IBG Germany – Workcamps 2015



Workcamps in Germany

...peacing theworldtogether


Internationale Begegnung in Gemeinschaftsdiensten e.V.

Fuchseckstr. 1

70188 Stuttgart


Tel: +49 (0) 711 – 649 11 28

+49 (0) 711 – 649 02 63

Fax: +49 (0) 711 – 640 98 67


About IBG

IBG is a German non-profit organisation founded in 1965. Our aims are to promote international understanding and to facilitate and organise voluntary work while coordinating closely with our local partners.

IBG is a registered charity and does not have a political, religious or institutional affiliation. IBG receives funds from the European Union and from the German Ministry for Youth.


Age limit: 18+ years old

Camp language: English is the camp language in most IBG camps. It is important that volunteers speak at least basic English. If the camp language is not English, a special mention is made in the project description.

The work: Usually volunteers will work about 30 hours a week (for example six hours a day about five days a week). Exceptions are mentioned in the descriptions and are made according to the needs of the project.

Accommodation: …will be in schools, gyms, youth centres, scouts huts or something similar. In general there are basic conditions but all facilities like kitchen, toilets and showers are available. If not, it is mentioned in the description.

Campleaders: Usually our camps have one or two campleaders who will support the organisation of free time activities, keep an account for the money for lodging and excursions as well as provide some support to group processes in the project. Apart from these responsibilities they are volunteers like the others.

Food: In most workcamps, preparing meals is self-organised by the participants. Usually everyone will take turns cooking.

Contact with the local population: Establishing contact with the local population is one big aim of IBG. Of course the level and intensity of local contact depends entirely on the possibilities and cannot be forced, nevertheless volunteers should be open for contact to the local population.

Insurance: All relevant insurance (personal accident, illness, third liability) is provided only within the official camp dates. EU volunteers are not insured against illness, that´s why they have to bring the European Health Insurance Card EHIC (former E111). We strongly recommend (non-EU) volunteers who plan to travel beyond these dates to bring their own insurance. More information can be found in our Infosheet.

Official invitations: Probably embassies will ask for an addition of the paragraphs 66-68 to our official invitations (“Kosten fuer Rueckbefoerderung und Lebensunterhalt”). As in the past we would like to stress that IBG is not able to meet the conditions mentioned therein and that we can not add these paragraphs to our official invitations.

Volunteers with special needs: International workcamps should be open to everyone. If you have volunteers who need individual support to join a workcamp (more information, special support during the camp...) please contact us. We will do our best to find a way to host them.

Accessing workcamps: All our workcamps are open and accessible for volunteers with fewer opportunities, according to the special needs and interests of the volunteers. We consider the workcamps:


IBG Germany – Workcamps 2015

IBG 03 Ehningen

IBG 02 Waldsassen

IBG 05 Irschenberg

IBG 06 Diespeck

IBG 07 Herrenberg

IBG 08 Willstaett

IBG 09 Kell am See

IBG 11 Kehl

IBG 16 Nagold

IBG 19 Hoetensleben

IBG 22 Bernburg

IBG 23 Annaberg-Buchholz

IBG 24 Worms

IBG 25 Heilsbronn

IBG 26 Nuertingen

IBG 28 Singen

IBG 29 Unterkirnach

IBG 30 Zwingenberg

IBG 33 Murrhardt

IBG 36 Berglen

IBG 38 Heidesheim

IBG 39 Betzenstein&Plech

IBG 41 Wolfsruh

IBG 42 Wangen

IBG 43 Ulm

IBG 4M Mariaberg


IBG Germany – Workcamps 2015


IBG Germany – Workcamps 2015

as especially appropriate for first time experiences in volunteering due to our local partner’s extensive support, as well as knowledge about integrative lifestyles.

…peacing the world together!

