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Srivastava, S. K., R. Biswas, D. K. Garg, B. K. Gyawali, N. M. M. Haque, P. Ijaz, S. Jaipal, N. Q. Kamal, P. Kumar, M. Pathak, P. K. Pathak, C. S. Prasad, M. Ramzan, A. Rehman, M. Salim, A. Singh, U. S. Singh, S. N. Tiwari 2005. Management of stem borers of rice and wheat in Rice-Wheat System of Pakistan, Nepal, India and Bangladesh. Rice-Wheat Consortium Paper Series 17. New Delhi, India. Rice-Wheat Consortium for the Indo-Gangetic Plains. pp 204.
Training manual
Ali, G. and A. Rehman2002. Proceedings/report on Zero-tillage FFS Curricula Development Workshop. NARC/CABI, Islamabad. pp 20.
Research papers
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Majid, A., A. Rehman, A. W. Zafar, M. Akram and M. Ahmed 2003. Problems and prospects of mechanized rice transplanting in Pakistan. Sci. Tech. Develop. 22(2): 39-43. (Pakistan)
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Ramzan, M., M. Salim, A. Rehman S. Hussain and M. Akhtar. 2006. Predaceous fauna and its conservation in rice-wheat areas. Pak. J. Sci. 58(3-4): 75-78. (Pakistan)
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Syed, M. A. S., H. ur Rahman, A. Rehman, F. M. Abassi, I. H. Khalil and A. Ali 2008. Characterization of wild rice species in response to leaffolder Cnaphalocrocis medinalis.Sarhad J. Agric. 24 (1): 69-74. (Pakistan)
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In Journals
Khan, A.W., Riaz. A. Mann, M. Saleem and A. Majeed. 2012. Comparative Rice Yield and Economic Advantage of Foliar KNO3Over Soil Applied K2SO4. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., 49(4): 481-484.
Khan, A.W., M. Khan, A.S. Anjum and M. Bilah. 2012. Enhancing Growth and Yield of Direct Seeded Rice Through Integrated Nutrient Management Under Dera Ismail Khan Conditions. Int. J. Biol. Biotech., 9(3): 225-228.
Khan, A.W., R. A. Mann, R. Ahmad, M. Yousuf, M. Umair and A. Majeed.2012. Integrated Nutrient Management for Improving Productivity, Sustainability and Nutrient uptake of Basmati Rice in Punjab. Life Sci. Int. J. 6(4): 2685-2689.
Khan, A.W., and A. S. Anjum.2012.Effect of varying Nitrogen levels on the growth and yield of transplanted rice (Oryza sativa L.) under the agro-climatic conditions of D.I.Khan. Life Sci. Int. J. 6(1): 2456-2459.
Khan, A.W., R. A. Mann, M. Saleem and A. Majeed. 2011. Integrated Potash Nutrient Management Enhances Rice Productivity under paddy soil. Int. J. Biol. Biotech., 8(3): 387-389.
Saleem, M., S.H. Abbas, R.A. Mann, A. W. Khan, A. Majeed and M. Qamar.2011. Evaluating a New Wheat Genotype (NARC 2009) Against Two Rainfed Cultivars at Different Nitrogen to Phosphorus Penta Oxide Ratios. Int. J. Biol. Biotech., 8(3): 395-399.
Khan, A.W., Azizullah shah, Naimatullah and Tehseenullah Khan.2011.Yield and yield components of rice as affected by nitrogen fertilization under green and un-green manure conditions under paddy soil. Life Sci. Int. J. 5(3): 2249-2252.
Rehman, A. and W. Powell 2010. Host selection behaviour of aphid parasitoids (Aphidiidae: Hymenoptera). J. Plant Breeding and Crop Sciences Vol: 2(10): 635-643.
Rehman, A., M. Asim and M. Anwar 2011. Weather parameters responsible for the out break of white stem borer, Scirpophaga innotata (Walk) in Pakistan. International Journal of Science and Nature. 2(3): 345-348.
Zia, M. S., M. J. Khan, M. Qasim and A. Rehman 2009. Pesticide residue in the food chain and human body inside Pakistan. J. Chem. Soc. Pak. 31 (2): 284-291. (Pakistan)
Majeed, A., M. Salim, A. Bano, M. Asim and M. Hadees. 2011. Physiology and productivity of rice crop influenced by drought stress induced at different developmental stages. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10(26): 5121-5136.
Majeed A., A. Bano and M. Asim. 2011. Rice physiology and productivity: Under stress conditions. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller GmbH & Co. KG. ISBN: 978-3-639-33915-4.
