The Laws of the Sutherlands
by Decree of His Majesty The Ancient One
♦The Use of Necromancy is Legal for Registered Baronial Citizens.
♦The Use of Poisons is Legal for Registered Baronial Citizens.
♦Only Registered Baronial Citizens May Cast Healing or Curing Magics.
♦No Transformation to Any Race is Allowed Without Written Permission.
♦All Kingdom Citizen Fey Races Are at a Station Higher Than All Others,
and Thusly Kingdom Laws Do Not Apply to Them.
♦Those Invested And In Good Standing in the Kingdom's Druid's Groves
Are Hereby Given a Letter of Mark, Which Authorizes Them to Continue Practicing Their Druidic Beliefs Without Persecution, Even Against Undead -- Other Than His Majesty.
♦Creatures of Life are Illegal.
♦Creatures of Law are Illegal.
The Kingdom of The Sutherlands welcomes the new Monarch!
The people of the Sutherlands welcome their new Monarch to his Throne! As Kingdoms and Civilizations all across Tyrra were overthrown by Orcish forces, a champion stood to save the Sutherlands from otherwise certain doom. In exchange for his immense generosity, our savior was then crowned as King of the Sutherlands. All Hail His Majesty!
After dealing with the attacking Orc Forces, His Majesty met with the nobles of our land and introduced his Royal Court, including Lady Seneschal Spanky, Lady Whisper, Field Marshal Lyle, Countess Dahlia and Lord High Executioner Ethelred. Afterwards His Majesty made his way around town to survey his lands. As he did so, he spoke with the commoners and asked the opinions of his people, and with their input, created the new Laws of the Sutherlands. Truly he is Great, for he is a Monarch of the People and for the People.
His Majesty declared that he would grace our Kingdom with the enlightenment of Necromancy. In addition, though His Majesty is known to favor the Necromantic arts, He was most generous to decree that Druids of the Sutherlands may continue their pursuit of the destruction of Undeath. So wise a King, he is as progressive and tolerant as to allow those who follow a path opposite of his and indeed counterproductive to his own goals to live as their codes dictate that they must!
Our noble King stands to protect the underdogs. Having seen the plight of the oppressed and bullied Fae races, he insisted that the Faeries were to be left alone as he addressed his subjects. He then decreed that Fae were above the law, thus assuring their safety so that they may thrive and flourish.
The Kingdom of the Sutherlands is indeed fortunate for the gift of our new King. All Hail His Majesty!
New to Clanthia?
'An Orientation for the Novice Adventurer will be held to welcome travelers and adventurers new to this great city and Kingdom. We will be available Saturday afternoon at 2 PM, on the back porch of the tavern to answer questions you have about local laws, current events, available resources and ways in which even the most inexperienced adventurer can make an important contribution to life in our fair city.
We will also have people available to spar and help you to improve your skill with a weapon.
~Lady ConstanceDamask and Mrs.MoiraAtropos
Orcs overrun Tyrra!!!
In a shocking and unexpected move, Orcs all over Tyrra poured through nearly all civilized settlements across the Prime. Word reached the Sutherlands that the country of Orbonne had been overtaken by the green-skinned beasts, and within hours, the monstrous creatures poured into The Sutherlands as well.
Orcs accompanying an Orcish Shaman rolled in as portals appeared first behind LowTown, then on the path between the Celestial Guild and Sudbyrtown. Some claimed the portal lead to the mysterious "Millstone", and the Orcs demanded that it was their right to enter the portal so that they could take control of the new Age. Each portal was subsequently destroyed when the Orc Shaman was killed.
As the sun set and the last portal destroyed, elite Orcish troops poured in and used blitz tactics that quickly wore on the already taxed resources of the town. Phantom Messages from the large cities of the Sutherlands reported overwhelming attacks, and it soon became clear that the Sutherlands could not stand against the foes alone. The Barons and nobles held council and came to the decision to accept outside aid. Within minutes, the Orcs were decimated, though the damage they'd done to the Sutherlands was severe.
It appears now that the only areas of civilization to survive these attacks were the great walled cities and fortresses. Travel and Trade routes are all but destroyed, and crops and supplies were razed in the attacks. Hard times face the Sutherlands, but strength, loyalty and perseverance shall see us through to a brighter future.
Where In the Name of Tyrra Were They?
Dear Crier,
I have some information I feel is necessary to report to you so that everyone is clear on what and who is responsible for our current predicament, if you even care.