Code / Name / Region / Dates / Type / Vols / A4A / Remarks
IBG 03 / Ehningen / Ba-Wu / 17.03. - 24.03. / RENO/CONS / 5 / x
IBG 01 / Heidenheim / Ba-Wu / 05.04. - 18.04. / ENVI/CONS / 12
IBG 02 / Waldsassen / Bavaria / 18.04. - 02.05. / ENVI/CONS / 10 / x
IBG 3A / Burk / Bavaria / 19.04. – 05.05. / FEST/RENO / 8
IBG 04 / Grimburg castle / Rhineland-P. / 05.05. - 16.05. / RENO/ENVI / 10 / basic conditions
IBG 05 / Irschenberg / Bavaria / 06.05. - 20.05. / SOCI / 12 / x / CGC
IBG 06 / Diespeck / Bavaria / 16.05. - 31.05. / CONS / 12 / x
IBG 07 / Herrenberg / Ba-Wu / 24.05. - 06.06. / CONS / 12 / x
IBG 08 / Willstaett / Ba-Wu / 30.05. - 14.06. / RENO/CONS / 10 / x
IBG 09 / Kell am See / Rhineland-P. / 08.06. - 22.06. / CONS/ENVI / 12 / x
IBG 10 / Wuerzburg U&D / Bavaria / 12.06. - 25.06. / FEST / 15 / basic conditions
IBG 11 / Kehl / Ba-Wu / 27.06. - 18.07. / CONS/ENVI / 10 / x
IBG 12 / Waldenburg / Ba-Wu / 01.07. - 15.07. / CONS/FEST / 12
IBG 13 / Winterlingen / Ba-Wu / 04.07. - 25.07. / RENO/ENVI / 15
IBG 14 / Pegnitz U&D / Bavaria / 06.07. - 13.07. / FEST / 10 / ML
IBG 15 / Schillingen / Rhineland-P. / 08.07. - 22.07. / CONS/KIDS / 10
IBG 16 / Nagold / Ba-Wu / 12.07. - 28.07. / FEST / 13 / x
IBG 17 / Lauterbach / Ba-Wu / 12.07. - 01.08. / ENVI / 12
IBG 18 / Rottenburg / Ba-Wu / 12.07. - 25.07. / CONS/KIDS / 12
IBG 19 / Hoetensleben / Saxony-Anhalt / 17.07. – 09.08. / RENO/ENVI / 8 / x / In German / ML
IBG 20 / Karlstadt U&D / Bavaria / 18.07. – 29.07. / FEST / 15 / Basic conditions! ML
IBG 21 / Bahlingen / Ba-Wu / 19.07. – 01.08. / ENVI / 12
IBG 22 / Bernburg / Saxony-Anhalt / 19.07. – 09.08. / RENO / 12 / x
IBG 23 / Annaberg-Buchholz / Saxony / 19.07. – 01.08. / ENVI / 12 / x
IBG 24 / Worms / Rhineland-P. / 25.07. – 07.08. / MANU/ENVI / 10 / x
IBG 25 / Heilsbronn / Bavaria / 25.07. – 08.08. / ENVI/CONS / 12 / x
IBG 26 / Nuertingen / Ba-Wu / 26.07. – 09.08. / RENO/ART / 15 / x
IBG 27 / Weissach / Ba-Wu / 29.07. - 15.08. / KIDS / 8 / Age limit: 18-30 / ML
IBG 28 / Singen / Ba-Wu / 01.08. – 15.08. / CONS / 15 / x
IBG 29 / Unterkirnach / Ba-Wu / 01.08. – 15.08. / RENO/ENVI / 15 / x
IBG 30 / Zwingenberg / Ba-Wu / 01.08. – 22.08. / ENVI/RENO / 15 / x
IBG 31 / Stuttgart U&D / Ba-Wu / 03.08. – 11.08. / FEST / 12 / Basic conditions! / ML
IBG 32 / Kirchberg/Jagst / Ba-Wu / 03.08. – 22.08. / ENVI / 12
IBG 33 / Murrhardt / Ba-Wu / 08.08. – 16.08. / RENO / 8 / x
IBG 34 / Duchroth / Rhineland-P. / 08.08. – 22.08. / ENVI/CONS / 10
IBG 35 / Freisen / Saarland / 09.08. – 22.08. / CONS/RENO / 12
IBG 36 / Berglen / Ba-Wu / 15.08. – 30.08. / CONS/RENO / 12 / x
IBG 37 / Schwanfeld / Bavaria / 16.08. – 29.08. / RENO/ENVI / 12
IBG 38 / Heidesheim / Rhineland-P. / 22.08. - 06.09. / KIDS/CONS / 12 / x / Able to ride a bike!
IBG 39 / Betzenstein & Plech / Bavaria / 23.08. – 06.09. / RENO/ENVI / 12 / x
IBG 40 / Eislingen/Fils / Ba-Wu / 23.08. – 06.09. / RENO/SOCI / 10 / ML
IBG 41 / Wolfsruh / Brandenburg / 23.08. – 12.09. / RENO/ENVI / 15 / x / Able to ride a bike
IBG 42 / Wangen / Ba-Wu / 29.08. – 12.09. / KIDS / 12 / x / In German / ML
IBG 43 / Ulm / Ba-Wu / 30.08. – 20.09. / ENVI/CONS / 14
IBG 4M / Mariaberg / Ba-Wu / 11.07. – 25.07. / MANU/ENVI / 15 / x / Partly travel reimburse-ment! For vols from Catalonia, Lombardy,

IBG 03 Ehningen (Baden-Wurttemberg) 17.03. – 24.03.2015 RENO/CONS 5 vols

PROJECT: The local host is a German non-profit association called DJO (Deutsche Jugend in Europa - German Youth in Europe). In Ehningen they provide a self-catering educational centre for school classes, youth groups, musical or churchly associations as well as other NGOs who would like to use the rooms for meetings, festivals or camps of any kind. This house is also one of the favourite places for IBG to run its trainings for future campleaders. Two years ago the host was able to enlarge the surrounding garden and to start some maintenance work with the help of international workcamp. This year they are looking forward to welcoming you again!

