PTA Meeting

Lindbergh Elementary

October6, 2015

  1. Call to Order/Welcome @ 7:06pm
  1. A motion to approve the minutes from the September meeting was made by Eddie Mroczka. 2nd was made by Christine Wilkie. Motion carried.
  1. Statement of Treasurer – Amy Fradkin

We received a check for $429 for Schoola for last year. We do this fundraiser 2 times a year.

Last year we received a check for $117.95 from Shoparoo.

Membership drive was thru Oct. 2 for the contest winner. Still taking memberships.

A motion to approve the finances was made by Maria Buffone. 2nd was made by Carrie Thorpe. Motion carried.

  1. Committee Reports

Principal – Mrs. Pamela DeNeen

Picture day was a success.

T-Shirt order can be ordered online. Not a fundraiser, we get about $1 for every order.

We had our 2nd fire drill of the year.

We had our first disaster drill on 10/6 and it went well.

Dental Service coming up for students.

Late start 10/7

The High School Choir will be doing a show for the students.

Finished with NWEA and results will be out soon.

Father Vice President - Eric Mattison

Last Tuesday was our Watch Dog Meeting and 44 Dads showed up. Many signed up for their day at the school.

Mother Vice President – Amanda LeFranc

Had meeting with home room parents about baskets.

Secretary/Fundraising–Jessica Gaius-Tracy

Next fundraisers coming up areSaveAround coupon books and BWW. Olga’s is scheduled for Nov. 7.

There is a bin located outside the office for drop offs for the PTA.

Teachers –

Ms. Wilkie said the Lighthouse committee is looking for opportunities for students to lead.

Mrs. Doman suggested a peace ambassador. There is a program,Dare to Imagine. She would like to plant a tree on the grounds and hang hand-made doves with the student’s hopes on it. She made a request to have the PTA purchase the tree for $121.81. Mr. Kevin will schedule the grounds people to pick up and plant the tree for free.

Mrs. Doman held a summer animation camp that was funded by the US Dept. of Defense. It will be shown in the auditorium this Thursday from 6:30-7:30 pm.

There was a motion to approval the purchase of the tree by Amy Fradkin. 2nd made by Eddie Mroczka. Motion carried.

Haunted School – Carrie Thorpe/Maria Buffone

Marie Buffone advised we need more volunteers and also someone to organize the ghost lanterns. There will be an animal show in the auditorium.

Other Chairs –

Yvette Abela thanked Debbie Koehler for setting up the volunteers for the cafeteria.

The Kalahari fundraiser was a success.

Debbie Koehler set up a sign up genius for 2 volunteers a day to help for an hour in the lunch room to help kids get outside.

  1. Empty Committee Chairs

Assistant Treasurer-Amy Fradkin is still looking for a helper and second pair of eyes.

Co-Chair School Beautification

Co-Chair Field Day

Co-Chair Fun Fair

Schoola Clothing Drive

Popcorn Friday

Reflections-Vanessa Mkrtumian said we have a chair for Reflections, it’s Amanda LeFranc, but we still need a co=chair.

  1. New Business

Joslyn Lararevski and Felicia Miller volunteered to help set up competions for the Box Tops and Campbells Labels.

  1. Announcements

No school on Election Day Nov. 3.

Recognition Awards went Jessica Agius-Tracy for the PTA Blast, Eric Mattison for Watch Dog, and Gina Mroczka for Bingo for Books.

Raffle off parking sport to Eddie Mroczka and board game to Maria Buffone.

  1. Adjournment at 7:46pm

All meeting minutes and financial reports can be accessed on our website: