Access the Internet
What is the Internet?
- Worldwide groups of connected networks that allows the public to access information, send messages, obtain products/services
- Networks use the same ‘language’
- Use the same protocols (rules)
- ‘plat form- independent’
- Protocols devised so that can be understood by all main computer platforms
Connecting to the Internet
- Has a server which is permanently online and has a permanent internet address
- Server connected through high-speed telephone lines, fiber optic links or satellite
- Providing high speed data transfer
- Connected to bank of modems
- User modem dials up ISP’s modem and make a connection DIAL UP CONNECTION
FTP Software/downloading a file using FTP
IDSN Lines
- Permanent phone line connection to an ISP
- Transfer data faster
- Come in a variety of bandwidths (data carrying capacity)
Web Server??? Own ISP
- Larger organizations
- Large network of computers and require high internet access
Acceptable use policy
Choosing an ISP
- Cost: prepaid/rate/joining fee
- Speed: speed of modem supports/support lines for IDSN/cable modems
- Lines: Line per customer
- Start up Help: software provided- min. email program/borwser
- Ongoing support
- Experience
- Platform: IBM Vs Macintosh Vs Windows version
- Accounts: cheque?
- Newsgroups: Limit to number can join?
- Additional Mail Boxes e.g. AOL
- Web Page: Space on server? Size?
What is WWW?
- World Wide Web
- Portion of internet containing websites
- Information can be accessed electronically
- Collection of hyperlinked documents accessible on the internet
- Hyperlinks allow you to move quickly from one document to another
- Web contains millions of documents known as Web Pages
- Held on various computer networks around the world
How a modem works
- Internet operates by dividing data in into separate parts –“packets”
- And sending these packets along best route available to destination of computer
- Information is then reassembled into original message
- Breaking a message into individual packets “packet switching”
- Software used for packet switching is a communications protocol TCP/IP (Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol)
- Both hardware and software used to restrict access to data on a network
- Used to deny access to outsiders and restrict employee’s access to sensitive data
- Place a computer “proxy server” between two separate networks
- Programmed to allow access to/from only specific network locations
File Compression/Decompression Software
- Reduce download time
- Internet is used to transfer files
- File Transfer Protocol (FTP) – standard “language” used by computers
- Allowing one program to transfer data to another e.g. Archie, Fetch, Most Web Browsers
- Decompression program needed for ‘expansion’
Search Engine (search tool)
- Software program searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of documents where the keywords
- Matches 1+ keywords answered
- Searches an index of Internet sites, which is always updated
- Send out automated ‘spiders’ ‘crawlers’ ‘robots’ to scour internet
- Search engine sends out ‘spider’ to fetch as many documents as possible
- Program: ‘indexer’ reads documents and creates an index based on words
1)User types in word/phrase
2)Matched against database
3)Search engine displays URL matching
- Collection of news and discussion groups accessed via the internet to a central location
- Allows anyone to read/post messages on particular topic
- Divided into groups and subgroups
- Participation requires program called “newsreader”
Mailing List
- List of email addresses identified by a single name
- Messages are distributed to a large number of people via email
- Join = subscribe
- Get off mailing List = unsubscribe
- Lurking: on mailing list without posting messages explore
- Flaming:email of personal nature resulting in disagreements among members – don’t reply/inflame
- Emotions
Search Engine Vs FTP Vs Archie Server
- Search engine: Generally used to locate information
- Archie: program that enables you to search for files anywhere on the internet by filename
- FTP sites are searchable with Archie
- Mini applications that add extra functions to web browsers
- E.g. allows recognition/play audio/video files
- Software file that allows you to view HTML files
- Interprets and displays Web pages and enables you to link to other Web pages
- Basic Function: interpret Hyper Text Markup Language
- Modern browsers e.g. MS Windows Explorer/Netscape
- Display/deal with Graphics
- Play sounds & video
- Transfer files
- Hyper Text Mark Up Language
- Set of special instructions used to create Web Pages
- Special instructions called ‘tags’ or ‘markups’ that specify links to other documents and how page is displayed
- Transmission control protocol/Internet Protocol
- Communications protocol used to packet switching on internet
- File transfer protocol
- Internet standard that allows the exchange of files with other computers on the Internet
- Point to Point Protocol
- Version of internet communications protocol TCP/IP widely used by ISP
- Web server that stores on your computer when you visit a site
- Used to record your viewing preferences
- Read by website that placed cookie
