Sunday September 10, 2017
We welcome all who gather with us to worship
Prayer Needs
The Holy Spirit to work mightily among us, drawing us all to Jesus Christ
For godly wisdom for our consistory as they leadthe congregation
The persecuted church worldwide, and for those suffering from terrorism
For the suffering among us, those sorrowing the loss of loved ones, those with afflictions of the body, mind and spirit, the lonely and the elderly.
God’s blessing on catechism and Sunday School season.
Heather Van Grootheest as she continues her radiation treatments.
Howard VandenToorn, Marge’s stepson following a massive stroke
Thanksgiving for God’s provision in the beautiful seasons and weather.
For our missionaries, the Miskins’, Devries’ in South Africa and theSommers’ in Sumba
Our widows and widower, pray for God’s presence in their loneliness
Call upon the LORD for all those affected by the loss of life and property from the recent hurricanes. Pray for our nation to return unto the LORD in humility.
“If a sheep stray from his fellows, the shepherd sets his dog after it, not to devour it, but to bring it in again; even so our Heavenly Shepherd.” Daniel Cawdray
Remember in prayer those with ongoing needs:
Nellie Fintelman John Rus George & Chris Vonk Wilma Koedam
Today: Pastor Bart Elshout serves. Fellowship & coffee after the morning service. Catechism and Sunday School at 11:20 am
Today’s offerings: 1st General Fund 2nd: HRCSFund
Next Lord’s Day: Pastor Bart Elshout serves. 2nd Offering: HRCSFund
Lord’s Supper will be administered next Lord’s Day during the morning service. All members who are needy sinners and find their hope alone in Jesus Christ are encouraged to remember the death of the Lord as His table. All non-members who desire to partake must first contact the consistory.
“Dear Prayer Partners, we thank the Lord and you for your continued prayerful support of our seminary. Our new semester commences August 29 with 21 new students this year, & a new faculty member. PhD courses were offered August 14 - 18. Eighty-nine students are currently enrolled in our various programs for the fall semester. We covet your prayers for those who must leave their families in order to study. The first semester is a particularly difficult time for them. A new student housing proposal is being presented to the city planning commission September 14. Please pray for a favorable conclusion. Remember our Board of Trustees, faculty, & staff as we launch into a new semester with new prospects for growing our mission to train men for sacred ministry & our female students forteaching &non-ordained ministry support roles. To learn more about PRTS or to partner with the seminary.” visit us online at or contact Chris Hanna at .
September: Sunday 17th: Lord’s Supper, morning worship service Tuesday 19th: Singing at Royale Meadows, Sioux Center at 6:30 pm Wednesday 20th: Ladies Bible Study, 9:30 am, at Heritage Estates Club Room Wednesday 27th: Ladies Bible Study, 9:30 am, at Heritage Estates Club Room
Tuesday 3rd: Consistory Meeting at church @ 7:00 pm
Wednesday 4th:Ladies Bible Study
Wednesday 4th: Family Bible Study & Youth Group Evening, 6:50 pm @ Hope Haven
Thursday 19th: Singing at Pleasant Acres, Hull @ 7:15 pm
Adult Bible Study: For our next meeting on October 4 please read chapters 23 in the book and be prepared to discuss the questions.
September 12: Alexander Gaul
September 13: Lee Rozeboom
September 15: Marilyn Dekkers
September 10: Dan and Danica DeMeester
September 17: Lee and Kerri Rozeboom
Lunch Schedule:
September 10: Mary M. and Linda VB
September 17: Stacy Z. and Julie P.
Nursery Schedule:
September 10: Morning:Amber Z. and Madelynn Z.
Evening: Kenzie Z. and Samantha G.
September 17: Morning:Mariah B. and Faith G.
Evening: Stacy Z. and Rayna M.
Grateful acknowledgement is given for the following collections:
8/06General $3,311.00 8/06HRCS$3,360.00
8/13General$934.00 8/13 DOC$1,430.00
8/20General$600.00 8/20 HRCS$2,809.00
8/27General$1,604.00 8/27 Emeritus Fund $960.00
Weekly Psalter: #290
SCRIP dates: September 11 & 25 and October 9 & 23
Balance: ($31,039.99)
~All the LORD willing~
“What is Prayer?”
by: Montgomery
Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire,
Unuttered or expressed,
The motion of a hidden fire
That trembles in the breast.
Prayer is the burden of a sigh,
The falling of a tear,
The upward gleaming of an eye,
When none but God is near.
Prayer is the simplest form of speech
That infant lips can try;
Prayer, the sublimest strains that reach
The Majesty on high.
Prayer is the Christian’s vital breath,
The Christian’s native air,
His watch-word at the gates of death,
He enters heaven by prayer.
Prayer is the contrite sinner’s voice,
Returning from his ways,
While angels in their songs rejoice,
And say, Behold he prays!
The saints in prayer appear as one,
In word, in deed, in mind,
When with the Father and the Son
Their fellowship they find.
Nor prayer is made on earth alone:
The Holy Spirit pleads;
And Jesus, on th’ eternal throne,
For sinners intercedes.
“O Thou, by whom we come to God!
The Life, the Truth, the Way,
The path of prayer thyself hast trod,
Lord, teach us how to pray!”
Heritage Reformed
Sunday September 10, 2017
“There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.” Hebrews 4:9
Hull, Iowa
Pastor: Rev. Bartel Elshout
E-mail: – Cell #: 712-451-9302
Worship Services: 9:30 AM6:00 PM
Online services available on or
Member Church of HRC Denomination
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