WORK: Mainly, participants will continue restoring and arranging the outside area of the local host organisation. Some concrete tasks will be planting the hedge and setting up the beach volleyball field. This green space will be offered to the groups for the educational work and for leisure activities. If needed, various gardening and reconstruction jobs around the house and small repairs within the building are needed to realise this.

ACCOMMODATION: Participants will live directly at the project site. The accommodation includes shared rooms with beds (sleeping bags needed), bathrooms as well as a kitchen, in which the participants can cook on their own. There's the possibility to play board games, table tennis or badminton and you may also use the fireplace close-by.

LOCATION: Ehningen itself is small town with approx. 8.000 inhabitants, very close to Boeblingen (6 km) and only 20 km south of Stuttgart. There are lots of things to do close-by, e.g. swimming at the large water park or visiting one of the well worth seeing towns in this area: for instance Boeblingen, Ludwigsburg or Stuttgart, the capital of Baden-Wurttemberg.



IBG 01 Heidenheim a. d. Brenz (Baden-Wurttemberg) 05.04. - 18.04.2015 ENVI/CONS 12 vols

PROJECT: Your host is the Open-Air Theatre Heidenheim, the 2nd largest one of its kind in Southern Germany. It is situated on the “castle hill” of the town, surrounded by forests, and can accommodate 1100 spectators. The Open-Air Theatre is run by an association. And of course, there is a lot of work to do before the season starts in the beginning of June, so they are really looking forward to your help!

WORK: There are lots of things to do: first, the stage needs to be prepared: to create the scenery, there is woodwork to do, like sawing, drilling, screwing and painting. Second, the whole area needs to be improved for the oncoming season, which is mainly gardening work: cutting and planting bushes, painting a fence, and so on. Be prepared to work outside, so the ground might be muddy after rain. Take good, waterproofed shoes and rainwear with you!

ACCOMMODATION: You will be accommodated directly on the project side: Next to the stage, there is huge building for administration, a storage, a workshop, a café … here you will have two rooms for yourselves, showers, a kitchen and a common room. Please don’t forget to bring a sleeping bag anyway!

LOCATION: Heidenheim an der Brenz is a town with about 46.000 inhabitants. The area is rather rural with a beautiful countryside: since it is at the end of the Swabian Albs, there are many hills and forests. There is a castle and a wildlife park in Heidenheim, very close to your project. If you would like to visit a larger town, you may go to Ulm which is only 30km away. But also Stuttgart and Munich are just about 2 hours by train!

NEXT AIRPORTS: Stuttgart, Memmingen, Munich

NEXT TRAIN STATION: Heidenheim a. d. Brenz

IBG 02 Waldsassen (Bavaria) 18.04. - 02.05.2015 ENVI/CONS 10 vols

PROJECT: Your host is the Umweltstation (”environmental station”) of Waldsassen, a town near the border of the Czech Republic. This institution aims to educate people of all ages, in a non-formal way, about environmental issues. The garden is divided into various areas to creatively teach about topics such as water, herbs, forest and nature protection. It also offers guided tours, seminars and workshops. The “Umweltstation” is going to host its second workcamp now and very much looking forward to continuing the great experiences from last year.

WORK: Your task will be to prepare the garden for the season 2015, starting on 1st of May. This includes planting herbs, cutting, weeding and so on, but you will also do repair or reconstruction work, e.g. building a house for rabbits and/or chicken. Last year, a “Bee Adventure Trail” was installed (with an Insect Hotel, a life-size bear with bees and much more) that needs to be prepared again. Also, you will help to set up a small tree nursery with old cultivars. Some workshops for visitors will already start in April, so you will help to prepare them, too. In total, there is plenty of interesting work to do!

ACCOMMODATION: You will be accommodated in a small flat, where you will have a shower and a kitchenette. The environmental garden will also offer you the possibility to cook, so don’t worry that there won’t be enough space! Your neighbour is a very friendly lady, who is already looking forward to your stay – she will be happy to help you, give you all advice which is needed and, if you like, even accompany you for a trip to the Czech Republic.

LOCATION: Waldsassen is situated in the northeast of Bavaria; the border to the Czech Republic is close-by. About 7000 people live in this picturesque town, which is known for the beautiful old basilica and its convent. The area around Waldsassen is quite rural and offers the possibility to go hiking and enjoy the landscape. Near-by cities to visit are Nuremberg or Hof.