the first round of 2015/16 leaving a balance of £5445 available. Organisations were invited to apply for up to £1000.