Weekly Wildcat Newsletter
November 15, 2017

Whittier Elementary

PTO Thank you

Thank you to all those who have been an active part of the PTO and have helped with activities throughout the year. The book fair was a success and the raffle has been a success as well. Thank you to those of you who have purchased books at the book fair and had your student sell raffle tickets. We know there has been a lot of selling and buying to start the year, but all the proceeds go back to helping Whittier kids in some way. As of now Mr. Schad will be getting silly stringed on Friday and the kids are less than 600 tickets away from throwing some pies at Mr. Schad.

Food Drive vs Hillcrest

Please help us knock the socks off Hillcrest in a food drive. As of Wednesday morning, Whittier had 619 cans of food. Thanks for helping us fight hunger within our community and try to beat those Hillcrest Hornets. Our food drive will end of Friday and we will total up the food from both schools. We have started a “Hunger Heroes” traveling trophy that will be presented to the winning school each year in hopes of continually helping our community.

Breakfast Club and Rockies Program

Please help us get your child to these programs if they have been invited to participate in them. This is a great way to do a little extra active learning, grow and become better in targeted areas. Thanks for helping us get your kids here and picking them up late!

Battle of the Books

The second round of our 5th grade battle of the books at Whittier will be Thursday at 10:35 am in the back of the library.

Times will be 10:35 for Super Reader -Vs- Girl Talk

10:55 for Amazing Readers -Vs- Girl Talk

We will have a Cat vs Griz day on Friday, so wear your Cat or Griz colors on Friday!!

November Calendar

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