Now that our great King has saved us from the orc hordes and leads us into great, wide and necromantic might over our enemies lets find out who's responsible shall we? It is not the Baron's, not the Baronies, not Clanthia's Elite and certainly not any single individual within the Kingdom lands. It is plain and simply the fault of the Druids, Rangers and Druid's Grove everyone loves so much.
All of you think back to when your friends were being slaughtered by those vilest of green faces and children were being cut into two, where were those that we relied on most? Where were those who are responsible for ensuring Tyrra continues necromancy free and without the issue that it entails? Where was the High Druid or his High Warden to whisper in the ears of the Nobility to be trusted advisers on the current situation? Where were they when the forces of necromancy grew and grew to encompass us all?
I'll tell you, they hid in their forests hiding away hoping their Treant friends would protect them while the Kingdom was given the hardest choice of all. They squabbled over who should lead and who should get what magic item and who should be called the Warden of Fire or the Bear Guardian or the Treant Protector. They sat back and let the forces of necromancy take over while they rotted their time away behind protections none of the rest of us can afford.
Now they come with their promise of a meeting? To do what? Argue and bicker over who supposed to be the greatest Druid of us all? No thank you, Druid's Grove. Take your feeble attempts at protection and stuff them back where they come from: the holes you crawled out of to begin with. No one wants or even needs your guidance anymore, we have our King and we have our savior. I, for one, no longer look to them for protection and I, for one, no longer look to them for guidance, they have shown their true colors and I, for one, see nothing but black. I suggest you do the same.
The Black, Bleak, sweet embrace of Necromancy is all I need for it alone has saved me and my family. For it alone has shown me the true path to righteousness. For it alone has never faltered in it's guidance.
So if you see any of your Druid or Ranger friends give them a spit in the face for me. No, make it a sword in the face for me, it's all they deserve anymore anyway.
A Humble Servant
Carpathian presence cause for concern:
An aging Carpathian visited Clanthia last gather. SirAndrewBrendan, former Governer of the Sutherlands in the time of Carpathian Occupation, arranged a meeting with the Knights of the Sutherlands, asking for their assistance to reform the Knights of Carpathia. He also sought out the Barons, with the intent of repairing Sutherland/Carpathian relations. Suspicions arose, as few have been quick to forget the multitude of times Carpathia has attacked our precious Kingdom, and some wondered if this could perhaps be cunning Carpathian trickery in yet another attempt to overthrow The Sutherlands. SirBrendan, however, was reported to have acted honorably and courteously during the course of his visit.
Mid afternoon on Saturday, Sir Brendan reported that he’d received word that the country of Orbonne had been taken by Orcs within a matter of hours, and declared that the Orbonne Palace had been overtaken and Zephanie, Queen of Orbonne and The Sutherlands, was reported to be missing or dead. As the Orcs began to sweep into the Sutherlands, suspicions of the Carpathian intentions were voiced when SirBrendan informed us that Carpathia offered us protection and troops, but only if we surrendered to the Carpathian crown. It’s also odd that all of the notable nations of Tyrra save for Carpathia have suffered the siege of the Orcs. Can it just be coincidence, or are the Carpathians behind the Orc attacks as yet another underhanded attempt to rule Tyrra?
The Carpathians are well known for their corrupt and greedy government, their tendency to kill, enslave or exile non-human races, and their desire for total domination of Tyrra. Should you see anyone wearing the red and gold of Carpathia or the yellow and grey heraldry of the Carpathian Barony of the Western Wall, please alert a noble.
LichLitagation: A Nightmare for All!
Now that the Sutherlands has fallen to its knees and been introduced, firsthand, to the mighty bones of its new king, the lich known as the Ancient One, the King's first attempt at posting a codified set of laws is an atrocity to any who study legal systems on Tyrra. The Laws of the Lich speak of topics like registration of baronial citizens and obtaining written permission to cast race transformation rituals without listing any specifics. If I got Sally the baker to write a note for me stating it was fine by her for me to become an Unseeley, would that be written permission enough? Similarly, this isn't just a transition phase from one ruler to another, this is an entirely different series of events. So, who will now enforce the laws? What are the punishments for the laws? Perhaps the King should clarify that. As the few laws that are written in this scant codification have no method of enforcement or adjudication, there is very little to stand on in the way of a legal system as a method to deliver justice. Instead, it seems, our King has turned his empty sockets away from the people he rules and will allow them to carry out "Back Street Justice." There is no law published by the King that says anything about treason, sedition, assault, murder, theft, or any of the things we previously held so dear to keep our civilization stable. Thus, it is completely within the laws, as posted, to Obliterate every Fey you meet and assassinate Barons, Nobles, and Guildmasters as you see fit. Our previous ruler, Losar, at least gave these things a thought. Though his head was made of gold, at least he had enough wits about him to think of his people. Unfortunately, the vacant skull of our undying liege appears to have little in the way of intelligent thought for legal matters. I have seen impoverished children at play in the streets come up with better systems of equality than our brainless lich-king. If things don't pick up soon, I'm moving to Merthyr. At least their lich-king is wise enough to do things right.
