City of Bloomfield
City Council Meeting
Regular Session
February 23, 2009
6:30 P.M.
Mayor McAnally called the meeting to order. Those present were: Patricia Wilson, David Wilson, Sr., Tom Bischof and Don Rhodes. Donna Deardorff was absent. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Public comments: Brenda Wilson was present and handed out a letter to the council and Mayor to which she read regarding a sealed bid from E & E Contractor at the previous meeting. Mayor McAnally explained that the workers that were hired to do the ice storm clean up was decided upon by the council upon his recommendation.
Approve minutes: February 9, 2009 – Ald. Bischof made the motion to approve these minutes and was seconded by Ald. P. Wilson. Ald. D. Wilson – aye, Ald. P. Wilson – aye, Ald. Bischof – aye.
Merchant License: Robbie Chism & Son Construction – 22007 CR. 237, Bloomfield, MO. Ald. Bischof made the motion to approve this license. Ald. P. Wilson seconded the motion. Ald. D. Wilson – aye, Ald. P. Wilson – aye, Ald. Bischof – aye.
Building Permits: None
Old Bus: Mayor McAnally explained Smith & Company had come to City Hall February 19, 2009 to open bids for the MoDot sidewalk project at the park. He stated the lowest bid came from Jethro Gater Construction for $51,472.28 and asked for a motion to accept this bid per the recommendations from Smith & Company.
Ald. D. Wilson made the motion to accept the recommendation of Smith & Co. awarding the bid to Jethro Gater Construction for $51,472.28. Ald. Bischof seconded the motion. Ald. P. Wilson – aye, Ald. D. Wilson – aye, Ald. Bischof – aye.
Mayor McAnally read the Resolution for the property commonly known as the Miller house. Ald. D. Wilson made the motion to approve the resolution as read and was seconded by Ald. Bischof.
Ald. P. Wilson – aye, Ald. D. Wilson – aye, Ald. Bischof – aye.
New Bus: Representatives with Master Meter was present and gave a power point presentation for electronic meter reading. It was decided to have Dennis Pleasant bring information to the
next council meeting regarding of how much its costs the City to operate as it is done now.
Due to Ald. Deardorff’s absence Ald. Bischof explained to the council a Mini-Grant for sidewalks that Ald. Deardorff had heard about through MoDot. He stated the grant amount is for $116,600.00 which would be an 80-20 match to which the City’s portion would be $13,720.00.
Ald. Bischof made the motion that the City make application for the 2009 Mini Grant Application for Sidewalk Replacement from MoDot for approximately $116,600.00 for South Prairie and Bloomfield Road. Ald. D. Wilson seconded the motion. Ald. P. Wilson – aye, Ald. D. Wilson – aye, Ald. Bischof – aye.
Mayor McAnally asked if there was anything further to discuss in the regular council meeting, if not for a motion to adjourn. Ald. Bischof moved to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Ald, P. Wilson. Ald. D. Wilson – aye, Ald. P. Wilson – aye, Ald. Bischof – aye.
Minutes recorded by:______
Tonja Haubold, City Clerk