Lector Training
September 20, 2015
-The role of the lector
- What does a Lector do?
- Importance of role
-Basic Techniques
- Volume
- Rate of Delivery
- Pronunciation\Enunciation
- Range of Pitch
- Non-verbal Communication
- Use of Microphones
-Liturgy Refresher
- Week Prior to Mass
- Prior to Mass
- During Mass
- Miscellaneous Items
The Role of the Lector
-Competently and effectively proclaim the Word of God to the St Veronica Parish Community at Sunday and Holy Day Masses.
-When the Scriptures are proclaimed, it is God speaking to God’s people
-The Lector is the human vehicle through whom God takes flesh
-Proclaiming the Word of God is a LITURGICAL ACT! It is a Four-fold sacramental Presence of Christ :
- Word – Audible Sacrament
- Eucharist – Visible Word
- Priest – Stand in the person of Christ to lead God’s people
- Assembly – Body of Christ oriented to praise God
-Proclaiming the Word of God is a SPIRITUAL ACT!
- Private preparations to interiorize God’s word
- The Word becomes flesh…
-As a lector, you have been chosen as God’s instrument
-When you answered the call to be a Lector, you are bringing the printed Word to Life : You are a prophet – One who speaks for God
-Lector does not read from a Book, you are performing a ministry for the people of God
-Lector proclaims God’s word to life for the people who have gathered to worship
-As a lector, you have become the mouthpiece of God
Basic Techniques
-Proper Breathing – Breath from Diaphragm; project from deep within, not from your throat
-Natural Gift of Volume – Do not scream or shout
-Correct Microphone Usage
Rate of Delivery
-Rule of thumb is to speak at ½ rate of normal conversation
-St Veronica is not a “live” space, therefore you can speak at almost a regular rate of delivery
-Reading slower is not more sacred, but neither is rushing through reading
-People do not listen at same rate – need time to digest what is being said
-Allows you to achieve clearer pronunciation and enunciation
-Brings an added dimension of power to the reading
-Lector workbook provides guidelines for pronunciation for many names and places
-Clearly articulate all the sounds that make up a word
Range of Pitch
-Natural, set off quotations with a different tone
-Not sing-songy
-Not Monotone
Non-Verbal Communication
-Can tell how the reading will go based on how the Lector approaches the ambo – those that approach quickly generally rush through the reading; walk at a reverent pace
-Posture – stand with confidence; hands on the ambo or lectionary or on the ambo, not in your pockets
-Appropriate eye contact – allows you to connect with the assembly
-75%-90% of communication is non-verbal
Use of Microphones
-Adjust microphones to just above or below your mouth
-Adjust the microphones by the bottom, do not just move the top portion of the microphones
-Microphones should be used to help project your voice
Liturgy Refresher
Week before mass
-Prepare yourself spiritually
-Read and Pray over the text to be proclaimed
-Practice the delivery of the text – pronunciation and rate; this will also help determine where to pause when speaking
Prior to mass
-Arrive to mass about 15 minutes early
-Sign in as lector/petitioner in sacristy
-Review reading in the lectionary (may still be in the church from previous mass )
-Make sure lectionary is on the ambo prior to mass - also ensure book is open to the first reading
-Make sure petitions are also on the ambo prior to mass – there is also a copy kept in the sacristy to review prior to mass
-If there is no Deacon present for mass, decide which lector will be carrying the Gospel book into church during the procession
During mass
- Lectors will process into the church with the priest and servers
- Petitioner should sit close to the ambo for easy access to reading the petitions - do not process into the church
- If no Deacon is present, one lector should carry the gospel book into church
- Carry the book with the ornate side facing out from you
- Book can be carried either above head or in front of you – whatever is more comfortable to you.
- When you reach the front of the altar, the lector carrying the book should continue up the stairs to place the book on the altar – Do not bow before going up or after coming down the stairs
- The lector(s) not carrying the book will bow and proceed to their seat
-First Reading
- Lector should bow towards the alter before proceeding up the stairs
- After reading is complete, wait for the cantor and bow towards the alter together
- Return to your seat
-Second Reading
- Lector should meet cantor at the bottom of the stairs and bow towards the alter together before proceeding up the stairs
- After the reading is complete, close the lectionary and place on the small table next to the ambo
- Descend the stairs and bow towards the alter
- Return to your seat
-Universal Prayer
- If a petitioner is present, he/she will read the prayers of the faithful.
- If there is no petitioner present, one lector should be prepared to read the petitions
- Near the end of the Apostle’s creed (“I believe in one baptism….”), the lector or petitioner should make their way to the ambo. Before proceeding up the stairs, bow towards the alter
- Do not leave the ambo until the priest has completed the prayer
- When descending the stairs, bow towards the alter before returning to your seat
-End of Mass
- When the priest descends the stairs, the lectors should go to front of the church on either side of the priest
- Bow towards the alter when the priest bows
- Proceed out of church (no books need to be carried out after mass)
Miscellaneous Items
-Dress Attire : clothing should not be distracting; avoid short skirts, low cut tops, tank tops (without a cardigan), flip flops or shorts
-Review your scheduled weekends – online system is updated every quarter
-If you are unable to lector on your scheduled weekend, the online system allows you to request a sub with one click; request subs as soon as you know you will not be available – this gives everyone enough time to prepare the readings
-Emails are sent out whenever someone requests a sub, please review these and sign into the online system to accept the position
-Petitioner is a new position to allow for more of our parishioners to be a part of the mass – will start assigning people to this role; Need to be trained as a lector in order to perform this role