Melissa A. Fitzgerald, Rauf Ahmad, and et al., .2009.“Addressing the Dilemmas of Measuring Amylose in Rice”, Cereal Chem. 86(5):492–498
Majeed, A. and A.Bano. 2008. Quantification of physiological biochemical changes in rice due to planting modes. Pak.Journal of Bot. Vol 40(4): 1681-1691
Ashraf, M. and A. MAJID. Appropriate Policies and Technologies for Rice. Journal of Science, Technology and Development (An International Journal). 20(2): 43-48, 2001.
MAJID, A; Ahmad, S. I. Khan, A. S. M. Saleem and M. Ashraf. Direct Seeding: A New Alternative to Traditional Paddy Transplanting System In Pakistan. Journal of Science, Technology and Development (An International Journal). 20(2): 37-42, 2001.
MAJID, A.; A.S. Khan and S.I. Ahmad. Response of Wheat Production to Various Rice-Establishment Techniques. The Journal of Animal Plant Sciences. 5(3-4): 85-87, 1995.
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Published in proceedings
Abbasi, F.M., M.Asghar, J.Talag, D.S.Brar, K.Fukui and Z.Li 1998. Characterization of wide cross derivatives through in situ hybridization.
Abbasi,F.M., D.S.Brar., A.L.Carpena, J.D.Talag., M.Corral and G.S.Khush 2000. Tracking alien segment introgressed in rice through genomic in situ hybridization. Philippines J. Crop. Sci. 25(1) 54
Abbasi, F.M., Yukimoto, I., and Komatsu, S. 2003. Proteome analysis of rice embryo: an approach for investigating G-protein regulated proteins. First International Symposium on rice functional genomics, November 19-21. Shanghai China. pp.42 , Website:
Akram, M.,F. M. Abbasi, M. A. Sagar., and M. Ashraf 1994. Increasing rice productivity through better utilization of germplasm. Proceeding of National Seminar on genetic resources of cereal and their utilization in Pakistan. 8-10 Feb. pp 107 - 114.
Akram, M., G. A. Khuru and M. Riaz Chatha. 2003. Rice varieties suitable for rice-wheat system in Sindh. PARC-RWC 2003. Proceedings of the national workshop on rice-wheat systems, Islamabad, Pakistan. 11-12, Dec. 2002. pp 118.
Akram, M. 2003. Role of exotic germplasm in rice varietal development in Pakistan. Pages 203-209. In: Proceedings of Sustainable utilization of plant genetic resources for agricultural production. Dec. 17-19 2002, Islamabad.
Akram, M., A. Rehman and M. Salim. 2005. Rice varietal improvement in Pakistan: Role of international rice germplasm. Pages 8-15. In: Proceedings of the “International Seminar on Rice Crop”. October 2-3, 2005. Rice Research Institute, Kala Shah Kaku, Lahore, Punjab. 342pp.
Ali, G., M. A. Poswal and A. Rehman.2003. Issues and challenges of farmers’ empowerment and zero tillage technology adoption in rice-wheat system in Punjab, Pakistan. Pages 100-102. In: Rice-Wheat Consortium Paper Series 15. Proceedings of the national workshop on rice-wheat cropping systems, Islamabad, Pakistan. 11-12 December 2002. PARC and RWC for the Indo-Gangetic Plains, New Delhi, India. pp 118. (Pakistan, India)
Zia, M. S., M. Qasim, A. Rehman and K. Usman 2008. Natural resources degradation, pollution due to pesticide use. IWA Conference Proceedings, Bangkok.
Ashraf, M., M. Yousaf, G. M. Avesi, A. A. Qureshi and M. Akram. 1985. Daska rice yield optimization programme, objectives, approaches and constraints. Pages 107-114. In: Proceedings of fifth national seminar on rice research and production. April 25-27, 1985, Kala Shah Kaku.
Awan, M. A., A. A. Cheema, Maqbool Ahmad and M. Akram. 1979. Evaluation of short statured mutants of Basmati-370 for yield and grain quality characteristics. Pages 110-121. In: Proceedings of second national seminar on rice research and production. Feb. 19-22, 1979, Islamabad.
Brar, D.S., F. M. Abbasi., R. McNally., J. D. Talag., M. Corral J. Molinawae., Z. K. Li and G. S. Khush 2001. Molecular characterization of introgression and alien gene transfer in rice. Plant and Animal genome IX Conference, Town and country Hotel San Diego Ca, USA, January 13 -1 7.
Cheema, A. A., M. A. Awan, G. R. Tahir and M. Akram. 1979. Induction of useful short statured and early maturing mutants in two indica rice cultivars. Pages 31-39. In: Proceedings of second national seminar on rice research and production. Feb. 19-22, 1979, Islamabad.