Growing, Growing, Growing Unit Sheet
Exponential Growth and Decay
Investigations 1, 2 and Scientific Notation
As we did previously, some items are required of all students. After that, you will choose from this list of assignments to reach your desired grade. You can choose as many of the projects or assignments as you wish but they must be done well to receive credit. The test is a separate grade in the grade book from the unit sheet grade.
Your teacher will check in with students as often as possible to grade work. You are allowed no more than three assignments per day for grading to allow as many graded assignments as possible. You are expected to learn the material and be able to explain what you have learned. When you present practice sheets or activities, your teacher will ask you questions. This is known as a verbal defense. Be prepared to give evidence that you understand the material.
§ All projects must have Name, Hour, Date and assignment number clearly marked in order to be graded.
§ All grade sheets will be filled in except for points awarded (to be filled in by your teacher).
§ All written projects should be typed or neatly written.
§ Only 3 projects per day may be submitted for grading.
§ Read each item’s description carefully and follow directions to receive full credit. Your teacher may reject incorrect assignments for you to redo.
This packet needs to be kept in a safe place. If you lose the grading sheet you will need to recreate it and that may require you to do your work over. This packet of information must be presented with your completed assignments for grading. Be sure to fill out the item number and points possible when you present it to the teacher.
Pre Test / Mid Unit Test / Final Unit Test / Retake (if necessary)Score
85% to test out
Grading scale is as follows: A 150 - 135
B 134 - 120
C 119 - 105
INC 104 and below
Item # / Target Due Date / Possible Points / Points Earned / Teacher Initials / Date gradedR.1 / 10
R.2 / 10
R.3 / 10
R.4 / 10
R.5 / 10
Total Points ______ / Grade
*** Required items *** 10 points each
Notes should be neatly written with date and investigation labeled at top.
______R. 1 Take lecture notes for investigations 1.
______R. 2 Take lecture notes for investigation 2.
______R. 3 Take lecture notes for Scientific Notation.
______R.4 ACE questions for Investigation 1 starting on Pg 11. Numbers 1-9,21,22,26-30
______R.5 ACE questions for Investigation 2 starting on Pg 24. Numbers 1,2,4,9-11,13,14
Level One – 10 points each
_____1.1 Make flash cards of at least 10 vocabulary terms. (see glossary or try Use index cards. Neat writing is expected. Be prepared to be quizzed.
____ 1.2 Complete Practice Sheet 1.2 (greater than/less than).
____ 1.3Complete problem 1.3 A-F on Pg 9.
____ 1.4 Complete Practice sheet 1.4 (Study Guide – Powers and Exponents).
____ 1.5 Complete Practice Sheet 1.5 (Using Exponents).
_____1.6 Go to this website to take a quiz. You must get at least a 90%. When you have a 90% or better, print the page to document your achievement.
_____1.7 Go to this website. Answer 10 Scientific Notation questions correctly. Write down your questions and answers to show for full credit.
_____1.8 Complete Practice sheet 1.8 (scientific notation).
Level 2 – 20 points each
_____2.1 Write a 20-question quiz on Exponents. Include an answer key.You must use your own ideas and cannot just rewrite questions from the book. Be prepared to discuss the questions with your teacher.
_____2.2 Complete the following ACE questions for Investigation 1 showing all your work. Pg 16 #31-34
_____2.3 Complete the following Ace Questions for Investigation 2 showing all your work. Pg. 29 # 18 - 23
_____2.4 Complete Practice Sheet 2.4 (Additional Practice Invest. 2)
_____2.5 Complete Practice Sheet 2.5 (Skill: Exponential Functions)
_____2.6 Create a crossword puzzle using 20 keywords about Exponential Growth. Provide an answer key that defines the words. Be prepared to be quizzed on the word meanings. Should be typed.
_____2.7 Make a song or rap about the Exponential Growth and present it to your teacher and/or the class. The words to your song or rap must be written neatly or typed and you should be prepared to explain them.
Level 3 – 30 points
_____3.1 Pretend you are a salesperson trying to sell the king on your reward plan. Using the three plans of rewards found on Page 9 of your book, write a convincing argument for each of the plans because you aren’t sure how smart this king is. You may need to leave out information or be creative to make all the plans seem like the best one. Be sure to include tables and graphs. Then tell which plan you would choose and why.
_____3.2 Using the handout provided, create a Fractal Tree. Be sure to follow the directions carefully and fill out all the questions on the handout. You can be creative about materials, colors, etc.
______3.3 Make a TeacherTube video. Your video needs to include a lesson teaching other students about Exponential Growth. You may use any method you like so make it interesting and understandable for all types of learners. Your lesson should include an introduction and a conclusion.
_____3.4 Create a PowerPoint presentation exploring Exponential Growth. 10 slides minimum. You may be asked to present it to the class.
_____3.X Create a project item for your teacher to add to this list for future 8th graders to complete. You should explain the task, complete the task, and decide how the task should be scored. Get approval before beginning this item.