Explore Rowing
Accreditation Pack
[insert club/centre/unit name]1
Becoming an Explore Rowing accredited centre or club will provide your club with access to a number of benefits including access to the Explore Rowing Learn to Row Scheme. Accreditation is open to a number of different centres:
- British Rowing Affiliated Clubs (Open Clubs, Universities and Schools)
- British Rowing Affiliated Watersports Centres
- Sea Cadet Units & Centres
- Scout Association Groups and Centres
There is no accreditation fee but we do require you to sign up to a number of terms and conditions. These conditions are designed to allow us to maintain the standards of the programme throughout the delivery of the scheme. British Rowing reserves the right to make changes to these terms and conditions from time to time and these changes will be communicated in writing or via email to all accredited clubs.
To apply for accreditation please complete all the pages in this form electronically and return the form via email to or by post to Explore Rowing Team, British Rowing, 6 Lower Mall, London, W6 9DJ. If you have any questions about completing this application please contact your Regional Team Leader or the Explore Rowing Team.
Basic Information
Basic Information
To start off with we want to confirm some basic information about your club so that we can correctly advertise you on our website. Where we have already got information saved on your club we have inserted it below.
Club/Centre NameAddress of Club
Telephone Number
Location of Club (Latitude/Longitude)
You can find the latitude/longitude of your club by going to
Provide an introductory paragraph about your club
Please tick the boxes for the programmes you currently offer at the club / Adaptive Programme / Adult Programme / Junior
Adaptive Facilities / Adult Beginners / Junior Beginners
Coastal / Recreational / Masters
Please confirm your blade colours /
British Rowing Affiliated Clubs Only
Please attach a copy of your club’s constitution which we will check to confirm you have appropriate clauses relating to equity, welfare and safety. Please tick the box to confirm you have attached it to this application.Scout Association & Sea Cadet Groups/Centres Only
District/Area / County1
We need to have a lead contact at the club who will set as your Explore Coordinator. This person will be responsible for overseeing Explore Rowing within the club and ensuring that the programme is delivered to the correct standards. This person does not need to be a qualified coach.
We will post all resources, certificates and other postal items to the address supplied below so please ensure that you are able to take delivery here. When ordering larger numbers of resources it may not be possible for the package to go through a letterbox.
We also want to know who will actually be delivering the on-water Explore Rowing activity so that we are confident that you will be able to provide correctly qualified coaches.
Explore Coordinator
Full NamePostal Address
Telephone Number
Email Address
British Rowing Membership Number
Please provide details of the coaches you wish to use for delivering the scheme, including their qualification and British Rowing membership number where applicable.
Full Name / Membership Number / Qualification1
Activity & Equipment
Activity & Equipment
To help us understand what your club is able to offer we need you to fill some simple information about what equipment your club has; what activity you plan to deliver and how you will go about this. There is no right or wrong answer to this section but we may come back to you and offer suggestions on how you might improve this.
Boat Fleet
Please outline the boats that you intend to use to deliver the ‘learn to row’ courses and Explore Rowing activity within the club. Please provide a brief description of each boat giving its size, age and manufacturer e.g. 1994 Burgashell stable quad; 2006 Janousek training single.
Please tick which boats will be used in particular for learn to row courses and the Boat Hire Network (see next section).
Boat Description / Learn to Row / Boat Hire NetworkLearn to Row Courses
How many learn to row courses do you intend to run annually?How much do you intend to charge per learn to row course?
Scout Association & Sea Cadet Groups/Centres Only
Do you intend to deliver solely to members of your Group/Unit (closed) or will you deliver to the community? (please delete as applicable) / Closed / Community1
Boat Hire Network
Boat Hire Network
The Boat Hire Network is an optional, reciprocal boat hire network where your club offers some boats through the Explore Rowing website and competent members of other clubs in the network are able to book them on days where you have marked them as available. The scheme is optional to join but your members will only be able to access the other boats in the scheme if you offer boats to other clubs.
British Rowing will provide the booking system through the Explore Rowing website and only British Rowing members will be able to make bookings. Each club is required to mark on the Club Management System which members they feel are competent to book boats at other clubs.
Individual clubs must ensure that their boats are correctly insured to allow them to join the network.
Please note the Boat Hire Network is only available in England
Please tick the box to the right if you would like to join the Boat Hire NetworkPlease return to page 5 and ensure the boats you wish to make available through the Boat Hire Network are clearly indicated on your list of boats.
How much do you intend to charge per seat per session for each of your boats?
(Sessions are AM, PM, Evening or all day)
Please indicate if there are any special considerations that need to be taken into account for you joining the Boat Hire Network.
Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
- I am making this application on behalf of the centre/club listed on page 1 of this pack and have been formally authorized by this organisation to make an application to become Explore Rowing accredited.
- All information provided within this application is accurate and truthful.
- The club/centre will remain affiliated to British Rowing throughout the duration of this accreditation. (Not applicable to Scout Association/Sea Cadet Units)
- All ‘learn to row’ courses at this club/centre will be delivered in line with the key requirements laid out in the ‘Explore Rowing Learn to Row Scheme: Organisers’ Guide’. In particular but not exclusive to:
- All participants will be registered with British Rowing in accordance with the Organisers’ Guide
- All participants will receive appropriate resources (e.g. the Handbook or Passport) in accordance with the Organisers’ Guide.
- British Rowing reserves the right to amend the key requirements outlined in the Organisers’ Guide. This will be notified to clubs by email via your Explore Coordinator.
- All boats used to deliver Explore Rowing activity (including the Boat Hire Network) will be maintained in good working order in line with British Rowing safety guidance.
- All boats used as part of the Boat Hire Network will be appropriately insured for this use by the club/centre.
- The club/centre must hold appropriate insurance for delivery of Explore Rowing activity.
- Once granted accreditations last for two years at which point the club/centre may choose to renew it.
- British Rowing will monitor the club/centre to ensure that the agreements in this application and conditions set out are adhered to. In the event that British Rowing feels that the conditions are not being adhered to, the club/centre will co-operate with British Rowing to resolve the matter. In the event of continued non-adherence British Rowing may choose to remove the accreditation.
- The club/centre undertakes that all activities which fall within the scope of this Agreement will be conducted on an equitable basis and in accordance with the rules, policies, appropriate risk assessment and risk management procedures of the club/centre, and that these take account of the policies and guidance issued by its parent body (normally British Rowing for clubs) on safety and safeguarding.
On behalf of / I declare that we agree to the above terms and conditionsName
British Rowing Use Only
Form ReceivedChecked By
Accreditation Approved / Changes Required
Details of Changes Required
Parent Body Check (if applicable)
Accreditation Pack Sent Out
(Letter, Certificate, Flag)