Bibliography of Books and Resources about Quakers
photo by Jeffrey Hipp, NEYM
Two particularly useful books for understanding Hartford Monthly Meeting:
1. Faith and Practice of New England Yearly Meeting
This is an important source of information about New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM). It’s mandate is to communicate to members and inquirers the historic and continuing faith of Friends, particularly as relevant to New England Yearly Meeting, and to outline procedures to be followed by meetings regarding membership, organization, the conduct of their business. It is updated or revised every 30-40 years, and is currently in the process of being rewritten. Thus there is the 1985 version, widely available, and also the Interim Faith and Practice 2014. The interim book includes the texts which have received preliminary approval of the yearly meeting, and other relevant documents about the process of revision. More information and an online version are available at New England Yearly Meeting includes the approximately 80 Monthly Meetings in New England.
2. Handbook of Hartford Monthly Meeting
The Handbooks provides a large amount of information about how Hartford Monthly Meeting (HMM) organizes itself to make it easier for us to function as a caring community. A copy is available on the counter in the Library Annex. Copies can also be purchased or obtained as electronic copies. Please see the Clerk of the Meeting or a member of the Handbook Committee for further information. It is also available on the Hartford Meeting website ( in the Resources area for those who registered for the website.
A Short Bibliography: (Many of the books in the list below are available in the Hartford Meeting Library.)
Friends for 350 Years, Howard Brinton, Pendle Hill, 2002. Combines history and interpretation in an excellent single volume on the essentials of Quakerism.
The Quiet Rebels: The Story of the Quakers in America, Margaret Hope Bacon, New Society Publishers, Philadelphia, 1985 includes an introduction "The Quaker Contribution to Nonviolent Action."
The Journal of George Fox. The journal of George Fox, the principal founder of Quakers.
The Journal of John Woolman. An 18th century Friend records his efforts to follow his Quaker faith, a classic of American and Quaker literature.
A Testament of Devotion, Thomas R. Kelly, Harper and Bros., NY, 1941. A short book of devotional essays, still widely read among Friends.
A Procession of Friends: Quakers in America, Daisy Newman, Doubleday and Company, Garden City, NY, 1972. Quaker history and principles related as a series of short narratives.
Friends Journal. 1216 Arch Street, 2A, Philadelphia, PA19107, (215) 568-1377, A monthly magazine that includes a wide array of articles on Quakerism with emphasis on the unprogrammed branch.
More information about books for Quakers can be found at