ITPB Retreat

Friday, September 24, 2004, noon – 5:00 p.m.

Faculty Center Downstairs Lounge


12:00-12:30 / Lunch & Introductions / Chris Foote

Everyone is asked to attend lunch. Introductions will begin during lunch.


1.  ITPB Membership List

2.  Key UCLA IT Accomplishments 2001,2002,2003

3.  FY 04/05 Campus IT Portfolio

4.  Acronyms

12:30-1:50 / Portal Development / Jim Davis

Purpose of 80 minute session: Overview of portals and critical strategic and technical issues for ITPB to consider.

Short Presentations:

a. Overview (Nick Reddingius) – 15 min

b.  Administration portal (Don Worth) – 5 min

c. my.ucla student portal (Eric Splaver) – 5 min

d.  uPortal – (S. Kumar) - 5 min

e. CENS (Margo Reveil) – 5 min

Panel Discussion with ITPB: Moderator - Nick Reddingius – 30 minutes

Wrap-up: 15 minutes


1.  ITPB commission the development of a portal "roadmap" for the campus. Such a Roadmap should include:

a.  Functional and technical assessments of the current portal development efforts at UCLA, including benchmarking these against portal developments at other universities, preferred technologies and standards.

b.  Recommendations for a UCLA portal strategy including an analysis of evolving standards and when these will be sufficiently mature to be adopted by UCLA, and of the role UCLA might play in the establishment of standards.

c.  A plan for establishing how many portals and/or technologies UCLA should embrace, how to coordinate their development, standards, and training requirements, taking into account the existing investments.

2.  ITPB guidance on how to structure the “roadmap development” within UCLA's organization and culture, since non-technical factors should help shape the outcome of this initiative.


1.  Portal Initiatives and Strategies

1:50-2:05 / Break
2:05-3:45 / Repositioning IT / Jim Davis

Purpose of 90 minute session: Inform on progress and planning for Repositioning IT projects.

  1. Introduction (Jim Davis) – 10 min
  2. Security (Kent Wada) – 10 min
  3. Email (Mike Schilling) – 10 min
  4. Network (Jim Davis) – 10 min
  5. Data Centers (Esther Woo-Benjamin) – 10 min
  6. Procurement (Mike Shilling) – 10 min
  7. Fiscal Model (Mike Schilling) – 10 min
  8. CSG/CCC Comments (Greg Kitch, Tom Phelan) – 10 min
  9. Initiative Organization and Process (Jim Davis) – 10 min

Actions (10 min):

  1. ITPB approval of nominations to the Functional Oversight Committee.
  2. ITPB approval of the general approach of an external network review and guidance to FOC on the organizational structure and framework.
  3. ITPB guidance on approaches for facilitating email consolidation analyses on campus.
  4. ITPB approval of a PDP project for gathering information on all data centers and guidance to FOC on scope and structure.


  1. IT Repositioning Projects
  2. CSG 7-26-04 Meeting Summary

3:45–4:00 / Break
4:00-5:00 / Educational Technology / Chris Foote

Purpose of 60 minute session: Provide information to the ITPB on major institutional initiatives in education technology. Engage in a discussion with the ITPB on overall direction and strategies; and discussion with ITPB for feedback, guidance, ideas, etc.

Short Presentations:

a. FCET areas of current focus & possible new areas in 04/05 (Jack Beatty) – 5 min

b.  Library educational technology initiatives (Gary Strong) – 5 min

c. OID educational technology initiatives (Larry Loeher) – 5 min

d.  Blended Instruction initiative (Tamara Malamuth) – 5 min

e. SAKAI pilot project (Margo Reveil) – 5 min

Panel Discussion with ITPB: Moderator – Jack Beatty – 30 minutes


  1. ITPB support of the continuation of funding for the BICS program with a letter to the EVC.
  2. ITPB recommendations to define OID’s role in facilitating UCLA’s structural and organizational requirements for pursuing institutional planning on Educational Technology.
  3. ITPB endorsement of a request to the FCET to:
  4. Create a continuing and evolving campus-wide vision and implementation plan for Information Technology in undergraduate instruction (based on the campus IT vision document)
  5. Make recommendations to the ITPB on key IT infrastructure initiatives that impact undergraduate instruction. With regard to this latter request, the expectation is that the FCET will spearhead an assessment of SAKAI and its potential role at UCLA.
  6. Make recommendations to the ITPB on UCLA’s structural and organizational requirements for pursuing institutional planning on Educational Technology.


  1. IT in Instruction: 2004-2005
  2. Moving the Mean Forward
  3. The Blended Instruction Case Studies

5:00-6:00 / Wine and Cheese Social Hour

ITPB 9-24-04 Retreat Agenda – 9/16/04 – Page 1 of 3