For a Home-start Senior Co-ordinator with responsibility for supervising one or more Co-ordinators’ and Admin staff. Senior Co-coordinators’ maintain a family support case load at a level that is appropriate to the scheme.

Job TitleHome-Start senior co-ordinator

LocationHome-Start Kincardine, 32 David Street, Stonehaven, AB39 2AL

Hours of work35 hours/week

Responsible toThe designated line manager drawn from the Home-Start Board of Trustees

Responsible forManaging Paid Employees

Purposes of the job

  • To hold ultimate responsibility for maintaining an overview of the scheme.
  • To ensure the effective day to day management of the scheme in accordance with the Home-Start governing documents, the Home-Start Agreement and Quality Assurance Standards.
  • To maintain high standards of practice in supporting families within the ethos of Home-Start.
  • To ensure inclusion and diversity in all aspects of the scheme’s work.
  • To take responsibility for providing leadership and management to the staff team.

Main Responsibilities

Managing the scheme

  • Taking ultimate responsibility for the day to day management of the scheme.
  • Reporting to and supporting the Board of Trustees to ensure the strategic management and development of the scheme.
  • Taking joint responsibility for the current and future funding of the scheme along with the Board of Trustees
  • Taking joint responsibility for the Quality Assurance process with the Board of Trustees and managing the QA administration process.
  • Supporting Board of Trustee meetings.
  • Managing processes prior to the scheme’s Annual General Meeting and producing an Annual Report.
  • Ensuring all Home-Start policies and procedures are implemented and reviewed.
  • Ensuring effective administration and financial systems are in place.
  • Managing the operational work and deploying the schemes financial and staffing resources in the most effective way.
  • Supporting the Board of Trustees in the recruitment, selection, induction, management and deployment of other paid employees and trustees.
  • Leading the staff team and managing the work of other employees, ensuring that all employees receive effective supervision, direction and opportunities for development and carry out annual appraisals.
  • Supporting the trustees to ensure bids or tenders submitted are adequately costed and risk assessed; and that contracts or SLAs are delivered and targets are met
  • Managing scheme data according to current legislation
  • Taking the role of PVG Lead Signatory and managing PVG process according to current legislation.
  • Processing and collating statistical information for monitoring and evaluation purposes.

Support for families

  • Managing own case load of volunteers, supporting families
  • Maintaining an overview of all the work with families.
  • Receiving referrals and assessing need.
  • Introducing families to appropriate support.
  • Ensuring support to families is reviewed at regular intervals and at the end of Home-Start support.
  • To undertake the strategic lead and designated responsibilities to safeguard and promote children’s welfare, as per Home-Start Kincardine policies.

Managing Volunteers

  • Recruitment, selection and trainingof volunteers, to meet the needs of the scheme.
  • Developing and delivering volunteer training.
  • Matching and introducing volunteers to families.
  • Providing support, supervision and on-going training opportunities for volunteers.

Working in Partnership

  • Liaising with referrers and other professionals as appropriate.
  • Networking appropriately within the community.

Managing the Wider Context

  • Promoting the scheme its profile, ethos and practice.
  • Contributing to the development of Home-Start locally, regionally and nationally.

The post holder may be required to undertake any other duties that fall within the nature of the role and responsibilities of the post as detailed above.

This job description is current as atJune2015.

Recruitment/Senior Co-ordinator/Job Description- 1 -June 2015