Wild Wild Western Knights

Mossman Elementary

School Carnival

Saturday, February 25th

11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

There are THREE ways to get your tickets before Carnival is here!

1. Online...

Visit our Mossman Carnival website at:


Click on the Tickets tab to pre-order your tickets and get advance sale pricing! Tickets will be sent home with your child.

2. Order Form…

Simply return the form to school with payment, and your tickets will be sent home with your child.

3. At School…

On the following dates and times:

Wednesday, February 22 – Friday, February 24

¨  Before School - 7:45 am-8:10 am

¨  Lunch Time - 10:30 am-1:00 pm

(In the hallway by the gym/café)

For descriptions of the games, please visit www.MossmanPTA.org.

Check it out—several games are FREE this year!

Booth / Tickets
Barrel Races / Free
Boy Scout Game / Free
Bull Ringer / Free
Cattle Stampede / 3
Character Jail / Infinite
Cow-Pie Bingo / 3
Dice Duel / Free
Hamster Ball / 8
Herd the Sheep / 3
Horse Shoes / Free
Horse Wranglin’ / 3
Knock ‘Em Down / 3
Mechanical Bull / 8
Obstacle Course / 4
Outhouse Darts / 3
Booth / Tickets
Race Track / 3
Rain Gutter Regatta / Free
Silly String / 10
Snake in my Boot / 3
Soda Toss / 3
Book Shop / 3
Bake Sale / 2
Cake Walk / 3
Crazy ER / 6
Crazy Hair / 3
Grab Bag / 3
Petting Zoo / 8
Lemonade / 2
Bottled Water / 2

Wild Wild

Western Knights

Mossman Elementary School Carnival

Ticket Order Form



PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Orders due by Wed., February 22

Child Name:______

Teacher: ______

Parent name: ______

Choose From Below & Indicate Quantity:

______$100 ______$75 ______$50 ______$40

______$20 ______$10 ______$5

TOTaL aMOUNT DUE: $______


CHECK#______(Payable to: Mossman PTA)

Please return to your

child’s teacher or the

front office by

Wednesday, February 22