PSAC Meeting Minutes, August 12, 2008 (Diane Germond, thank you Diane)

Present: Lisa Allen-Martinez, Lynell Gardner, Diane Germond, Claire Hughes, Judy King, Brad Mortensen, Lonna Rivera, Ramona Sessions

Excused: Carole Lapine, Chad Mosher

  1. Approval of minutes from July 8, 2008, meeting approved with changes (Lynell/Claire)

Minutes from August 12, 2008

  1. Prep. Cherrie Nelson. In 1999 team came up with campus-wide evaluation system. Dr. Deming’s study evaluations were thought to be demoralizing so people stopped doing them or developed their own system. A cross section of campus met with the President’s council and chose three ratings instead of five (like the old sheet). How does PREP fit into the salary raise process. Salary increase should be consistent with PREP rating. Other things should be considered as well. Some years no raise or extra money for performance. Many changes going on in Banner: new web developed, new portal, still trying to get them done online, more changes to come such as: will use outside vendor for evaluations because of lack of web development support. Mandated by state to have an employee evaluation once a year. No merit if performance problems. VPs get general guidelines for salary increases. Departments do at different times of the year.
  2. Board of Trustees report: Union Building opening soon. End of year financial reports. Standard Examiner article about the gondola project critical of WSU President. Construction update, Aviation Initiative: WSU to support regional aerospace companies such as ATK and Hill AFA.
  3. Claire Hughes: Campus master plan up-date. Fifteen members review history of University and plan ahead. Thirty seven buildings, future plans, how to use different areas of campus, how do people get around campus, buildings on the hill, hotel, guest house, amphitheater by Bell Tower
  4. Claire made a motion to hold nominations for three months, Lynell seconded. Revise form, look at online form, and evaluate next month
  5. Lisa read Kathleen Rivera’s nomination. Lisa will coordinate Kathleen’s award.
  6. UHESA update. Only eight attended.
  7. PSAC book handed out to all
  8. Updated list of committee members
  9. Finalize election suggestions. Judy will give Carole a copy and a copy will be handed out to all committee members
  10. Ramona has certificates for awards and will continue
  11. Camille Gooch was not given her certificate. Claire will contact someone for Camille’s award
  12. Diane will check on amount left in PSAC committee account