Marvin R. Brown, M.D.

Phone: (210) 593-1400

Post Operative Instructions

  1. Follow up Instructions:

§  PLEASE!! Call our office at 593-1400 a day or two after surgery for an appointment

§  Unless told otherwise, the first routine post-op visit is usually 14-18 days after surgery

§  Call the office for an earlier appointment if you are having problems with the cast or pain is not controlled with medication and elevation.

§  Call for fever > 101.5, chills or sweats, persistent drainage or increasing redness.

§  PAIN MEDICATION is only refilled during normal clinic hours, Monday thru Friday!! The On-Call Doctor CAN NOT call in pain medicine on the weekend

§  Other Urgent Problems Call the office day or night at 593-1400 or the ORTHONOW clinic 804-5424 (Mon.-Fri. until 7:30 pm & Sat. 9:00 – 1:00 pm)

2.  Activity:

§  YOU ARE TO BE AT STRICT BEDREST FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS UNLESS TOLD OTHERWISE. You should move from bed to sofa to recliner through out the day to prevent blood clots or back pain. DON’T STAY IN ONE PLACE !

§  Weight bearing status on the operated extremity (until follow up) will be: (As checked)


c  Touch Down or Partial Weight Bearing

c  Weight Bearing as Tolerated

§  If comfort allows, you may perform leg exercises (i.e. leg lifts, knee extensions.) while lying down

§  Crutches, Walker or Wheelchair will be prescribed as necessary to assist with ambulation


§  ELEVATING YOUR LEG on 3 or 5 pillows is the First thing TO do to REDUCE SWELLING (Sitting in a chair with your leg up is not adequate!)

§  For the first 48 hours take pain pills as they were prescribed AND before the pain becomes unbearable. After that, take only as needed to control moderate to severe pain.

§  Apply Ice to help control pain (Note HEAT INCREASES PAIN AND SWELLING)

§  DO NOT mix pain medicine with alcohol and do not operate a Motor Vehicle

IMPORTANT! Many Narcotics are combined with acetaminophen (Tylenol). The Maximum amount of acetaminophen that can be taken in 24 hours is 4000 mg.

4.  Regional Anesthesia: (As checked)


§  Marcaine and or lidocaine injected in or around the operative site

§  Will generally provide between 5-6 hours of local pain relief


§  Long acting marcaine injected around the nerve in the back of the knee

§  Provides approximately 18 hours of pain control

§  Will cause numbness to foot and toes and may cause some temporary motor weakness

§  Please be sure to take your pain pills as you notice a change in sensation to your foot

5.  Wound Care (As checked)

c  Bunionectomy:

§  Your dressing is part of the surgery and SHOULD NOT be removed!

§  A slipper cast may be applied and this must be kept clean an dry

c  Soft Dressings: (Other than bunionectomy)

§  May be removed after 3 days

§  You may shower but do not soak your foot in water.

§  Clean incision with hydrogen peroxide and keep it dry, you may cover the incision with a dry gauze dressing.

§  Do not apply ointments (i.e. bacitracin, Neosporin, etc) to your incision.

§  Ace wraps may be removed and rewrapped at any time if they feel to tight.

c  PINS:

§  Protect pins from being disturbed by placing a small piece of tape over it

§  Clean pin area by scrubbing with peroxide on a Q-tip at least twice daily

§  Pins will generally stay in place for six weeks and are routinely removed in the clinic


§  Cast must be kept clean and dry

§  When showering, use a CASTGARD sleeve or wrap and secure a folded hand towel around your leg just above your cast. Then cover with 2 plastic bags and secure the top with tape.

§  If your cast gets a little wet you can use a hair dryer on the cool or warm setting to dry it

§  If the cast gets very wet, you must call and come in for a cast change within 24hours to prevent serious skin breakdown.


§  Local anesthetic medicine usually delivered to an operative site via a small indwelling catheter. (i.e. the Iliac Crest of the pelvis)

§  Should provide post op pain control for 3 days.

§  This small catheter is easily removed by the patient when they perform their first dressing change of the hip incision at 3 days post-op.


Marvin R. Brown, M.D.

Marc Deschaine PA-C