YASF Meeting April 22, 2008 Oak Park Public Library:
Present: Monica Harris (Oak Park), Rose Allen (Mount Prospect), Joe Marcantonio (Plainfield), Jennifer Groth (Ela), Kelly Laszczak (Orland Park), Maggie Hommel (Park Ridge), Amber Creger (Chicago), Veronica Schwartz (Des Plaines)
1. Reports
Amber showed the final artwork by Gene Ha for the 2009 IREAD YA summer reading program. Ha will attend the Youth Services breakfast at the ILA conference. He will do a signing following the breakfast. Ha will also be a presence at the IREAD exhibit booth.
Maggie compiled the ideas for the 2009 YA section of the IREAD binder and Amber edited them. The result was 25 pages of ideas geared towards YAs.
The artwork for the 2010 YA IREAD theme will be the result of a teen art competition. Amber will distribute the submission forms. Systems will pick a finalist whose artwork will be displayed at conference in September. Online voting will follow with the winner being announced in November. The winning artist will receive $1000. Submissions are due July 31, 2008.
YS Forum
Kelly reported that Mary Adamowski, the incoming manager has become the acting manager of the Youth Services Forum.
The forum sponsored the program Tech Savvy Teens at PALS in April. 25 people were in attendance. Kelly, Joe and Dan Braun were presenters. The program will be presented again in Edwardsville in May.
Kelly’s term on the YS Forum is up but she will remain as liaison to the forum as she can easily get updates from Mary (her boss J).
2. Review of 2/5/08 ILA Executive Board Report
The only task that the forum had expected to complete but had not was developing a cheat sheet of technology terms to distribute at the upcoming YS Tech Savvy Teens program. While we missed having the document ready for the PALS presentation, Rose volunteered to post to the CoP and compile and list of terms and technology that teens are familiar with and we should be too. Rose will send the list to Kelly so that it is ready to distribute at the May 7 presentation.
3. YASF Newsletter
The last issue of the newsletter was posted on the YA CoP. It has been viewed 118 times and elicited 5 replies. The newsletter was viewed 80 times on the YS CoP. Jennifer shared other comments that she received about the newsletter.
There will be three issues of the newsletter each year: June, September/October, Winter.
The next issue of the newsletter will be out by June 13. The newsletter will focus on teen art and writing.
Amber will provide an article about the IREAD teen art contest.
Joe will write an article about hosting a middle school art show.
Kelly will write an article on the project Art on a Cart.
Rose will concentrate on teen book reviews.
Maggie will provide winning teen poems from a poetry contest.
Jennifer will write an article on Teen Zines at her library.
Submissions to the newsletter are due to Veronica and Jennifer by May 22.
4. ILA Conference
The YASF will be hosting a coffee and dessert reception following Stories and Spirits on September 24. Monica will ask Tutor.com if they will sponsor the reception. Each YASF committee member will visit a comic book shop or vendor and see if they will donate something for door prizes at the reception. The forum would like to provide an interactive gaming component to the reception by having games such as Guitar Hero available to try out.
The YASF is sponsoring their first ever ILA program. Monica Harris will be presenting the program “I’m Coming Out” which focuses on the topic of serving GLBTQ teens.
5. Review of FY 2008 Strategic Plan Action Items Report
VI. Recommendations for second half of year
Create Conference presentation on the topic Serving LGBT Teens Completed. Monica will be presenting.
Plan second annual YASF reception for conference In progress. See above.
Two face to face meetings of forum members We met in April 2008 and will meet again in August.
VII. Recommendations for next year
Develop leadership succession process Completed at 4/08 meeting. See accompanying document
Plan at least one regional workshop In progress. Planning workshop for spring 2009 on the topic of serving those in their 20s and 30s. Will seek someone from southern Illinois to also present on this topic. Will present in NSLS area as well as a more southern location.
Present two programs at Conference Will beginning brain storming for conference 2009 at August 08 meeting.
6. Structure of the Forum
The committee discussed and formalized the structure of the forum, including a succession plan. We based much of the model upon the Youth Services forum. Bob Doyle approved the creation of a YASF wiki, a central location for all things related to the forum. The ILA webpage will link to the wiki. Maggie will create the wiki.
The complete structure of the forum is below.
YASF meetings for the 2008/09 year are:
August 19 Des Plaines Public Library 10-2
November 11 Virtual Meeting 10-11:30
February 10 Virtual Meeting 10-11:30
April 14 PALS Service Center (Shorewood?) 10-2
7. Topics for the August 19 meeting
Regional Workshops in 2009
Literary Award (Is it feasible? How to create one?)
Conference 2008
Teen Librarian Award (Is it feasible? How to create one?)
Brainstorm Programs for Conference 2009
YASF September newsletter
Young Adult Services Forum Organization
The Charge/Purpose of the YASF: Creating and providing professional development opportunities and materials for library staff members working with young adult populations.
YASF Membership Structure:
Term: 3 years
Term begins in April
Year 1 Incoming manager/secretary
Year 2 Manager (reports, attends required meetings)
Year 3 Past Manager (guides the Manager and oversees Manager nominations and forum membership)
Term: 2 years
Term begins in April
There is no limit to membership
IREAD Liaison and IREAD YA information Coordinator
YS Forum Liaison
Reference Forum Liaison
Reporter Liaison
Newsletter Editor/s
Nominations and voting will occur online. The manager will be announced at annual ILA conference. Three year term will begin in April.
Annual membership drive through CoP, systems and ILA conference programs. Appointments will be announced following annual ILA conference. Two year terms will begin in April.
Forum meetings will be held four times a year:
April and August will be face to face meetings
November and February will be virtual meetings
All information and documents pertaining to the forum will be compiled on the YASF Wiki.