CII CPD Accreditation Annual Review Notification Form for CII Local Institutes

I am writing to notify you that the 2017 CII CPD accreditation annual review of the CII Local Institutes Events will be due on 31 May 2017.

The purpose of the annual review is to ensure that the Local Institute Eventscontinue to meet CII CPD accreditation standards and to assess the actions taken to address the requirements and recommendations identified from the most recent accreditation review.Full completion of this form will enable CII Accreditation Services to confirm whether the CPD Accreditation can continue.

Section A – Local Institute Information

Name of Local Institute
Contact Person
Postal Address
Email Address
Telephone Number

Section B – Event design

Your current accreditation will expire on31 July 2017

Please submit the following information for review by 31 May 2017and tick the boxes to confirm that you have sent this material in with this completed form:

1. Presentation slides from your previous two events /
2. Summary of delegate feedback from your previous two events

3. Please advise your website address so that your online event marketing can be reviewed. If you do not have online marketing for your events, please enclose two recent examples of event invites.

4. Please describe the ways in which the speaker assesses whether learning has taken place / how the learning objectives have been met (for example: Q&A, case study scenarios, quiz):

5. Please advise what steps you have taken to address any Requirements and Recommendations made to you as part of last year’s review. These would be stated in the review confirmation letter (if you require a copy, please contact )

Section C

Please confirm whether your institute has an up-to-date policy statement/documentation for the items below publishedon the Institute's website:

Health & Safety, including access /
Equality & Diversity /
Complaints Handling /
Please confirm whether your institute documents the following:
Venue selection /
Record keeping e.g. attendance and participant results /

Section D - Disclaimer

1.1I confirm that I have read the CII CPD Accreditation standards and will endeavour to ensure that the events of my local institute comply with these.

1.2I agree that an observer from CII may attend our Event to verify that the CPD Accreditation standards are being met.

1.3I agree not to use the accreditation in such a manner as to bring CII into disrepute, and not to make any statement regarding accreditation which is untrue or may be considered misleading.

1.4I agree to discontinue the use of all claims to accreditation that contain any reference to CII accreditation upon suspension, non renewal or withdrawal of accreditation.

Signed ______

Name in Capitals ______

Job title______

Date ______


CPD Accreditation Standard / Description / Examples of evidence

1.1 Aims and objectives
The learning outcomes should be clearly stated, relevant and met by the learning activities / Training needs analysis process
Clear aims and objectives
Learning outcomes reflect regulatory requirements, where appropriate, and business objectives
Structured learning activities linked to learning outcomes
Learning outcomes are specific, measurable and time-bound
Learning is relevant to delegates’ professional development needs / Process for identifying training needs
Clear link to the business requirements and any regulatory requirements
Event description and participant invitations
Aims and objectives documented
SMART learning outcomes
Structured approach to the learning
Training materials reviewed by CII

2.1 Learning design and delivery
The learning and development activity should be of a high standard and the methods used should be appropriate for the audience and the activity undertaken.
Training materials should be clear, current, relevant and technically balanced. / Contributes to delegate knowledge and skills development
Learning content has a clear structure, logical flow and links to learning outcomes
Learning activity is designed to respond to delegate ability and learning preferences
Learning activity is interactive and varied
Language, pace and style are appropriate for the audience
Content is relevant, technically accurate, balanced and up-to-date.
Content is suitable for individuals with protected characteristics
Conducive learning environment / Meets the requirements of the CII CPD scheme
Training plan and trainer notes
Clear explanations of terminology
Relevant facts with examples
Regular review of learning outcomes
Inclusion of learning cycle and a range of learning preferences in the design of the event
Training is designed or modified to suit the delivery method/ audience
Participant feedback
Equality & Diversity risk assessment
Training observation by CII
Training materials reviewed by CII
Interviews by CII
2.2 Trainer competence and credibility
Trainers/ speakers and training designers should demonstrate a high level of competence and relevant experience.
NB for e-learning this standard applies to content authors. For events with speakers, this standard applies to speakers / Trainers /speakers / training designers have relevant training skills and experience
Trainers/speakers / training designers maintain their competence and have up-to-date knowledge
Trainers/ speakers have planned and prepared for their session
Trainers/ speakers do not make overt appeals for clients, promote products or criticise competitors
Trainers/ speakers/ training designers maintain a high standard of professional conduct
Trainers proactively seek feedback / Profiles of trainers/ speakers/ training designers demonstrate they have relevant technical / training credentials
Relevant qualifications held by trainers/speakers/ content writers
Trainer CPD activity
Trainer notes and training plan
Competence standards used for selection and monitoring
Dry run/practice sessions are used to prepare
Participant feedback
Interviews by CII
2.3 Professional
A professional approach should be taken by the organisation, taking into account all regulatory, legislative and ethical behaviour requirements. / Senior level sponsorship and support
Professional qualifications/ professional standards promoted
Complies with legislative and regulatory requirements
Clear and unambiguous learning event information
Content and training delivery is unbiased and free from product or service promotion
Events have suitable venues with access to facilities, refreshments and staff assistance
CPD hours calculated on a consistent and accurate basis / Support for CII professional body
Trainers/ speakers / content writers have professional body membership
Financial service/ insurance qualifications promoted
High standard of conduct by employees, trainers and speakers
FCA requirements met (where appropriate)
Procedures/ guidelines documents
Complaints & feedback process
Advertising literature is not misleading
High quality training materials
Promotional activity is clearly separated from the CPD activity
Participant feedback
Training observation by CII
Training materials reviewed by CII
Interviews by CII

3.1 Quality and consistency
There should be clear methods of ensuring that standards are maintained and that learning and development activities are undertaken and delivered to consistent levels. / Process in place to ensure learning materials remain technically accurate, up-to-date and are of a high quality
Procedures to ensure training is delivered to consistently high standards
Monitoring to prevent misuse of documents, information or certificates
Processes to prevent breach of copyright laws and content licence arrangements
Feedback is reviewed and acted upon / Guidance is provided on the standards for delivery and design
Regular review of learning activities, training material and feedback
Content, references, quotations, examples are up-to-date, relevant and accurate
Feedback is obtained from trainers/ speakers and participants
Monitoring processes in place Areas identified for improvement are acted upon
Training observation by CII
Training materials reviewed by CII
Interviews by CII
3.2 Evaluation of Learning
Mechanisms should be in place to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme. They should include a link to the training needs analysis. / Process in place to identify whether the learning outcomes were met
Method to identify the delegate learning experience
Process to identify whether delegate development needs have been met by the CPD activity
Regular review of the CPD activity to ensure it remains 'fit for purpose' / Identification of how the learning outcomes will be measured
Before and after comparisons used
Formal testing
Reflective statements
Range of evaluation processes used
Success rates / satisfaction ratings reviewed
3.3 Record keeping
Robust processes should be in place to ensure effective record keeping of the learning and development activities, delegate attendance and any assessment activities. / Effective and accurate recording of procedures relating to the learning event
Accurate delegate attendance and results records
Feedback/ complaints recording process
Records of evaluation and review process
Proof of attendance documentation includes the event and delegate details / Guidance available on the operation of the learning event
Contracts in place e.g. venue hire
Policies such as Health & Safety at Work clearly displayed
Process for ensuring up-to-date documents being used
Attendance records maintained
Any certificates of attendance issued have the CPD activity detail, date and participant name listed
Feedback records maintained
Checks in place to ensure the integrity of the record keeping
Documents reviewed by CII
Interviews by CII


Local Institute Review Form 2017 v.2