
Public Schools

Sixth Grade Curriculum

The mission of the Bennington Public Schools is to provideeducational opportunities in a safe, caring environment that will prepare all students to meet the challenges of the future.

Language Arts

Bennington Public Schools is committed to helping all students become successful readers, writers, listeners, and speakers.

Students will be provided with reading skills based on both the structure of language and the meaning of language in context that they can apply.

Bennington students will become independent readers, writers, listeners, and speakers through a balanced literacy instructional program.

Bennington’s balanced literacy program will consist of:

▪systematic & explicit instruction in:

ophonemic awareness




ocomprehension of both factual & fictional material

▪reading aloud both student & teacher

▪shared reading

▪guided reading in flexible groups

▪independent reading

▪instruction in the Six-Trait Writing + 1 Model



oword choice





▪modeled and shared writing

▪interactive writing

▪independent writing

▪speaking instruction & opportunities

▪listening instruction & opportunities


Holt McDougal Literature is a research-based and digitally interactive English Language Arts program for grades 6–8. This series provides an engaging learning environment designed to help students achieve success with rigorous new state standards and next-generation assessments. Holt McDougal Literature offers carefully crafted features for preparing students well for college and 21st century careers and engages tech-savvy students with enhanced interactive learning tools.

This program provides learning opportunities in

· Critical reading

· Accessing challenging text

· Developing the skills of reading, analyzing and comparing text

· Blending reading with writing, research, language, and media skills

Writing and Grammar

Pearson Prentice Hall Writing Coach gives comprehensive grammar instruction as well as in-depth, research-based instruction, support, and practice for all prescribed writing modes. The curriculum includes opportunities for presentations and development of speaking and listening skills through collaborative writing assignments and activities. This is a combined digital and text based program. This is an interactive writing tool to personalize the learning of each student while supporting students as they master a range of skills.


Bennington has adopted the Sitton Spelling series. The students’ instruction will focus on spelling patterns, writing application, and word analysis. There is not a weekly spelling list, but a list of priority words (provided in beginning of year packet). These words will be recycled periodically throughout the year to help your child become a proficient speller. Assessment will take place at the end of each Unit, which is approximately seven days. The students “spelling words” will be presented in the context of a story.

6th Grade Nebraska Reading and Writing Standards that are locally assessed

LA 6.1.5.e Verify meaing and pronunciation of words or phrases using refernce mateials.

LA 6.1.6.k Select text for particular purpose (e.g., anser a questions, solve problems, enjoy, form, an opinion, understnd a specific viewpoint, predict outocomes discover models for own writing, accomplish a task), citing evidence to support analysis, reflection, or research.

LA 6.1.6.l Build background knowldege and ctive prior knowldege to claify text, deepen understanding, and make text-to-self, text-to-text and text-to-world connections while reading complex text.

LA 6.1.6.m Self-monitor comphrehsnion and independelty apply appropriate strategies to understand text.

LA 6.1.6.n Make and confirm/modify predictio and inferences with text evidence while previewing and reading literary, informtional, digital text. and/or media.

LA 6.1.6.o Demonstrate an understanding of complex text using textual evidence via multiple mediums (e.g., writing, artistic representation, video, other media).

LA 6.1.6.p Analyze the extent to which a filded or live production of a story, drama or poem resembles or differ from the text or script.

LA 6.2.1.f Provide oral, written and/or digital descriptive feedback to other writers.

LA 6.2.1.g Adject writing processes to perevere in hort and long term writing task of increasing length and complexity.

LA 6.2.1.j Publih a legible document using a variety of media, and apply formatting techniques to enhance the readability and impact of the document (e.g., fonts, spacing, design, images, citations)

LA 6.2.2.c Conduct and publish bother short and sustained research projects to answer questions or solve problems using multiple primary and/or secondary sources to support theses.

LA 6.2.2.e Analyze various mentor texts and/or exemplars in order to create a similar piece.


The math curriculum is based upon state and locally approved standards. The textbook used in sixth grade is Holt McDougal Mathematics. This is course one of the middle school series that will also be used in grades seven and eight. The sixth grade math curriculum focuses on: algebra, fractions, decimals, ratios, proportions, and geometry.

6th Grade Nebraska Math Standards that are locally assessed

MA 6.1.1.e Determine ratios from drawings, words, and manipulatives

MA 6.1.1.f Explain and determine unit rates

MA 6.1.2.b Evaluate expressions with positive exponents

MA 6.1.2.b Recognize and generate equivalent algerbaic expressions involving distributive property and combining like terms

MA 6.1.2.c Represent and analyze the relationship between two variables using graphs, tables, and one-step equations.

