PTA Meeting
Lindbergh Elementary
October6, 2015
- Call to Order/Welcome @ 7:06pm
- A motion to approve the minutes from the September meeting was made by Eddie Mroczka. 2nd was made by Christine Wilkie. Motion carried.
- Statement of Treasurer – Amy Fradkin
We received a check for $429 for Schoola for last year. We do this fundraiser 2 times a year.
Last year we received a check for $117.95 from Shoparoo.
Membership drive was thru Oct. 2 for the contest winner. Still taking memberships.
A motion to approve the finances was made by Maria Buffone. 2nd was made by Carrie Thorpe. Motion carried.
- Committee Reports
Principal – Mrs. Pamela DeNeen
Picture day was a success.
T-Shirt order can be ordered online. Not a fundraiser, we get about $1 for every order.
We had our 2nd fire drill of the year.
We had our first disaster drill on 10/6 and it went well.
Dental Service coming up for students.
Late start 10/7
The High School Choir will be doing a show for the students.
Finished with NWEA and results will be out soon.
Father Vice President - Eric Mattison
Last Tuesday was our Watch Dog Meeting and 44 Dads showed up. Many signed up for their day at the school.
Mother Vice President – Amanda LeFranc
Had meeting with home room parents about baskets.
Secretary/Fundraising–Jessica Gaius-Tracy
Next fundraisers coming up areSaveAround coupon books and BWW. Olga’s is scheduled for Nov. 7.
There is a bin located outside the office for drop offs for the PTA.
Teachers –
Ms. Wilkie said the Lighthouse committee is looking for opportunities for students to lead.
Mrs. Doman suggested a peace ambassador. There is a program,Dare to Imagine. She would like to plant a tree on the grounds and hang hand-made doves with the student’s hopes on it. She made a request to have the PTA purchase the tree for $121.81. Mr. Kevin will schedule the grounds people to pick up and plant the tree for free.
Mrs. Doman held a summer animation camp that was funded by the US Dept. of Defense. It will be shown in the auditorium this Thursday from 6:30-7:30 pm.
There was a motion to approval the purchase of the tree by Amy Fradkin. 2nd made by Eddie Mroczka. Motion carried.
Haunted School – Carrie Thorpe/Maria Buffone
Marie Buffone advised we need more volunteers and also someone to organize the ghost lanterns. There will be an animal show in the auditorium.
Other Chairs –
Yvette Abela thanked Debbie Koehler for setting up the volunteers for the cafeteria.
The Kalahari fundraiser was a success.
Debbie Koehler set up a sign up genius for 2 volunteers a day to help for an hour in the lunch room to help kids get outside.
- Empty Committee Chairs
Assistant Treasurer-Amy Fradkin is still looking for a helper and second pair of eyes.
Co-Chair School Beautification
Co-Chair Field Day
Co-Chair Fun Fair
Schoola Clothing Drive
Popcorn Friday
Reflections-Vanessa Mkrtumian said we have a chair for Reflections, it’s Amanda LeFranc, but we still need a co=chair.
- New Business
Joslyn Lararevski and Felicia Miller volunteered to help set up competions for the Box Tops and Campbells Labels.
- Announcements
No school on Election Day Nov. 3.
Recognition Awards went Jessica Agius-Tracy for the PTA Blast, Eric Mattison for Watch Dog, and Gina Mroczka for Bingo for Books.
Raffle off parking sport to Eddie Mroczka and board game to Maria Buffone.
- Adjournment at 7:46pm
All meeting minutes and financial reports can be accessed on our website: