You are being given access to data and/or transcriptions from the ParVa[Partigiani Valle Camonica] Corpus for your research, for use as agreed upon below. We encourage use ofour data for a wide range of academic/research purposes, but need to keep track of how it isused. A signed copy of this form both gives you permission for a specific use and allows us tomaintain records.
We request that, in exchange for using the data, you send us a copy of anypaper or article you write that uses the data as well as a copy of any ELAN .eaf Annotation filethat you produce from these data.
I accept the following conditions:
1- Any report based on this corpus will include the following acknowledgement:
The ParVa Corpus was funded by a research grant from the 2010-11PRIN project“Rappresentazioni linguistiche dell’identità. Modelli sociolinguistici e linguistica storica”(prot. 2010HXPFF2),coordinated by professor Piera Molinelli (University of Bergamo)and was developed by Dr. Federica Guerini (University of Bergamo).
2- No information whatsoever enabling identification of the people mentioned in the interviews (apart from the informants themselves) shall be included in my text.
3-Materials contained in the corpus will not serve as the basis for personal judgments about the opinions,personality or political commitment of the informants.
4-I will not attempt to contact the informants, nor to interfere in any way in their personal lives.The data will be used by the undersigned only. It may not be duplicated, circulated or otherwisetransmitted to any parties.
5-I understand that any work done on this corpus is for the sole purpose of conducting research on thefollowing topic (please, specify):
6- I intend to present this work in the following oral or written contexts (e.g., course papers, thesis,conference presentation, journal submission):
7- I agree to provide a copy of any written work that I produce using these data to Dr. Federica Guerini < > Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Dipartimento di Lettere, Filosofia, Comunicazione. via Pignolo 123, Bergamo.
8-I agree to provide copies of any ELAN annotation (.eaf) files that I produce using these data, which will beadded to the corpus and may be made available to other researchers.
Name: ______Affiliation: ______
Contact information (preferably email): ______
Date: ______Signature: ______
Please, contact Federica Guerini < > for further information.