BUS 1101: Connecting to the

Hankamer School of Business

Fall 2014

Location: Kayser Auditorium

Times: Section 1: Friday 9:05 - 9:55 am

Section 2: Friday 10:10 - 11:00 am

Section 3: Friday 11:15 am - 12:05 pm

Section 4: Thursday 9:30 - 10:20 am

Instructors: Ms. Krista Meek, Assistant Dean

Dr. Mark Dunn, Associate Dean

Office: 106 Hankamer – 254-710-1611 (Ms. Meek)

Office Hours: By Appointment

Readings: 2014-2015 Baylor Undergraduate Catalog (available on-line)

HSB Advising Syllabus

Assigned Readings and Handouts

Required Device: Turning Technologies NXT response pad

(available at the Baylor Bookstore and also UBS)

Course Description:

An introductory course designed to facilitate the transition of first-year business students to the Hankamer School of Business. The course will include expert panels, guest speakers, alumni, faculty, and student guests. It will also provide exposure to HSB programming, build relationships within HSB, enhance the opportunity for academic success, and connect students with HSB. Selected topics include: role of the HSB curriculum, success in the Business School, HSB programming, business majors, building a professional portfolio, introduction to career services, and the importance of networking.

Hankamer School of Business Mission Statement:

We cultivate principled leaders and serve the global marketplace through transformational learning and impactful scholarship in a culture of innovation guided by Christian values.

Shared Values:

Our shared values are the principles that guide all of our work:

·  Character, Integrity, and Service
·  Learning
·  Innovation
·  Exploration / ·  Excellence
·  Teamwork
·  Transform
·  Leadership

Key Terms:

·  Serve: A spirit of giving back, meeting the needs of others

·  Global Marketplace: A world view that encompasses for-profit and non-profit marketplaces

·  Principled Leaders: Leadership with a moral compass, servant leaders

·  Transformational Learning: A rigorous learning environment that engages the student in the classroom and involves the student in marketplace-based learning experiences

·  Impactful Scholarship: Conduct research that will make a difference

·  Innovation: A culture of solving problems, meeting needs

·  Community: Collaboration, network, teamwork

·  Christian Values: Christian values provide our guiding framework and demand excellence in all that we do.

HSB Learning Goals:

·  ORGANIZATION LITERACY – HSB graduates speak the language of business both inside and outside of their chosen organizations and professions. (Financial statements, media, etc.)

·  PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS – HSB graduates are critical consumers of economic and statistical information.

·  LEADERSHIP AND TEAMWORK – HSB graduates are aware of both their strengths and weaknesses as leaders, and how they can contribute as team members.

·  COMMUNICATION AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS – HSB graduates can communicate effectively by oral, written, and electronic means, and can effectively manage both themselves and others.

·  GLOBAL AWARENESS – HSB graduates are aware of other cultures and practices in the global business community.

·  BUSINESS ETHICS – HSB graduates can identify ethical dilemmas in a variety of business situations and evaluate alternatives.

·  HANDS-ON, PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE – HSB graduates leave with a variety of hands-on, practical business experiences.

Course Objectives:

·  Understand HSB programming, admission requirements and learning outcomes.

·  Connect to HSB courses and extracurricular activities.

·  Understand what it takes to be successful in HSB.

·  Develop autonomy.

·  Introduce to BBA majors and fields of concentrations.

·  Introduce the importance of career and professional development.


Grading Components:

Daily Quizzes: 25%

Participation: 10%

Assignments: 40%

Final Exam: 25%

Total: 100%

Grading Scale:

A 89.5 – 100 (4.00)

A- 87.5 – 89.4 (3.67)

B+ 85.5 – 87.4 (3.33)

B 79.5 – 85.4 (3.00)

B- 77.5 – 79.4 (2.67)

C+ 75.5 – 77.4 (2.33)

C 69.5 – 75.4 (2.00)

D 59.5 – 69.4 (1.00)

F 59.4 and below (0.00)

Participation Grade:

The participation grade will be based on attendance as well as participation in class. You cannot receive participation points if you are not in class that day.


Quizzes may be given during any class session (usually at the beginning of class), and will cover the assigned material. There are no makeup quizzes. You must be in class, have your response pad, and be on time to take the quiz that day.