MA 6.2.3.a Write equations (e.g., one operation, one varialbe) to represent real-world problems involving non-negative rational numbers.

MA 6.3.2.b Plot the location of an ordered pair in the coordinate plane

MA 6.3.2.e Calculate vertical and horizontal distances in the coordinate plane to find perimeter and area.

MA 6.4.1 a Represent data using line plots, dot plots, box plots, and histograms.

MA 6.4.3 Probability: Students will interpret and apply concepts of probability.


The science curriculum is based upon state and locally approved standards. Our curriculum will be taken from the Pearson science series, along with additional teacher supplemented learning experiences. The students will learn about the following: Ecology and the Environment , Chemistry, and Earth’s Structure.

6th Grade Nebraska Science Standards:

SC 8.1.1 Students will design and conduct investigations that will lead to descriptions of relationships between evidence and explanations.

SC 8.1.2 Students will apply the nature of science to their own investigations.

SC 8.2.1 Students will identify and describe the particulate nature of matter including physical and chemical interactions.

SC 8.3.3 Students will describe populations and ecosystems.

SC 8.3.4 Students will identify characteristics of organisms that help them survive.

SC 8.4.2 Students will investigate and describe Earth's structure, systems, and processes.

SC 8.4.4 Students will use evidence to draw conclusions about changes in Earth.

Social Studies

Our social studies curriculum is based on the series Journey Across Time by Glencoe and based on state standards. The focus in sixth grade is on world history to 1000 A.D. including: Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras, ancient river valley civilizations, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and the development and cultural impact of major religions.

6th Grade Nebraska Social Studies Standards:

▪8.2.1 Students will describe human culture in the Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras.

▪8.2.2 Students will describe the impact of ancient river valley civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, and China) on the development of world cultures.

▪8.2.3 Students will describe the impact of history, culture, and geography of Greece and Rome on later civilizations.

▪8.2.4 Students will describe the development and cultural impact of major religions.

▪8.2.5 Students will describe the impact of life in Medieval Europe on later civilizations.

▪8.2.6 Students will describe the impact of selected civilizations in Asia and Africa on the development of later cultures.

▪8.4.2 Students will demonstrate skills for historical analysis.


Guidance and Counseling - Guidance classes as well as small group lessons and individual guidance assistance are an integral part of the school curriculum. Guidance lessons are designed to promote student growth in three areas: social/emotional domain, academic/educational domain, and career/occupational domain. The school counselor works with staff and parents in various ways to support a positive school experience for all students.

Art - Big Ideas

  1. Communicating: People communicate ideas and feelings through art.

Concept 1. “People in Art” – From the earliest times, artists from all cultures have shown people in art. They have painted portraits or carved likenesses from wood or stone.

Concept 2. “Stretch Your Imagination” – Artists continue to search for new ways to capture viewers’ imaginations. Such as art movements and art techniques that have changed the way people view and appreciate art.

  1. Problem Solving: People solve problems through art.

Concept 1. “Moments in Time” – Artists create artworks that preserve a moment in time. They may capture an event, a mood, or even the way light and shadows appear.

Concept 2. “The Artist’s Environment” – Artists may draw inspiration from their environments, but sometimes they create new environments. Artists create environments such as landscapes, architecture, garden designs, and murals.

  1. Connecting: Art is a means of connecting people to the world.

Concept 1. “Art Reflects Culture” – Artists from different cultures express their thoughts and feelings about the world in ways that have special meaning to them.

Concept 2. “Nature Inspires Art” – The beauty of the natural world provides inspiration for many artists, to create natural objects and scenes



Line – Sketch

Color – Monochromatic

Shape – Two Dimensional

Value – Tints & Shades

Space – Background, Foreground, & Middle ground Positive & Negative Space

Form – Three Dimensional


Proportion – Knee’s & Elbows

Balance – Radial Balance

Contrast – Shape Contrast

Unity/Variety – A Cohesive Unit

Physical Education - The primary purpose of the physical education program is to provide students with the opportunities to gain the knowledge, understanding, and skills to practice healthy physical activities throughout their lives. All students are taught to work together and treat others with respect and good sportsmanship.

Music - All standards in K-3 apply and sequential learning will build on that foundation.

❖Demonstrate basic vocal technique through performance.

Sing a diatonic song with pitch accuracy

Sing harmony, descant, two-part, three-part singing

Use correct posture.

❖Reading and notation of melody and rhythm.

