U.S. Department of Education

Office of Innovation and Improvement

Investing in Innovation Fund (i3) Program


Thank you for your interest in serving as a peer reviewer for the Investing in Innovation Fund (i3) Program. By completing this checklist, you will help the i3 team ensure that relevant information which may not be included or easily gleaned from your resume is appropriately highlighted. This will assist us in making quality selections and assignments for review panels. To be considered as a peer reviewer for i3, you must complete this checklist and send it along with your resume in an email to .

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First Name: Last Name:

Mailing Address:

Current Employer:

Email Address: Cell Phone:

Home Phone: Work Phone:


Please select only ONE of the following:

State or district education official Social entrepreneur

PK -12 teacher or principal Strategy consultant

College or university educator Grant maker or manager

Researcher or evaluator Other (please specify ______)


Please indicate ALL of the areas of expertise which apply to you:

EDUCATION REFORM & POLICY: Understanding of and experience implementing student achievement focused reform plans at scale

EVIDENCE: Experience managing, conducting or reviewing rigorous evaluation and research of education and related efforts, including deep understanding of evaluation and research methods

INNOVATION: Experience starting, growing, leading, and/or supporting innovative projects or organizations

STRATEGY: Experience assisting organizations develop business models, create plans for scale and sustainability, and build capacity to achieve goals

REVIEW: Experience reviewing grant applications and making funding recommendations


Please indicate ALL of the areas of expertise which apply to you:

Developing and Evaluating Teachers and Principals

Using Data to Improve Student Achievement

Standards and Assessments

Turning Around Low Performing Schools

Early Childhood Education

College Access and Success

Meeting the Unique Learning Needs of Students with Disabilities

Meeting the Unique Learning Needs of Limited English Proficient Students

Serving Students in Rural Communities


Please be aware that any individual selected as a peer reviewer for the i3 competition will be reviewed for possible, apparent, and/or actual conflicts of interest. All potential peer reviewers are required to respond to the following initial conflict of interest questions. The Department may contact potential peer reviewers with additional questions as appropriate.

The questions generally seek to obtain information about your professional experience(s), including any financial interest that you may have in any i3 application. If a potential conflict of interest is identified, the Department will consider whether the individual can participate as a peer reviewer in full compliance with all applicable Department policies and procedures. In this way, the Department is able to ensure the objective and efficient management and administration of the i3 program, which ultimately ensures the integrity of the Department's functions and the public's confidence in that integrity

1. Have you agreed to serve as an employee or consultant, or otherwise provide assistance or advice, on any project for which funding is being sought in an application that will be submitted in the i3 grant competition, or have you been offered the opportunity to do so and not yet accepted or declined, based on whether a grant is awarded?



If yes, please briefly explain:

2. Will your personal financial interests be affected by the outcome of the i3 grant competition?



If yes, please briefly explain:

3. Did you help to prepare, or do you plan on helping to prepare, one or more applications that will be submitted in the i3 grant competition, even if you do not have a financial interest in the outcome of the competition?



If yes, please briefly explain:


Please indicate ALL of the times that you are interested and available:

Application reviews for Development grants and Validation grants - approximately 4 week commitment (not full-time) in May – July 2010, primarily remote and via teleconference. (2 weeks to read applications and 2 weeks for panel review).

Application reviews for Scale-Up grants –approximately 4 week commitment (not full-time) in May – July 2010, primarily remote and via teleconference. (2 weeks to read applications and 2 weeks for panel review) AND possible in- person reviews for selected Scale-Up applicants – an additional minimum week commitment (not full-time) in June - July 2010 which will require travel to DC.