EECE 579 Project Presentation Guidelines

Spring 2009

Presentation Goal:

The goal of the presentation portion of your EECE 579 project is to demonstrate that you understand your project well enough to explain it to other people who are not necessarily experts the area. If you can do this well, then I will know that you really understand your IP block or CAD tool and how it fits into the overall SoC development process. With that in mind, please remember that you are not just presenting to me, but the entire class and that we all have very different backgrounds.


Be sure to answer (at least) the following questions in your presentation:

What does your IP block or CAD tool do?

How does it fit into the SoC development process?

What were the key challenges in the design/implementation?

How do you know that it really works?


The formal presentations will be 10 minutes. This will be followed by another 5 minutes of questions. All questions should be saved until after the formal presentation. We will likely be very tight for time so I will be enforcing the time limits strictly. (Notice the 10 marks for organizing your presentation such that it makes sense and finishes on time.)

NOTE: 10 minutes is not very long. You need to focus on delivering just a few keys points about your project. Normally I use the metric of 1 slide / minute when I plan presentations.


Clarity of Presentation:/10

Quality of Slides/Visual Aides:/10

Demonstration of the SoC Context:/10

Technical Content:/10

Organization / Finished On Time/10

Bonus for presentations on Apr. 1/5


PowerPoint Slides:

If you want to use my laptop, please e-mail me the slides that you want to present in the morning before you present so that I can make sure they work. If you want to use your own laptop, then please meet me in the classroom 15-20 minutes before classstarts so we can test your setup.