Exam Tips

Exam Quizzes

Letting the students know as much a about the exam as possible helps them to be as well prepared as they can be. Periodically use little exam quizzes to help your students understand what is expected of them.


•Exam Tip

Look at the photo and the title and try to guess what the text is about.

( Solutions)


In exams students often try to read the text straight away without preparing themselves properly.

  • In class

Use the visual clues in the coursebook to build up the students’ expectation

Encourage students to come up with their own gist tasks for reading texts

  • Exam Tip

In multiple choice tasks, underline the key words in the questions. The look for the same (or similar) words in the text. This way you will find it easier you identify the information you need.


This helps students develop their scan reading skills and their understanding of how multiple choice questions work.

  • In class

Ask students to underline the key words and also think of words which mean the same as the key words.


•Exam Tip

In the exam, read the text and, for each gap, identify the parts of speech that are missing.

•In class

When you do gap fills with your classes don’t initially ask them to fill in the correct word. Get them to discuss the part of speech that is missing.


•Exam Tip

Always read the instructions carefully, as this may give you some vital information about the recording you are going to hear. Then, before you listen to the recording, read the possible answers. This will help you guess what information to expect in the recording.


As with reading student need to have an expectation of what they are going to hear before they hear it.

•In class

Ask students to use the questions in the exercise to build up what they think the listening is going to be about.


•Exam Tip

Don’t be afraid to say you don’t understand something. Use phrases such as Pardon? Sorry did you say...? Could you repeat that please? (Maturita Solutions)


Students often think that asking for repetition is a sign of weaknesses. By equipping them with phrases to deal with problems they can ‘show off’ their English while asking for clarification.

•In class

Give students words they have to try to use in a dialogue build activity.


•Exam Tip

When you are preparing to write an article, divide the information into different topics. Put all the information about each topic into a separate paragraph. (Maturita Solutions)


Often students begin writing without planning, and often their texts are jumbled and lack a sense of order.

•In class

Do lots of idea storming activities to help students prepare their written work.


•Not only use the exam tips to help prepare your students but tell them why you are doing the activities so they get into good habits.

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