November 10, 2016 OIS-School Steering Committee Meeting


Carole Searle

Julie Sams

Cathy Jensen

Tricia Curley

Liisa Stockbridge

Nancy Larson

Not in attendance:

Lisa Bateman

Approve September 2016 Minutes


Second: Julie

Approved: Unanimous

Exec Committee Decisions

Approved AnneMariePolignano to conduct FastPass reviews.

Old Business:

Barry Nemec: Approved to extend his candidacy at September Meeting but failed to give him a timeline.

Discussion:The SC agreed that February 2017 would be sufficient time to finish his candidacy.




New Business

-Ben Smith (IC August 2016 Workshop): Request to do both co-trainings with Cathy Jensen

Discussion:He has been practicing with Cathy and alsoco-trained at a couple of the one-day workshops. He has lots of foundational knowledge and has received good feedback from the participants.His background as a college professor gives him a good foundation in teaching OIS.

Motion:Julie motions that he is able to do both co-trainings with Cathy



-Allowing Administrative Staff to attend the One-Day or the Admin Workshop depending upon schedules.

Discussion: The curriculums are similar, administration workshops spend more time talking about the law. The benefit of allowing Administrators in the One-Day workshop is that they could be trained with some of their employees. It is helpful with supervising when the supervisor knows what their employees are being taught. In March, we may consider merging the two workshops and adjusting the Owners’ Manual to say that Administrators do not need to follow the pre-requisites.

Motion:Tricia motions that in the meantime, we should allow for Administrative staff to attend one-day without previous OIS.



-Allowing staff that are acting as Administrators within a building to attend the Admin Workshop.

Discussion:The difficulty is defining an “acting administrator”. Some districts have teachers that may be asked to be the “acting administrator” for a day due to the typical administrator being out. However this person may not have the foundational knowledge that is assumed for someone taking the OIS Administration Workshop.

However, it is important that individuals who are routinely placed in an administrative role be knowledgeable in OIS. Therefore, the following definition was agreed upon. If a position has administrative duties as part of their regular job description or they are on an administration track, then that individual would be allowed into the OIS Administration Workshop or allowed to follow the One-Day Curriculum rules for Administrators.




-Mariana Rocha: Completed day 1 of co-training with Tricia, completing Chapters 2,4 and most of the physical training. She was unable to attend day 2 due to an ill child. She has chapter 6 and belt-shirts remaining.Mariana is requesting to count this co-training count as long she covers those missed things plus chapters 1,3, and 5 at my next co-training with Annemarie in January?She also wants to add that I also did a 1 day co-teaching with Annemarie last month and I taught chapters 2,4, and 6 with the physical moves.

Discussion: Tricia confirms that she was excellent, one of the best candidate co-trainers she has seen.




Solo Requests


Instructor Candidate Requests for Extensions