Use rhythm patterns that include syncopated and dotted rhythms

Pick up and Down beat

6/8 time signature, mixed meters, asymmetrical meters, cut time

Sixteenths, triplet, polyrhythms

Ledger lines, octave, Bass clef, Grand staff, intervals, note stems

Whole steps, half steps, tonic

Major and minor scales and chords, Chromatic scale

Enharmonic equivalents

❖Perform on pitched and unpitched instruments, recognize instruments by sight & sound

Play melody or harmony on instrument (4th grade- recorders)

Recognize individual instruments by sight and sound

❖Introducing the structural components of form and harmony.

Countermelody, round, descant, 4 part harmony

Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass

Chords: I, IV, V, V7

Accompanied, unaccompanied, accapella, unison

Texture, monophony, homophony, polyphony

Fugue, sequence, D.C., and fine, Coda

First and second (etc.) Endings

❖Composing, arranging and improvising melodies, rhythms, variations and accompaniments within specified guidelines.

Together as a class and/or as an individual

❖Listening to, analyzing, evaluating and describing music and music performances and styles.

Listening to and/or performing many different genres of musical style

❖Understanding music in relation to history and culture.


Sixth Grade Goals

In Sixth grade, our goals are to provide opportunities for children to do the following:

●To apply within a limited context the sound patterns in Spanish

●To hear and respond to a series of simple directions, instructions and commands in Spanish

●To name and identify vocabulary related to the unit of study

●To produce oral language by imitating, singing, rhyming and responding with learned words and phrases

●To exchange basic information and interact with peers, using phrases and questions

Sixth Grade Activities

Some activities in the Sixth grade Spanish classes include the following:

●Singing, games, and movement

●Counting, graphing, sorting, ect

●Listening to stories

●Learning about cultural similarities and differences

●Following directions

●Responding with simple words and phrases

●Writing simple sentences, descriptions and preferences

●Writing a personal communication such as a note, letter, or invitation

●Present prepared material to an audience

Technology - Technology is taught sequentially from Kindergarten through sixth grade. New skills are introduced at each grade level. Mastery of age appropriate skills begins in second grade and continues on. Performance indicators have been determined for each grade and check lists have been developed to track the growth of skills for each student. Skills have been divided into 5 general areas with specific skills in each area.

Skills Mastered at Sixth Grade

▪Learn how to use the help function of programs

▪Organize files into folders

▪Keyboard at 30 wpm with 93% accuracy

▪Use advanced multimedia techniques (e.g. animations, web links)

▪Develop graphic organizers for web page production

▪Create a web page using text, graphics and links

▪Demonstrate advanced online search strategies

Classroom Procedures

Homework Procedures and Expectations - Students will usually have homework each day. The amount of homework will depend on how well they use their time in school. They will have opportunities throughout the day when they may work on their homework assignments. Homework is expected to be completed by the following day. Ten percent will be deducted on assignments turned in one day late. Assignments two or more days late will receive a zero grade and a detention.

Discipline Policy - Our discipline policy is based upon Bennington Public Schools core DWP skills. DWP -Discipline with Purposeis a nationally acclaimed programthat is built on the idea that children and adults can and should become self-disciplined. This programhas a framework of15 skills that a self-disciplined adult should have. The skills can be taught to children and practiced for a life time.

Within the sixth grade classroom we have also integrated our own discipline policy. We use a “three strikes in one day” policy. If a student gets their name on the clipboard for any reason it is called a strike. Reasons include: late work, talking, running in hall, disrespectful behavior, among others. Strike One has no consequence for the student. Two strikes in one day results in a loss of recess. The third strike in one day results in a detention after school and a referral to the principal. If a student accumulates five strikes in one week, a detention and referral to the principal will be issued to the student.

Friday Folders - Students will have a folder that will be sent home each Friday containing important notices and recently corrected papers. This folder must be signed by a guardian and returned to school the following school day. Please take the time to look through your student’s folder each week! Thank you!

Report Cards - Each quarter students will receive a report card. In sixth grade, students will receive a percentage grade, which corresponds with a letter grade for the core subject areas of Reading, Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Spelling, and Math. The grade scale is as follows.

A+ = 99-100%B+ = 91-92%C+ = 84-85%D+ = 75-76%

A = 98-95%B = 88-90%C = 79-83%D = 73-74%

A- = 93-94%B- = 86-87%C- = 77-78%D- = 70-72%

F = 69% and below

Assessment of Learning - The school system assesses students according to procedures in its local assessment plan, which meets the assessment requirements specified by the Nebraska Department of Education’s Rule 10: Regulations and Procedures for the Accreditation of Schools.

There are local assessments for each of the state standards listed above.

We use the Terra Nova Standardized Achievement test during the spring as another measurement of student growth.