Data Modeling Coordination Team
October 7, 2008

√ / Name / Company
√ / Bassali, Harpal / Verizon
√ / Block, Karen / ATIS
√ / Fitzsimmons, Andy / Telcordia
√ / Garbanati, Linda / Alcatel-Lucent
√ / Gibbon, David / AT&T
√ / Hunt, Connie / AT&T
√ / Scolaro, Joe / ATIS
√ / Timmerman, Matt / Telcordia
√ / Voss, Jackie / ATIS
Agenda/Purpose of Meeting

Mr. Joe Scolaro (ATIS), Manager – Standards Development welcomed participants and reviewed the agenda for today’s meeting. You may find a copy of the agenda with the meeting notes attachments.

Review and Approve Meeting Notes

Mr. Scolaro asked for any comments, feedback and/or changes to the August 28, 2008 Virtual Meeting Notes. Hearing none, the meeting notes were approved as written. All Data Modeling Team Meeting Notes can be found at:

Review Action Items

There were two open action items that were reviewed and updated. Both action items were closed. Please refer to jtxml100708ai.doc in the attachments from this meeting.

Modeling Tool Update

Mr. Scolaro provided the following updates:

MyEclipse 7.0GA evaluation

MyEclipse has released a 7.0 Version. However, it is not the General Availability (GA) release and does not include the UML 2.1 element that the OBF was expecting. Mr. Scolaro has sent an email to Genuitec and expects to have an update soon.

Mr. Matt Timmerman (Telcordia), UMA JLT Co-Chair noted that during the meeting he received an email regarding a MyEclipse 7.0 Blue Edition Milestone 2 (M2) release. He stated that this release appears to contain UML 2.x.

Action Item:

Mr. Scolaro will follow up with Genuitec to determine if this is the release that the OBF Committees are waiting for.

Path Forward:

If this is the release that contains the requirements that were provided to Genuitec by the OBF, participants should have time to review and test the release in order to provide feedback at the next Data Modeling Coordination Team Meeting scheduled for November 19, 2008.


Mr. Harpal Bassali (Verizon), IIF Metadata Committee Co-Chair, explained that contributors within the Metadata Committee have been using oXygen with good results.

Mr. Scolaro asked if oXygen was capable of creating a WSDL. Ms. Jackie Voss (ATIS), IIF Manager – Standards Development, noted that the IIF doesn’t currently use a WSDL and therefore the group has not researched oXygen for this function. Ms. Voss did go on line during the meeting and the web site for oXygen and explained that the web site does reference editing a WSDL. Mr. Timmerman clarified that oXygen does have a WSDL editor that would verify the WSDL was correct once created. He also clarified that although the Wireless Technical Subcommittee prefers to use a tool that generates a WSDL, they do still have the option of going to a web server within a development environment. Mr. Scolaro noted that MyEclipse does not have the functionality to create a WSDL at this time. In addition, there are no future plans to create a WSDL.

Mr. Scolaro then asked if oXygen had the capability to create models. The answer was not known by the IIF participants on the call.

Action Item:

Mr. Scolaro noted that he can check to see if oXygen has this capability.

Guiding Principles Document

It was noted that the IIF was not aware that there was an action item for them to review the comments that were developed by Mr. Quentin Meek and to review the IIF Standard for name space at their meeting in October 2008.

Action Item:

An action item was established for Ms. Voss and Mr. Bassali to determine if the comments made on the OBF Guiding Principles document are up to date and are still relevant and to review the IIF Standard for name space.

Mr. Bassali noted that the IIF MTD did receive contributions related to name space. However, he is not certain that the requirements were formally documented.

Ms. Karen Block (ATIS), Committee Administrator will send the document with Mr. Meek’s comments to Ms. Voss and will also post the document with the notes from today’s meeting.

Administrative Note:

Document IIF-MTD-2008-069_Review_of_UMA_Guiding_Principles.doc was forwarded to Ms. Voss immediately following the conclusion of today’s meeting.

ATIS Private Enterprise Number and OIDs

Mr. Scolaro explained that Tony Wasilewski (Cisco), IIF IPTV Security Solutions (ISS) Committee, provided a presentation on OIDs during the AMOC Meeting in April-May 2008. He noted that there were two open items that needed resolution after that meeting; numbering issues and management of the numbers.

Mr. Scolaro stated that the Data Modeling Coordination Team has kept this item on their agenda for three meetings and if there is no feedback related to Private Enterprise OIDs by the next meeting, the group will not continue to follow up on the item.

Ms. Voss asked if anyone on this committee had a need for a Private Enterprise Number. No one on the call was aware of a need at this time.

Path Forward:

Ms. Voss noted that she will discuss this further with Mr. Scolaro but doesn’t feel as though the group needs to continue to keep the item on their agenda.

Project Plan Update

Mr. Scolaro noted that the following items are still applicable to the project plan:

·  Evaluation of a Modeling Tool

·  Merger of the IIF Comments into the OBF Guiding Principles

He explained that he would like to set milestone dates for these two items and that he would like to have them completed by the end of the first quarter of 2009.

Path Forward:

The above items were added to the agenda for the next Data Modeling Coordination Team meeting scheduled for November 19, 2008.

Open Discussion Items

Mr. Scolaro explained that after a presentation (UML2.ppt) provided by Ms. Linda Garbanati (Alcatel-Lucent) during the August 28, 2008 virtual meeting, he would like for participants to consider accepting UML 2.x as the baseline for all ATIS Committees.

It was noted that UML 2.x provides the ability to sequence diagrams and provides interoperability of diagrams between tools.

Agreement Reached:

The OBF Participants on the call reached consensus to accept UML 2.x as the baseline for data modeling.

Ms. Voss stated on behalf of the IIF Committee; that IIF is moving forward with oXygen and she could not agree to UML 2.x at this time. However, she will discuss this with IIF Participants at the next IIF Meeting. Mr. Scolaro explained that there will be no impacts to the IIF until and/or if a decision is made to create the models that are associated with their schemas.

Next Meeting

A subsequent meeting was scheduled for November 19, 2008. The details for this meeting are as follows:

Date / Details /
11/19/08 / Data Modeling Team Virtual Meeting
Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (ET)
Bridge: 800-503-2961 Passcode: 8465234#
Live Meeting:

The proposed agenda for this meeting will include:

·  Review Agenda

·  Meeting Notes Approval

·  Action Items

·  Assign Timelines and Action Items

o  Evaluation of a Modeling Tool

o  Merger of the OBF Guiding Principles with the IIF Comments

·  Open Discussion Items

·  Next Meeting

Meeting Notes

These notes were prepared by Ms. Karen Block (ATIS), Committee Administrator and were reviewed by Mr. Joe Scolaro.