Assignments are due at the beginning of class and completed individually unless otherwise noted. Late assignments will not be accepted, so make certain you have worked on your assignments at least two days prior to class, so that you don’t have printing problems. If you are going to miss class, please drop your assignment off in 106 Hankamer prior to your class session. Assignments will not be accepted via email, unless requested by the instructors.

Late assignments due to illness will be accepted with appropriate medical documentation no later than the next class period after the illness.

Class Attendance:

According to the attendance policy of the Hankamer School of Business, “to earn academic credit in a particular course, a student must attend at least 75 percent of all class sessions for that course.” On-time attendance is required for all classes. Students must be in their assigned seats and ready for class at the scheduled start time of each class. A late arrival to a class or an early leave from a class will be recorded as missing half the class and will be included in the total absences for the class. Arriving more than 15 minutes late to class or leaving more than 15 minutes early is considered an absence. All absences, excused or unexcused, will count in your total absences. Note: When total absences reach a total of 4, an “F” will be recorded for the class.

Attendance is very important for success in this course.

Attendance can also help you in the following way:

0 classes missed 3 bonus points added to your final average

1 class missed 1 bonus point added to your final average

4 classes missed A student earns an “F” in the course

Access and Learning Accommodation:

Any student who needs learning accommodation is responsible for obtaining appropriate documentation and information regarding needed accommodations from the Baylor University Office of Access and Learning Accommodation (OALA) and providing it to the professor immediately at beginning of the semester. The OALA phone number is (254) 710-3605, and is located right next door in the Paul L. Foster Success Center.

Food and Drink Policy:

Food, drink, and tobacco products are strictly prohibited in Kayser with the sole exception of water.

Grade Required for BUS 1101:

Students must earn a minimum grade of “C” or better in BUS 1101 as one of the requirements for admission to the Hankamer School of Business. Students who do not earn a minimum grade of “C” may retake the course or they may choose a new degree program outside of the Business School. A student is limited to one retake of BUS 1101 as they work to complete the requirement for admission to the Hankamer School of Business.

General Comments:

·  Please make certain that you check your attendance and grades on Blackboard weekly. You have one week from the time the attendance or grade is posted to email Ms. Meek if you are questioning either one. After one week, the attendance and grade will no longer be open for discussion.

·  Ethics are an integral feature of all personal, social and professional considerations. Competency in thinking ethically and accepting responsibility for one’s actions is essential to personal and professional development. Baylor students have affirmed their commitment to ethical and professional conduct specifically in their agreement with the Baylor University Honor Code.

·  If changes are made in the course syllabus, they will be made at least one week in advance. No major changes are expected at this time.

·  Students agree that by taking this course, all written assignments may be submitted to turnitin.com or similar third parties to review and evaluate for originality and intellectual integrity. A description of the services, terms and conditions of use, and privacy policy of turnitin.com is available on its website: hhtp://www.turnitin.com. Students understand that if the results of such a review support an allegation of academic dishonesty, the course work in question as well as any supporting materials may be submitted to the Honor Council for investigation and further action.

·  The final exam will be comprehensive and cover all material assigned and/or discussed during the class.

University Academic Dates:

·  Wednesday, September 3 - Last day to add a class

·  Wednesday, September 10 - Last day to drop without a “W” being marked on your transcript

·  Tuesday, November 4 - Last day a student may drop a class (will receive a "W") - after today, the student will receive the grade he/she has earned in the course

·  November 3-21 – Summer and Fall 2014 Early Registration through Bearweb

·  Monday, December 8 - Last day of class

·  December 9-10 - Study Days

·  December 11-16 - Final Exams

University Events:

·  Traditions Rally - Thursday, August 28 – McLane Stadium

o  Doors open at 5:30

o  Pep Rally at 7:30

o  Phillip Phillips at 8:15

·  Transfer Mixer - Friday, August 29 - 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – 5th floor Cashion

·  Late Night at the SLC - Friday, August 29 - 9:00 pm – 12:00 pm

·  Business Organization Fair – Wednesday, September 10 – 3:00-4:00 pm – Jones Lobby

·  Study Abroad Affair - Tuesday, September 23 - 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm- Barfield Drawing Room

