LSHS Cafeteria is Getting a Fast Food Franchise!

Group Members ______, ______,



Many students at LSHS are fed up with the menu in it's cafeteria. The student council is even pushing the Administrators to allow for an open campus (meaning students are free to leave school at lunch time to eat where/what they choose). Always wanting to provide the best for it's students, LSHS has decided that since an open campus is not possible (liability reasons) it is going to allow a fast food franchise to run it's cafeteria. Your job for this webquest is to help administrators determine which fast food franchise will be popular with the students, provide nutritional value, and be cost effective to the students.


You and two friends (your group for this assignment) have been chosen to help LSHS decide which fast food franchise should set up shop in LSHS's cafeteria. Each person will be responsible for specific information to research and report back to the group. Once everyone has found their information, the group is to share its findings in a meeting. In this meeting, you will be asked to select which fast food franchise should open in LSHS's cafeteria. Nutritional needs/information and cost should play a large role in your decisions. Popularity of the food should play a role in your decision as well. You will also be required to put together a sample menu that will be offered at LSHS cafeteria. This information will be presented to the class using the Microsoft Office Application of your choice (Word, Publisher, PowerPoint).


To accomplish this task each person in the group need to take on a responsibility (listed below) and complete the research on that topic. Resources for research are included in each section. You are encouraged to find your own resources as well. After the research phase is completed, the group is to come together and discuss its' findings and come to a decision as to which fast food restaurant should begin serving food at LSHS. Lastly, the group is to provide a menu which meets the criteria below to complete the assignment.


  • Nutritional Needs - Find the amount of carbohydrates, fat, protein, and calories the average teenager should consume on a daily basis.
  • Fast Food info - Find nutritional information regarding fat, carbohydrates, protein, and total calories from various fast food franchises and determine which menu items could be offered at LSHS (note you are not making any final decisions at this time on the menu).

  • Cost - 1. Find the cost (or range) of the lunch currently being served at LSHS. 2. Research the prices of some common menu items at popular fast food restaurants. - This site will allow you to navigate to all the popular fast food menus.

Fast Food Franchise Choice (Proposal Content - Presentation is 30% of Project grade)

Write a proposal for the restaurant you have chosen to provide service in the LSHS cafeteria. Be sure to use specific information to back up your decision. You will be presenting this to the class!

Menu – (50% of project grade)

You must provide a menu of what the fast food restaurant will provide at LSHS. You may not simply copy the existing menu of a restaurant. Your menu must include the following:

  1. 5-10 main food choices
  2. 2-5 other food choices
  3. Beverages
  4. Pricing
  5. Nutritional information for all food and beverages

Evaluation Rubric

Beginning 1 / Developing 2 / Very Good 3 / Exemplary 4 / Score
Time on Task (Individual Score) / Continually needed to be reminded to stay on task. / Partially on task. / Stayed on task the majority of time. / Stayed on task through completion. / %10
Individual Performance (Individual Score) / Did not fulfill assigned responsibility to the group. / Partially fulfilled assigned responsibility to the group. / Fulfilled assigned responsibility to the group. / Performed above and beyond the assigned responsibility of the group. / %10
Fast Food Restaurant Choice Support Presentation
(Group Score) / Did not support restaurant choice with substantial research for nutritional information and cost analysis. / Supported restaurant choice with substantial research for only nutritional information OR cost analysis. / Supported restaurant choice with substantial research for BOTH nutritional information and cost analysis. / Supported restaurant choice with substantial research for BOTH nutritional information and cost analysis clearly and succinctly. / %30
Menu (Group Score) / Included fewer than 3 of 5 objectives. / Included 3-4 of the 5 objectives. / Included 5 of 5 objectives. / Included 5 of 5 objectives with creativity and "flare". / %50
Total Score: %100


Hopefully you found this assignment to be not only fun, but also informational. This assignment should have provided you with a better understanding of teen nutritional needs, fast food choices, and the cost associated with those choices. If you have any questions, please let me know.

PS- Do you think LSHS will ever allow a fast food restaurant to offer food in it's cafeteria?