International MSc in E-Learning Multimedia and ConsultancyConference 2006

Sheffield Hallam University 4thMarch 2006

Sheffield Hallam University

Call for Proposals

Deadline for:

Abstracts: 4th January 2006

Papers: 4th February 2006

Format of proposals

The conference will be organised around seminars, workshops, learning sets and a thematic carousel. Students currently working on Dissertations and Projects are invited to submit proposals (200 words maximum) for seminars,workshops or learning sets, though joint contributions for seminars are welcomed and for workshops and learning sets are expected. All other students are expected to contribute to the carousel and are invited to submit proposals for learning sets. Each form of contribution is outlined below:


Each seminar will have 30 minutes for a paper presentation (15/20 mins.) and discussion (10/15 mins.).


Each workshop will be allocated 60 minutes for a paper presentation (15/20 minutes) or alternative input, group activity and discussion (40/45 minutes). It envisaged that workshops will be supported by papers.

Learning Sets

Learning sets will be facilitated around special interests of the participants. The conference session (60 mins) is the start session of an online special interest group within the Blackboard Community area (4 weeks). Each Learning Set will involve an introduction of the subject, key resources and follow-up discussion moderation by the proposer(s).


Each participant who is not responsible for a seminar, workshop or learning set is expected to present in an interactive way a display of their work in the form of a multimedia presentation, poster display, a combination of these or any other imaginative format. The target audience for this ‘presentation’ is a small group consisting of 2-3 peers and/or staff. These will be displayed throughout the conference with time allocated (25 mins) in a three round carousel.

Submission of proposals

An area in the Blackboard Community will be established for proposals to be posted. Titles, proposers and abstracts (200 words max) should be submitted for seminars, workshops and learning sets. Titles and proposers are necessary for the carousel.

Guidelines for papers

It is planned to publish papers from the conference following a process of review overseen by an editorial review group. Further details on paper guidelines will follow together with more information about the subsequent publication in due course.

Travel, accommodation and social programme

What do we want to say at this stage Steef?A Local Organisation Committee chaired by Richard Pountney will take this forward and will keep you informed.

Conference website

It is planned to publish proposals on a Cconference Wwebsite and promote discussions on the proposed subjects from the very beginning. Further details on the website will follow soon..