·  Fall HireABear Career Fair- Wednesday, September 24 - 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm- Waco Convention Center

·  University Wide Majors Fair - Tuesday, October 16 - 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm- 2nd floor- Bill Daniel Student Center

·  Meet the Dean Reception – Thursday, October 30 – 2:00 – 3:00 pm – 5th floor Cashion

·  Homecoming Activities - October 30 - November 1

o  Freshman Mass Meeting – October 30 – Waco Hall

o  Traditions Bonfire – October 31 – Fountain Mall

o  Homecoming Parade – November 1 – Austin Ave. to 5th St.

o  Football vs. Kansas – November 1 – McLane Stadium

o  Pigskin Review – October 30 - November 1 – Waco Hall

·  Christmas on 5th Street- Thursday, December 4 - 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm- Fountain Mall

Course Schedule:

Date / Topic / Assignment
8-29 / Partnering with the Hankamer School of Business / R: Course Syllabus
9-5 / Success in the Business School
Building Your Personal Brand
Faculty Expectations / R: 2014-2015 Baylor University Undergraduate Catalog: pp:10-13, 26-40, 134-137
9-12 / Introduction of HSB Advising Team
HSB First Year and Admission Requirements
Tools for Success in HSB / R: 2014-2015 Baylor University Undergraduate Catalog: pp: 152-155
R: HSB Website: Advising Information
R: Advising Syllabus
A: Degree Audit
9-19 / Taking Advantage of the HSB Experience – study abroad panel / A: Pre-Business Advising Plan
A: Personal, Academic, and Professional Goals
9-26 / Taking Advantage of the HSB Experience – student organizations
Introduction to the HSB Majors / R: Blackboard: Career Slide Deck
R: 2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog: pp: 156-174
A: Interest Inventory
10-3 / Academic Success and University Resources
Mrs. Trish Baum, Paul Foster Success Center / A: Academic Progress Worksheet
A: Fill out survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/B36JRY8
10-10 / Special Guest: Dr. Terry Maness, Dean
Business Ethics Case Study
Dr. Mitch Neubert / R: 2014-2015 Baylor University Undergraduate Catalog: pp: 30-31 on Transfer Credit
A: Weekly Calendar of Hours
A: Semester Tests Calendar
10-17 / Fall Break
10-24 / HSB Departments and Majors – Marketing and Economics
Department Chairpersons and Professors / R: Blackboard: Department and Major Information Sheets
A: Business Ethics Case Assignment
10-31 / Introduction to Career and Professional Development
Mr. Ken Buckley
Business Ethics SLAM competition
Dr. Mitch Neubert / R: MBA Professional Development Website
A: Resume
11-7 / HSB Departments and Majors – Finance and Management
Department Chairpersons and Professors / R: Blackboard: Department and Major Information Sheets
A: Attend one session of the Ethics
11-14 / HSB Departments and Majors – Information Systems, Entrepreneurship, and Accounting / R: Blackboard: Department and Major Information Sheets
A: Final Exam Times
11-21 / Career Development – Portfolio/Resume/ Job Search Strategies/Interviewing tips, etc.
Mr. Ken Buckley / A: Join Hireabear.com and find an internship on that site
A: Create Linked In Profile
A: Linkulator
11-28 / Thanksgiving Holiday
12-5 / End of Semester Processes
Life Lessons / R: 2014-2015 Baylor University Undergraduate Catalog: pp: 33-45
A: Career Shift Assignment
Key: A: Assignment to be turned in
R: Reading Assignment
Final Exam Schedule:
Section 1: Friday 9:05 am Tuesday, Dec 16, 2:00 – 3:00 pm
Section 2: Friday 10:10 am Monday, Dec 15, 4:30 – 5:30 pm
Section 3: Friday 11:15 am Friday, Dec 12, 9:00 - 10:00 am
Section 4: Thursday 9:30 am Thursday, Dec 11, 9:00 – 10:00 am
If you have three exams on the day of your BUS 1101 final, you may email Ms. Meek to take the makeup exam on Wednesday, December 10 at 5:00 pm in Kayser. Please send the classes and times of your other two finals, so that she can verify the times.