Parent/child Participation Form

Completion of this form is mandatory for participation in WJYT.

Welcome to West Jordan Youth Theatre! We are a fully volunteer organization operating with tax dollars and donations. As such, there is a cast fee for participation (see below).

The amount of work involved in producing a live theater play is staggering. The WJYT Board cannot do everything and still provide a quality experience for the children we serve. Therefore, parents/guardians and other adults volunteers are essential to providing a safe, high quality Youth Theatre experience.

A family representative will need to sign-up for at least one of the following production night areas for three nights: “Greenroom” Chaperone, back stage chaperone and concession/ticket sales. As well as, 10 hours of volunteer time (see volunteer opportunities below)

Rules of participation:

•I agree to pay a $50 participation fee per child.

•I agree to a fee of $100 if I do no complete my 10 volunteer hours, 1 tech night and 3 production nights.

•I agree to ensure my child attends each rehearsal they are scheduled for. I will make arrangements with the director prior to missing a rehearsal. Missing more than 2unexcused rehearsals is unacceptable. At 2 unexcused rehearsals and understudy will be chosen. At 3 unexcused the child will be recast.

•I agree to have ALL conflict dates to the production team by August 1st.

•I will get my child to rehearsals on time and pick them up promptly. 3tardies will equal 1 unexcused absence. My child will attend each scheduled performance. [Police may be called for abandoned & neglected children]

•I agree that WJYT may use pictures of my child, without compensation, for promotional purposes on it's website and printed materials.

•I agree that if my child need special guidance to prevent inappropriate or destructive behavior, I will attend as my child attends. If behavior persists cast member will be replaced.

•I will help strike set with my cast member age 12+ (Tentatively 10/17 from approx. 5-9pm)

•I understand that each cast member will receive 2 free show tickets included in ticket sales contest packet and that contest participation is not required.

Please print clearly

Parent/Guardian's Name:(first/last) ______

Child's Name: (first/last)______

Home Phone: Cell Phone:______

Parent/Guardian's email:______

Child's email:______

Signature: Signature:______

(Adult/Guardian) (Child)

Show/ Production Dates:

Please check 3performance dates you are available

____10/6/17 Mon ____10/7/17 Sat Mat ____10/7/17 Sat____10/9/17 Mon

____10/10/17 Tue ____10/14/17 Sat Mat ____10/14/17 Sat____10/16/17 Mon

Tech Rehearsal Dates:

Please check 1 tech rehearsal date you are available (Sat 10/4, Weekday 5-done)

____9/30/17Sat ____10/2/17 Mon ____10/3/17 Tue ____10/4/17 Thurs

Additional Volunteer Areas (10 hours including one rehearsal chaperone where all cast is called)

___Clean up and moving / ___Light/Sound / ___Daytime Help
___Rehearsal chaperon / ___Flyer Distribution / ___Lobby decorations
___Strike Set / ___Set Construction / ___Parent Volunteer Coordinator
___Costumes / ___Set Painting / ___Props
___Makeup/Hair / ___Cast Party / ___Stage Crew
___Concessions / ___Cast Manager / ___Prize Baskets/Fundraising

How did you hear about WJYT?