AFTER EVENT – Template
(Insert title/ headline here)
(Insert group name) held a (insert event) on (insert day/date) to raisevital funds for Tŷ Hafan, the hospice for children in Wales.
(Insert a brief description of the event) – no more than three sentences. Who / How many participated in it? What happened? Why was this event organised – was it because of a child / young person/ family living locally who uses Tŷ Hafan?)
(Insert name) from (insert area) said: “The event was a real success, raising (insert amount) for Tŷ Hafan. I/we would like to thank everyone who supported us on the day to help raise funds for this amazing cause”.
Tŷ Hafan offers care and support to life-limited children and their families from across Wales, helping them make the most of the time they have left together.
It costs £3.7m a year to provide Tŷ Hafan’s state-of-the art facilities in Sully and its support services to families out in the community.
For more information about Tŷ Hafan visit
(Attached – if emailing) Caption – e.g. Left to Right if identifying people
Continued …./
For further information please contact:
(Name) (Address)
If not available please ask for (Name) or contact (Name) on (Tel no.)
- Tŷ Hafan is a leading children’s palliative carecharity. Its services are available throughout Wales and are free to any family that needs them.
- Life-limited means that the child or young person is not expected to live beyond 18 years old. We do not use the words “terminal”, “sick” or “ill”.
- The average age of a child referred to Tŷ Hafan is four years old.
- Tŷ Hafan has supported more than 600 families since its inception in 1999.
- Tŷ Hafan provides specialist palliative care addressing the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of each member of the family.
- The majority of Tŷ Hafan’s work is about “quality of life” rather than “end of life”. It is focused on “making the most of short and precious lives.”
- Tŷ Hafan provides care for the whole family – from diagnosis to bereavement – we journey with them and are there for as long as they need us.
- Tŷ Hafan offers families end-of-life care in the hospice, hospice or at home.
- Tŷ Hafan is not a hospital and is very different from an adult hospice. A child and his/her family can be referred at the time of diagnosis with care and support being provided throughout the course of the child’s condition, which can be for many years.
- Tŷ Hafan provides support to the whole family almost anywhere, whether it is at the hospice, their own home or in hospital. Tŷ Hafan’s aim is to provide support to families in an environment they feel most comfortable.
- Tŷ Hafan provides services such as Family Support, Complementary Therapy, Music Therapy and Outreach Play both within the hospice and in the family home.
- The children and young people who access Tŷ Hafan’s services suffer from a broad range of conditions, many with profound and complex medical needs. Some of the conditions are so rare they haven’t been named.
- It costs more £3.7 million every year to provide Tŷ Hafan’s services to those families who need them. Tŷ Hafan receives less than 10% income from Local Health Boards (LHBs) and the Welsh Government.
- The rest of Tŷ Hafan’s income is generated by public donations and fundraising - including community and corporate events, legacies – and its commercial activities such as its lottery and shops.
- For more information visit