Progress on State Board (SBCTC) Performance Indicators

Fall 2007

Basic Skills Goal: Basic skills students who demonstrate substantive skill gain

Definition (before 2005): The basic skills rate describes the extent to which basic skills students gain one competency level in at least one subject during the year. Basic skills students, English as a Second Language (ESL), Adult Basic Education (ABE) students, or high school diploma equivalency (GED) are included in the official enrollments counts. Subject areas include reading, math, writing, and listening within ESL or ABE classes.

Definition (after 2005): Basic skills students who demonstrate substantive skill gain as a result of their adult basic education (ABE) or English as a second language (EL) instruction based on standardized pre- and post-tests in reading, writing, mathematics or English language proficiency are included.

1998-99 / 2000-01 / 2001-02 / 2002-03 / 2003-04 / 2003-05 / 2004-05 / 2005-06 / 2005-07 2006-07
Baseline / Total / Total / Total / Total / Target / New baseline / Target Total
South / 22% / 71% / 71% / 74% / 72% / 75% / 817 / 773 / 850 765
WA State / 37% / 48% / 50% / 53% / 56% / 55% / 19,718 / 20,374 / 20,572 21,093

2003-05 Targets

Basic Skills: maintain highest completion rate in the state.

Starting in 2004-2005, the State will use a different measure for ESL students, the CASAS test.

2005-07 Targets: 4.1% increase

South’s target for 2005-07: 4.0% increase over the 2004-05 actual = 817 x 1.04 = 850.

South did not achieve the target in 2005-06 or 2006-07...

Workforce Goal: Students prepared for work

Definition (before 2005): Students prepared for work are defined as students leaving college vocational preparatory programs (excluding international students) with the following completed:

1) Students who have left college after completion of a vocational degree or certificate, apprentice program (including exit code 4) or unique program completion as identified by exit code 9.

2) Majors in vocational programs who have left college after completion of 45 vocational college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0

Students are regarded as having left college when they are no longer enrolled at any college in the two-year system for an entire year, or in the case of graduates, if still enrolled but taking fewer than 10 credits in that year.

Definition (after 2005): Students prepared for work is measured by professional/ technical degrees and related certificates awarded, including achievement of industry skill standards.

1998-99 / 2000-01 / 2001-02 / 2003-05 / 2002-03 / 2003-04 / 2004-05 / 2005-2007 / 2005-06 / 2006-07
Baseline / Total / Total / Targets* / Total / Total / Total / Targets** / Total / Total
South -- vocational / 604 / 608 / 650 / 588 / 659 / 691 / 696 / 661 / 449
South -- apprentices / 317 / 289 / (432) / 244 / 377 / 254 / (432) / (307) / (321)
South total / 921 / 897 / 1082 / 832 / 1036 / 945 / 1011 / 968 / 770
WA State / 14,544 / 19,130 / 19,776 / 22,600 / 22,319 / 23,707 / 23,394 / 23,500 / 22,085 / 22,050

South did not meet the target in 2005-06 or in 2006-07

There was a 30% drop in Professional/Technical enrollments from 2005-06 to 2006-07...

*2003-05 Targets

SSCC goal (2004-05): 10% increase over the 2002-03 actual = 588 x 1.1 = 647.

District/ State goal (for South): 1.3% increase over 2001-02 actual = 608 x 1.013 = 616.

South exceeded these goals with an enrollment of 691 in 2004-2005.

** 2005-07 Targets – 2.4% increase over 2004-05 actual of 23,294 = 23,394 x 1.024 = 23956. System target is 23,500.

South’s 2005-07 target – 0.7% increase over the 2004-05 actual = 691 x 1.007 = 696.

Transfer Goal: Academic students prepared to transfer

Definition (before 2005): Having completed 45 or more college-level credits with a GPA of 2.0 or higher and coded as a transfer student (Kind of Student code of T) in the last quarter of enrollment for the year.

Definition (after 2005): Academic students eligible to transfer to baccalaureate institutions have completed a minimum of 45 college-level credits and reached transfer eligible status. Transfer eligible means the student had completed the common core of courses with a college-level GPA at or above 2.0, the minimum required for transfer admission.

1998-99 / 2000-01 / 2001-02 / 2002-03 / 2003-04 / 2004-2005 / 2004-05 / 2005-2007 / 2005-06 / 2006-07
Baseline / Total / Total / Total / Total / Total (old) / Total (new) / Targets** / Total (new) / Total (new)
South / 477 / 641 / 673 / 691 / 691 / 322 (47%) / 327 / 383 / 435
WA State / 35,291 / 38,534 / 40,832 / 43,832 / 46,032 / 45,805 / 17,436
(38%) / 17,800 / 17,218 / 15,646

South exceeded the 2005-2007 target by 17% in 2005-2006. The increase from 2004-05 to 2005-06 was 19%.

In 2006-07, South exceeded the target by 33%. The increase from 2005-06 to 2006-07 was 13.6%.

*2003-05 Targets

SSCC goal (2004-05): 10% increase over the 2002-03 actual = 673 x 1.1 = 740.

District/State target (for South): 3.1% increase over the 2002-03 actual = 673x1.031= 694.

South did not achieve its target of a 10% increase, from 2003 to 2005; students prepared to transfer increased only 2.7%.

**2005-07 Targets – 2.2% growth for the System = 17,436 x 1.022 = 17,817. System target = 17,800

District/ State target (for South): 1.5% increase over the 2004-05 actual (new formula) = 1.015 x 322 = 327.

The number of students completing degrees and certificates dropped in 2004-05 after increasing each year since 2000.

Degree completion increased slightly (2%) from 444 in 2004-05 to 453 in 2005-06 but not back to the 2003-04 level of 494.

Degree completion dropped in 2006-07 due to the drop in Technical certificates and degrees awarded to the lowest level in 6 years.

The number of academic degrees awarded in 2006-07 was the highest in 6 years.

Degree Completion

Degrees and certificates awarded 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07

Total 390 439 494 444 453 433

Academic 192 214 229 182 221 239

Technical 198 225 265 262 232 194