Variable DC Circuits (PSpice Student Version 9.1) Juan C. Luna

Step 0: Open the Program

Select: <Start<Programs<PSpice Student<PSpice Design manager>

In the Design Manager screen select the option: <Tools< Schematics>

This option will open the screen where the user can draw a circuit and perform a simulation

Step 1: Draw the elements of the circuit

If the final circuit is:

DC Voltage varies from -10V to +10V

the user needs to load some libraries to start drawing the elements of the circuit.

Select the Icon <Get New Part>

Select the option <Advanced>.This option will display an enhanced window to load component libraries

The libraries to load will be:

We select the following components:VDC, R and GND_EARTH

All the selected components will appear in a dropdown box

The operations with the components are available in the drop down menu of EDIT

Select the Draw Wire Tool to complete the circuit

Select the View option : <Fit>

Double-Click in any element opens the Attribute window.

The user needs to change the attributes of each element to obtain the final PSpice circuit:

Step 2: Simulation of the Circuit

Select the option: <Analysis<Setup>

Choose the option <DC Sweep> to perform a DC Analysis

Select the range of the DC sweep

Select option: <Simulate>

Step 3: Simulation Plots

The program Schematics transfer control to PSpice A/D, the screen is

To understand how PSpice simulates the circuit open the output file using: <View<Output File>

The output file shows the list of nodes that PSpice uses as a reference for its calculations.

Identify the PSpice nodes of your circuit

Once the variables of interest are identified, the option Trace <Add Trace> will activate the program Probe

The option <Add Trace> asks for the variable to be plotted against the DC Sweep.

Once the variable has been selected, the program Probe will plot the variable against the DC Sweep.


PSpice for Linear Circuits. 2nd Ed. James A. Svoboda