Discovery Charter School

Board Meeting
Wednesday January 25, 2017

I.  Call to Order and Roll Call.

A.  The meeting was called to order by Laurie Metz at 6:40 p.m.

B.  Parties in attendance:

1.  Board Members: Laurie Metz, Lisa Apato, Linda Simon, Janine Girzadas. William Schmuhl listened by phone

2.  Discovery Charter School: Ernesto Martinez. Gabriele Group: Allan Gabriele

3.  Public: 1

II.  Approval of October and December 2016 Minutes.

Janine Girzadas moved to approve the October and December 2016 minutes; Lisa Apato seconded. All in favor.

III.  Financials.

A.  November and December 2016 Financial Reports. Allan Gabriele presented the November and December 2016 Financial Reports. End of December in good cash position. Final draw request was made for construction. Teacher performance grant received in December and paid out to teachers. Close to budget in all items. Laurie Metz moved to approve the November and December Financial Reports. Seconded by Linda Simon. All in favor.

B.  November and December 2016 Payables. Payables were reviewed. Laurie Metz moved to accept the November and December 2016 payables, seconded by Janine Girzadas. All in favor.

C.  Unemployment Payment Issue. Rate has been adjusted. Still waiting for refund for past overpayment.

D.  Bond Reporting. Allan reported on the annual conference call with bondholders on Friday, December 9, 2016. No bondholders participated but the presentation was recorded. Ernesto got a call from S&P about new reporting requirements.

E.  Indiana Security Requirements. Piper is reaching out to Barnes and Thornburg. Laurie will follow up with Piper.

IV.  New Business.

A.  Construction Update. Construction is complete. Waiting for bathroom signs. Hamstra have been responsive to concerns. Hamstra has been paid; we retained $30,000 for certain work that needs to be complete.

B.  Letter to Universities. Ernesto will resend to board; everyone should review.

C.  Barn. Part of the barn collapsed. Our insurance deductible is $5,000. Allan will contact Rick to determine whether insurance might cover the damage to the building and the property inside the building. Ernesto will work up a proposal to gut the barn.

D.  Insurance Renewals. Policies have been renewed.

E.  FSP. Need to get quotes for service. Laurie will head committee; Board members should contact her if interested in helping.

F.  Ribbon Cutting/Open House Date. Thursday, April 13, 9 a.m.?

V.  Development Committee. Janine is working on a campaign plan. The spring event is April 29 at Sand Creek. Julie Tegt is heading up the event.

VI.  Principal’s Report. Ernesto presented a proposed school calendar. Subject to verification of the number of school days required by our charter, Laurie Metz moved to accept the 2017/18 calendar as presented; Janine Girzadas seconded. All approved. Enrollment is 508; 67 kindergarten applications, 25 siblings. Deadline is March 8 for submitting kindergarten applications. January we admitted 7 new students. Ernesto proposed purchasing J boards to replace star boards for all grades other than 4th and 5th grades. Laurie Metz moved to purchase J-touch interactive screens for all grades except 4th and 5th grade. Linda Simon seconded. All in favor. Ernesto will obtain three quotes on the purchase. Modular is set to be demolished tomorrow and then removed Friday. All building locks are set to the master. Istep readiness completed last week. Part 1 begins at end of February. Winter programs were held last week and were successful.

Mr. Apato dismantled the ramp to the modular; also helped Ernesto pick up the portable stage for the winter programs. Janine Girzadas proposed to recognize Mr. Apato for all his service to Discovery with a gift. Group of kids are headed to Purdue for the science Olympiad. Tours are underway. Ernesto sent a flyer to preschools to set up proposed times to meet with the schools and their families. Saturday mornings we will host open basketball and volleyball for Discovery parents in the new gym. Sherriff Reynolds came out to discuss a program about safety situations: posters for emergency procedure awareness; app for emergency notification. Cost of the app is $1,000 set up plus $99 per month. Linda Simon moved to cover the cost of the $99 monthly fee, plus the $1000 set up if it won't be covered; Laurie Metz seconded. All in favor.

VII.  PAC Update. Scrip rebates, holiday sales of $103,000 earned us rebates of $5,150. Uniform sales open now. Krysten Byrt is doing a pizza fundraiser for new Chromebooks. 8th grade pancake breakfast this weekend.

VIII.  Public Comment. None

IX.  Confirmation of Next Meeting Date

Next Discovery Board Meeting date: March 15, 2017, Lottery is beforehand at 6.

X.  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn at 8:35.