Operation and Maintenance Plan Sediment Basin, Code 350
Landowner/Operator: / Date:NRCS Service Center: / Conservation District:
Practice Location: / Tract/Field ID:
(Lat/Long or UTM Coord. or Sec/TS/R)
Operation & Maintenance Requirements
The monitoring well(s) was designed and installed to obtain groundwater quality samples and/or hydrogeologic information. The estimated life span of this installation is at least 10 years. The life span of this practice can be assured and usually increased by developing and implementing an operation and maintenance (O&M) program.
The parameters to be sampled and frequency of sampling are as follows:
Contaminant / Frequency of SamplingYou are required to perform inspections and O&M activities in order for this practice to achieve the intended function, benefits, and design life. Maintenance and rehabilitation procedures must comply with criteria in ASTM D5978 to ensure acquisition of groundwater samples free of artificial turbidity, eliminate siltation of wells between sampling events, and permit acquisition of accurate groundwater levels and hydraulic conductivity test data from the zone screened by the well. Items to inspect, operate, and maintain during the estimated service life of this practice include, but are not limited to, the following items.
Add or delete bullets below as necessary to create a site specific O&M Plan. This line does not print.
· Inspect the monitoring well routinely and after major rainfall events but no less than once per year. All items noted as needing repair or maintenance should be repaired immediately.
· Inspect to ensure the monitoring well cover is securely in place.
· Keeping debris, vegetation and any foreign debris clear in immediate vicinity of well.
· Measuring and recording water levels.
· Inspect to ensure buffer is adequately maintained.
· Inspect to ensure surface water is not entering or accumulating at the immediate vicinity of the monitoring well site.
When the monitoring well is no longer needed, close the well according to Florida NRCS Conservation Practice Standard Well Decommissioning, Code 351.
USDA Florida NRCS / Page 2 of 2 / May 2014