Grade 6 Dance Assignment
You and your group members will be responsible for creating a dance piece that incorporates the elements of dance to communicate a theme or mood. Although you will work with a group, you will be assessed individually based on the criteria below.
Success Criteria:
Your group’s dance will:
- Be planned effectively by completing a storyboard organizer
- At least 6 different movements
- Use 3 different formations in their performance
- Use different pathways (sideways, forward, backward, diagonal, turns)
- Make movements match the timing of the music
- Make movements that are exaggerated/big
- Use transitions that are sharp or smooth to match the mood of the music
- Use different levels (low, medium, high)
- Have appropriate spacing between the group members throughout the performance
- Make good use of the performance space
- Face the audience most of the time
- Have facial expressions that match the mood and make eye-contact with each other and the audience when appropriate
Class: ______Name: ______
Grade 6 Dance Assignment Assessment
Physical Education Expectation: Perform movement skills, demonstrating an understanding of the basic requirements of the skills and apply movement concepts as appropriate (i.e., smooth transfer of weight and rotations in relation to others and equipment, respond to changes in stimuli, phases of movement)
Dance expectation: Apply the creative process to the composition of a variety of dance pieces, using the elements of dance to communicate feelings and ideas.
Gym / Dance / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1Body Awareness / Body – body awareness, use & isolation of body parts (i.e. feet, hands, back etc.) transfer of weight and rotation. Synchronized with group / Excellent control of all body parts at all times, smooth and appropriate transfer of weight
Always Synchronized / Usually in control of all body parts, transfers of weight usually on time and smooth
Mostly synchronized / Occasionally forgets positions of body parts, some appropriate transfer of weight
Some synchronization / Limited control of body parts, difficulty transferring weight
No synchronization
Effort Awareness / Energy – effort, force, quality, fluidity, sharpness,
Appropriate to the music/mood / Energy level is high and focused toward performance, movements are big and sharp/smooth as needed / Energy is usually high and focused on the performance / Energy is lacklustre or sometimes misdirected / Energy level is low and lacklustre or high, but misdirected
Spatial Awareness / Space – Variety of levels, directions, proximity of dancers/use of performance space / Excellent sense of direction, variety of purposeful levels, creative use of performance space / Usually uses performance space well and varies levels and directions / Sometimes varies levels and/or directions, and some purposeful use of space / Limited variation in levels and/or directions, use of space redundant or inappropriate
Awareness / Time – Rhythm, tempo, transition time, with music, duration, / Exactly in tempo with music at all times, and creative, smooth and appropriate transitions / Mostly aware of rhythm, usually in time with music, and mostly smooth/appropriate transitions / Sometimes demonstrates awareness of rhythm and timing of the music, some smooth transitions / Little sense of rhythm, timing is not with music, awkward transitions
Positive Interrelation / Focus – engagement, concentration, preparation – use of class time
(BEFORE and DURING) / Focus at all times directed toward performance, engagement level is very high, / Usually engaged and focused toward group & performance, good use of class time / Sometimes engaged with group, working on group goal, inconsistent use of class time / Off task, wandering, limited positive contribution, poor use of class time.
Donato/Cook 2013