Gov/Econ SyllabusMrs. Kurys

Rm.- A 216


Phone- 830-3360

Office Hours- Wed & Friday 3:00-3:20

Course Content & Outline

Students in grade twelve pursue a deeper understanding of the institutions of American government. They compare systems of government in the world today and analyze the history and changing interpretations of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the current state of the legislative, executive, and judiciary branches of government. An emphasis is placed on analyzing the relationship among federal, state, and local governments, with particular attention paid to important historical documents such as the Federalist Papers. These standards represent the culmination of civic literacy as students prepare to vote, participate in community activities, and assume the responsibilities of citizenship.

In addition to studying government in grade twelve, students will also master fundamental economic concepts, applying the tools (graphs, statistics, equations) from other subject areas to the understanding of operations and institutions of economic systems. Studied in a historic context are the basic economic principles of micro- and macroeconomics, international economics, comparative economic systems, measurement, and methods

Unit 1 Principles of American Democracy

Unit 2 Federalism and the Political Machine

Unit 3 Individual Rights vs Rights of the Majority

Class Rules & Consequences

1.Wear Your ID around your neck at all times

2. Be on time.

3. Do not eat, drink or chew gum in class (water is allowed in a bottle)

4. Be prepared for class (have materials needed).

5. Be respectful to everyone.

6. Follow all teacher directions and rules that are outlined in the handbook/agenda.

7. Do not cheat or engage in any behavior that could be construed as cheating

1. Verbal warning

2. Conference with student

3. Parent notified

4. Referral to AP

Tardy Policy & Consequences


2nd. Free

3rd. Warning

4th. Parent notified

5th +. Referral to AP

Academic Dishonesty Policy

THS Social Studies Department Plagiarism Statement:

Plagiarism is the use of another’s words or ideas and the presentation of them as though they are entirely one’s own. Acts of plagiarism might include, but are not limited to:

1. using words or ideas from a published source without proper documentation;

2. using the work of another student (e.g. copying another student’s homework, composition, or project);

3. Using excessive editing suggestions of another student, parent, or paid author.

Plagiarism on any project or paper at Tracy High School will result in a zero for the assignment and a referral in your file. Unless directly stipulated by the teacher, collaboration on written work is not acceptable.

***Questionable passages will be evaluated using online software designed to find plagiarism.***

Make-Up Work

Per BP 6154-Students are allowed one day for each day of an Excused Absence.


1. For (class work, homework and tests) the students must make up the work by the start of class the day(s) after their allowed make up time (it is the student’s responsibility to get their work stamped)

2. If a student is absent the day a long term project/paper/essay is due- they are due to Mrs. Kurys’ immediately upon the student’s return-as the due date was on a day they were absent and they already received extra day/days to work on the project.

3. If a student is absent only the day before a scheduled test they are expected to take the test with the class. If they were absent a series of 3 or more consecutive days prior to a scheduled test then they will be allowed the time until the test make up day is given.

4. Test Make-ups are the given on a designated day the week following a test. The make-up day will be posted on the board. It is the students responsibility to look at the board to know when the day is for a test they missed.


5. No Make- up work is allowed for truants or suspensions.

Homework Policy

Please see BP6154, Homework Policy Pamphlet, for homework guidelines. You should check your child’s agenda every day, to ensure it is updated with what we are doing every day. Your child will likely have homework 2-3 times a week and larger long term projects. And it will be stamped for completion the next day.

Cell Phone Use in Class

District policy allows students to use phones between classes and at lunch. Cell phones are to be shut off and out of sight during class unless I say otherwise.

Materials & Supplies Recommended

  • 3-5 subject spiral notebook
  • Pen/pencil
  • colored pencils
  • glue stick, tape or stapler

Grading Policy

I do weighted grades and the breakdown is as follows:

Quarter Grades:Semester Grades:

Tests/ quizzes/ orals20%Class grades for 1st and 2nd Qtrs 80%

Class/homework80%Final Exam 20%

GradesGrades are the following percentages:

97-100%A+ 90-96%A87-89% B+ 80-86% B

77-79%C+ 70-76%C60-69% D0-59% F Failing


Aeries Parent Portal Participation

I encourage you to sign up for AERIES as I do update grades as assignments are graded.

TA Expectations

All TA’s are expected to attend class regularly and abide by all classroom rules (including no phones). They are not to disrupt the class in any way (such as talking to students during class). Their job is to assist the teacher in things like passing out papers, filing, and daily maintenance of the classroom, grading packets or tests as needed.

Textbook Management

Students will be allowed to leave their covered/labeled book in a designated class cabinet when not needed for homework at their own risk.

Mrs. Kurys

Gov./Econ Parent Signature Page

Dear Parents and Students,

We have a great year ahead of us! Most of you are growing to become responsible young adults and ready to take on new challenges. Whether those challenges be college, the work force, or another year at Tracy High, my goal is for all of us to work together as teacher, student and parent and help you to become the capable, responsible young people that we know you are ready to become.

The best way for this to happen is to make sure you communicate with me. The first thing I am going to ask of you is that if at any time you have an issue that comes up:

1.Students please come to me first. Often time’s issues become bigger than they really need to be because communication is unclear through a third person. The best time to do this is not at the start, end, or middle of class but rather after school when we can have a chance to really communicate and listen to each other.

2. Parents let your child be responsible for seeking out clarification and seeking a resolution to their problem. This will become an invaluable life skill in many situations that life will challenge them with in the future. My hope is that the first time I hear about an issue is not from you as a parent, but rather from your student.

Parents if at any time you have a question regarding your child’s grade or safety, please e-mail me at . I do check my e-mail often. If I do not respond by the end of the day that usually means I am absent. Please give me time to respond. Also if you have any question about what we are doing in class please check out my website at

***Senior Parents*** I do weighted grades. This becomes an important factor when 4th quarter senior activities come around. If your child receives less than a 72% on 3rd Qtr report card and an “In Danger of failing on their 4th qtr progress report. They will not be allowed to participate in senior activities: including Grad Nite and Beach Day. By initialing each statement I understand that Mrs. Kurys has b=made her grading policy clear in regards to 4th qtr progress reports.

  1. I understand that if I/my student had below a 72% on 3rd qtr report card and receives an “In Danger of Failing” on my/their 4th qtr progress report they will not be permitted per school policy to participate in senior activities including Grad Nite and Beach Day. ______Student Initial ______Parent Initial
  1. I understand that payment for these senior activities happens before the posting of 4th qtr progress report grades. I understand that my parent/I will not receive a refund for any payments made for these activities in the event I/my child receives an “In Danger of Failing” on 4th qtr progress report. ______Student Initial ______Parent Initial

Again, thank you for giving me the opportunity to teach your children. If you have any questions do not hesitate to e-mail me.

Thank you.


Karleen M. Kurys


Student Printed NameParent Printed Name


Student Signature Parent Signature


Parent Best contact # Parent E-mail

Movies Listed on Back-Please turn over to review!


Sometimes we will show movies in class that are academically related in one way or another to our topic or for a reward for hard work. The ratings of these movies range from PG-R. Here is a list of those movies for you to review. If you do not want your child to view a particular movie please make sure to circle “NO” and your child will be given an alternate assignment while the class watches that movie.

Below are the possible movies that your student might possibly see.

***You must circle each movie or your child will not be permitted to view the movie, but will receive an alternate assignment.***

Please circle the appropriate choice for your student.

World Trade CenterYESNO

The American PresidentYESNO

Legally Blonde IIYESNO

The CampaignYESNO

Ghosts of MississippiYESNO

Wall StreetYESNO

Blood DiamondsYESNO

Parent SignatureDate