- Purpose: identify users and possibly prepare customized web pages for them
Header of Email:
- Electronic exchange of messages to and from other computer users
2)Subject: useful for recipient
3)To: (recipient) must be typed correctly
6)Reply all
7)Cc - “carbon copy” (duplication)
8)Bcc – “blind carbon copy” recipient not aware of who else received copy
Requirements of email
- Computer linked to internet via LAN/modem
- Account – ISP
- Email address (provided by ISP)
- Email Software
Communications software
- Uniform Resource Locator
- Address that points to a specific resource on the Internet
- Always written in lower case
- Allows people to communicate by sending/receiving electronic messages via computers linked to the Internet
- Letter written & sent ISP Routed through various gateways & hosts satellite link Routed though various hosts & gateways ISP Mailbox opened with password & letter received
- Economical, fats, convenient
Requirements for Email
- Computer linked to Internet via LAN/modem & telephone line
- Email address
- Email software
Email addresses
- @----- domain name – location of person’s account on Internet ‘com’ commercial
- Often informal, short, to the point, abbreviations e.g. thanx,
Email Software
1)Stand alone email programs
- E.g. MS Outlook
2) Mail ‘modules’ of larger Web Browser Packages
- MS Internet Mail components of Web Browsers
- Perform similar programs: send/receive/manage email
- Usually for different platforms
Sending & Receiving email
- Not necessary to be online when composing
- sender connects to internet
- sends email
- email software connects to ISP mail server & sends the message
- mail server sends message
- recipient’s mail server puts the message in the recipient’s mailbox. There are two main types 1) POP (Post Office Protocol) or IMAP (Interactive Mail Access Protocol)
- Recipient’s email software alerts them that they have received a message
- sender’s email software generally save s a copy of message onto hard disk
Replying to an email
- software creates a new message which is already addressed and includes a copy of the contents of original message
- subject line automatically filled out “Re:”
‘Bounced’ Messages
- recipient’s email address may have been mistyped
- recipient may have changed their email address
- problem on the Internet
- Anything that can be saved onto a file co be sent as an attachment
- First must be ‘encoded’ : e.g. email program use MIME (multi purpose Internet Mail extensions)
- Internet protocol that is able to negotiate many different operating systems & types of software to enable file attachments
- Recipient must also have same software used to create attachment/converter
- Large files should be compressed using utility software
- Bandwidths: info. carrying capacity of cables, wires, modems that connect comp. together
- Puts limit on amount of data that can be carried at a time
- Title and URL of a Web page, recorded in the browser so user can return to the Web Page, recorded in a future session
- Adding:
- Managing:
- Hyper Text Mark Up language
- Set of special instructions used to create web pages
Privacy/Security: Internet
- Internet protocol
- Addressing system for the Internet
- Consist of four part numeric addresses, identifying the geographic region, company, computer group, and the specific computer location
- Guidelines developed for posting articles to newsgroups/email
- Don’t type in capitals
- Treat people as if in real life
- Proofread offline
- Identify subject ie. Posting
- Make sure message appropriate to list / no personal/ unsubscribe in public domain
- Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
- Communications protocol used for packet switching on the Internet
Creating a Web Page
- Analyze
- Purpose/Achieve/Audience
- Important info legible?
- Too many pictures/animations
- Which web browsers does page support
- Contacts/Feedback?
- Design
- Layout
- Appropriate user interface with simple navigation tools
- Home Page interesting to grab user’s attention
- Implement
- Web Editor/Web Authoring package: enables you to create Web Pages
- Technically any software letting you save HTML format e.g. Word processing can be used – compatibility of MS Word Vs Macintosh upon upload
1)Text Based editors: help you create HTML files by inserting HTML codes that help you manage links
- Requires some knowledge of HTML
2) WYSIWYG editors: work with visual representation of web page
- Hides HTML code unless you want to see it
- Import Clips like desktop publishing e.g. MS FrontPage
- Written in word processing package for proofread/spell-check
- Fonts used will be stored on viewers computer use common font
- KISS – slows time
- Ensure people who choose to turn off “auto load” can still navigate
- No discrimination for e.g. visually impaired
- Navigation aids
- Limits on modem i.e. bandwidths (data capacity)
- Employ streaming : Delivered in small packets at regular intervals sufficient poor quality
- Obtain permission
- Don’t make essential (i.e. those lacking hardware)
- Acknowledgment
- Permission
- Join major search engine ‘add a page’
- Independently – someone else
- Efficiency
- Effectiveness
- Navigation/cost/download/ISP size allowance