March 21, 2015, Vallejo, CA

The meeting was called to order by Diane Collings, President.


Diane Collings

Karin Weseloh

Bob Weseloh

Don Meyers

Susan Dahl

Alan Dahl

Patti Wilkinson

Margo Lauritsen

Jann Lanz

Barbara House

Mary Greaver

Dick Greaver

Minutes of Meeting

Minutes from February 2015meeting were posted on the REMC Web Site and were distributed.

MOTION #1: Motion to approve minutes of the February meeting was made by Jann Lanz, seconded by Bob Weseloh. Motion carried.

President’s Report:

Diane Collings stated there was no general update. New information regarding the Specialty will be discussed with the Committee Report.

CorrespondingSecretary’s Report

No correspondence received since the last meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

Patti Wilkinson’s reported: the balance in the Small Business checking account is $956.77; the balance in the Business Market Rate Savings account is $7,415.22. She is expecting a payment from Mattie’s fund for dogs REMC has vetted and applied to Mattie’s fund for reimbursement.

Patti reported we need to have the REMC official address be in Santa Clara County. Karin Weseloh, as the Corresponding Secretary, will use her address. She will make sure the official address is changed.

Patti reported that the REMC membership renewal notices had been sent by email. We have email addresses for most members.

MOTION #2: Motion to approve the Treasurer’s report made by Don Meyers, seconded by Bob Weseloh. Motion carried.

Report of Committees

REMC Specialty: Karin Weseloh reported all approvals from AKC have been received. She is corresponding with the Show Secretary. They are tring to minimize the Premium List. Jann Lanz posted the flyer announcing the REMC Specialtyon the website. The flyer is also posted on the MCOA’s Facebook page.

Details and assignments are in process. We will need help with Hospitality.

Rescue: Dick Greaver is fostering one dog. Toni Hyland kept George, the dog she was fostering

Supported Entries: REMC has agreed to do Supported Entries on Saturday at Mensona KC, Sarturday at Richmond KC and Sunday at Sir Francis Drake KC.

MCOA Specialty 2017: No new information. Dianne asked members who will be attending this year’s Specialty to look for ideas we can use in 2017.

New Members:

A vote to accept the applications of Dick and Mary Greaver was taken; the applications were approved.

New Business

Karin Weseloh reported REMC received a request from the MCOA President asking for donations towards the MCOA Specialty Welcome Party.

MOTION #3: REMC to donate $300 to MCOA towards the cost of the Specialty Welcome Party, made by Karin Weseloh, seconded by Dick Greaver. Motion Carried.

Members discussed whether to put together a Basket for the MCOA silent auction. In the last couple of years not enough people have donated to make the Basket as full as those donated from other Clubs. In addition, transporting the basket and donated items is difficult. The members decided not to offer a basket for the raffle this year.

Margo Lauritsen asked REMC to offer a Supported Entry at Del Valle this year. Getting a plaque will be no problem. She has contacted MCOA to ask them to host the supported entry in October.

MOTION #4: Ask MCOA to offer a supported entry at the Del Valle KC, made by Margo Lauritsen, seconded by Jann Lanz. Motion passed. Margo will contact MCOA.

Karin Weseloh will submit the updated information for REMC officers to AKC. Jann Lanz agreed to be listed as the REMC contact for the Breeder Referral as she maintains the website.

Members discussed the process for distributing or reading minutes of meetings. We will send the draft minutes out via email to all members at least 10 days in advance of the meeting, and will have paper copies available on the day of the meeting for those who want a copy. The email notice will ask members who wish to receive their copies via regular mail to contact Susan Dahl, the Recording Secretary. Once the minutes have been approved, the Susan will send them to Jann Lanz to be posted on the website.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting will be May 20 in Vallejo, after the Mastiffs show.

MOTION #4: Motion to adjourn made by Don Meyers, seconded by Margo Lauritsen.

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Dahl,

Recording Secretary