Barrister Ben, Faerie Attorney
Councilman for Fey in Support of Soapy Bill for Emperor"
From a Reliable Source: *cough cough* Clanthia’s Latest Rumors
Carpathia is holding Sutherland Citizens hostage.
Many smaller towns and villages have been overwhelmed by Orcs or bands of lawless brigands. Soldiers in unfamiliar colors have been reported helping to defend the small villages and escorting survivors to safety.
One of the Baronies may end up seceding from The Sutherlands. Will they be allowed to retreat peacefully?
An old pirate has been babbling about a great treasure he hid near Orc Circle. Surely it’s just old man ramblings, though.
Steak Sauce seems to be a popular topic of conversation. No condiment has been this popular since the Crier discovered two years ago that Ketchup is in fact a magical product of our imaginations.
Sephrina's favorite celestial creature is very displeased with her recent mode of transportation.
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
His Majesty sleeps with a night light on. Not because His Majesty is afraid of the dark, but because the dark is afraid of His Majesty.
The Vampires were destroyed last gather.
The Vampires have taken over the Four Winds Graveyard.
Wait; wasn’t the Four Winds Graveyard destroyed four months ago?
Come to think of it, wasn’t the Four Winds Graveyard destroyed four YEARS ago too?
Murder is legal now, but only if you animate the corpse.
The true name of His Majesty is actually a misnomer.
The sausage patties served in the tavern are made from Orc meat.
All Knights of the Sutherlands will be forced to break their code, one way or another…
Adventurer's Astrology
by Astros & Stella Lector
Since our last delving into the mysteries of the future, there have been two great convergences of the stars and fates. In one, we saw a great land turned over to one wearing the affect of the Zero card from the Major Arcana. In another, we looked into our charts as saw an eye looking back, this eye was feminine, and we felt the eyes of a painter upon us. Even our own interpretation journals cannot decode this last vision.
/ Ares (3/21 – 4/19): Though it may seem an unwise choice in such troublesome times, the stars show that you could fare better if you stay away from crowds./ Taurus (4/20 – 5/20): If you do not interfere in the actions of those closest to you, the consequences could be widespread.
/ Gemini (5/20 – 6/21): Lady Luck frowns upon you, do not depend on the fickle hand of Fate in the near future or you will surely lose.
/ Cancer (6/22 – 7/22): Before the rise of the next full moon you will find yourself fighting for the life of someone deeply close to you.
/ Leo (7/23 – 8/22): Courage is both your strength and your undoing, and the lesson of humility will come at great cost to you in the immediate future.
/ Virgo (8/23 – 9/22): Someone who claims to be an ally may attempt to stab you in the back, so do not let yourself be vulnerable.
/ Libra (9/23 – 10/22): Let not a crazed dream cause you to rethink your goals at this late stage, commit to your course of actions and reap the weal or woe it may bring.
/ Scorpio (10/23 – 11/21): The use of destruction magics could bring you dire misfortune this gather.
/ Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21): Scholarly curiosity will get the better of you, be careful whom you share such knowledge with else you end up in hot water.
/ Capricorn (12/22 – 1/19): You have a choice of loyalties before you – this choice will have a great impact on all your days to come.
/ Aquarius (1/20 – 2/18): You will do well in close-range combat this gather, so worry not for that of slings and arrows, but beware of spells nonetheless.
/ Pisces (2/19 – 3/20): Your mercurial nature will come in handy, as you will manage to talk your way out of a tight spot, but try not to make a habit of that.
General Forecast for Clanthia: The cards show treachery and betrayal in store for all, and recent enemies thought vanquished are currently preparing to attack yet again. Identification magics will be particularly revealing this gather, and their influences will bring many great secrets to light.
Lucky Numbers: 4 – 5 – 22 – 18 – 15 – 14