North Petherton Town Council
Minutes of the Planning Meeting of North Petherton Town Council held at North Petherton Bowling Club on 16th February 2016 at 7:30 pm.
Committee Members present :Cllr A Bradford (Chairman)
Cllr J Hesketh, Cllr P Spencer, Cllr Mrs H Phillips, Cllr J Taylor, Cllr G Jones, Cllr Mrs M Denham, Cllr Mrs L Hyde, and Cllr R Ives.
In attendance: Mr R T Latham Town Clerk and three members of the public
P12/2016 Apologies.
Apologies were received from Cllr W Revans and Cllr J Barham
P13/2016 Declarations of Interests
There were no declarations of interest
P14/2016 Community Time
A resident commented on application 37/16/00002 to the effect that there was too much development already in the vicinity of the retail units in Stockmoor and inadequate car parking provision even before the development proposed.
P15/2016 Minutes of Previous Meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on 19th January 2016 were agreed as a true record.
P16/2016 Matters Arising.
Cllr Mrs Phillips reported that the parking situation along Campion Way had improved.
P17/2016 New Planning Applications:
Cllr Taylor took the chair for this item.
Applicant Bridgwater Gateway
Location Land to South west of Huntworth Roundabout
Proposal Erection of petrol station and associated infrastructure.
Amended proposals.
Council Observations: Continue to object.
The Council did not believe that the amendments addressed any of the issues raised in its initial comments on the application. Three petrol stations in close proximity would have a serious impact on an already very difficult highway situation. Members remained very concerned about the timing of this and the other applications on this site with regard to the continuing uncertainty about whether the Hinkley Point development will go ahead
Applicant Bridgwater Gateway
Location Land to the West of Huntworth Roundabout
Proposal Erection of hotel, employment buildings (use class B1) and associated infrastructure.
Amended proposals
Council Observations: Continue to object
The Council did not believe that the amendments addressed any of the issues raised in its initial comments on the application. There was particular concern about the issues arising from surface water run-off and its impact on the adjoining land, already at risk from flooding
Applicant Bridgwater Gateway
Location Land to North West of Huntworth Roundabout and to the North of A38
Proposal Erection of three 3 storey employment buildings (use class B1) and associated infrastructure.
Amended application
Council Observations: Continue to object
The Council did not believe that the amendments addressed any of the issues raised in its initial comments on the application.
The photographic images now provided increased concerns about the visual impact that such large buildings would have, particularly on the adjoining residential area and Members did not believe that the standard of design met the Planning Authority’s requirements.
Applicant Land Promotions Ltd
Location Land (2) at Stockmoor Drive, North Petherton
Proposal Erection of 12 dwellings contained within 2 three storey buildings and 8 apartments contained within 1 three storey building, associated access, car parking, hard and soft landscaping
Council Observations Object
Notwithstanding the fact that consent existed for some development on this site the Council were concerned that there would be serious safety issues arising from this application, with vehicles reversing over pavements onto a narrow road in an area heavily used by the public. There were already approved, but not yet implemented developments in the vicinity that would make a difficult highways and safety situation more problematical and this particular proposal; which was considered to be an over development of the site, would, if approved, make matters even worse.
Applicant D Brewer
Location Westfield. 31 Broadlands Avenue, North Petherton
Proposal Installation of stainless steel, twin walled flue for log burner to South elevation
Council observations. No objection
Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of land as part of the existing curtilage.
Applicant Mrs C Caple
Location Land at Oakmoor Farm Coxhill North Newton
Council Observation see 37/16/00013
Applicant Mr A Bird
Location 3 Canns Lane, North Petherton. TA6 6QF
Proposal Erection of two storey extension to the East elevation, partly on site of existing (to be demolished).
Council Observation No objection
Applicant Mrs C Caple
Location Oak Moor Farm, Coxhill, North Newton TA7 0BT
Proposal Change of use of land to residential curtilage.
Council Observation
Unable to comment due to insufficient information about what was actually being proposed and the history of the site.
P18/2016 Items for Payment
The following payments were approved:
Sedgemoor DC£106.00
GWB Services£2,258.50
Crimson Hill Support£15.00
Somerset Playing Fields Assoc.£15.00
GWB Services£100.00
Sutcliffe Play£70,393.79
Callaghan Fencing£2,226.00
P19/2016 Neighbourhood Plan
The Clerk updated Members on current issues
P20/2016 Matters of Report
It was reported that the problems associated with the access to the bus stop at Stockmoor were being addressed.
Cllr Spencer raised the continuing issues relating to ideal cars and the community centre car park. The Mayor expressed his hope and expectation that matters would be resolved quickly.
Cllr Hesketh remarked on traffic problems being caused by the works on the Huntworth roundabout.
Cllr Phillips raised the question of dog bins in Stockmoor, The Clerk agreed to investigate the current arrangements.
P021/2016 Private session.
Resolved: that the public be excluded for the next item due to its confidential nature and potential legal implications .
P21/2016 Maunsel Car Park
The Clerk briefed Members on the latest position.
The meeting closed at 8:55 pm