Mag. Martina Maria Linzer
Diözese Graz-Seckau,
Bischofplatz 4,
A-8010 Graz,
M: +43 676 8742 2825,
“Pilgrimage in Europe" is a project initiative with the objective of creating a unique European pilgrimage region starting from the already existing partner-countries Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Czech Republic and Romania, and continuing step by step along with other projects in the neighbouring countries.
Since November 2011 the project partners of Pilgrimage AT-HU and Pilgrimage Europe SI-AT have organized three meetings and workshops in order to draw a rough plan on current and future possibilities of co-operation enhancing the output and effect of the objectives and results attained in the several pilgrimage projects. The main motivation was to find a common symbol as quality sign for our pilgrimage projects that could help to get a greater impact on the market and improve the recognition factor of pilgrimage signposts. In May 2012, the international conference in Mariazell, titled “Pilgrimage in Europe”, organised by Diocese of Graz-Seckau as lead partner of the project SI-AT, put the focal point on pilgrimage as a new way towards better understanding between people, nations and countries. The „pilgrimage topic" was highlighted by experts of different perspectives: theology, history of culture, tourism and also organizations that both design and guide journeys for pilgrims. For this reason, the outcome was a comprehensive insight at the diversity of this phenomenon.
The collaboration beyond all geographical and cultural borders makes it worth and valuable to be acquainted with historical points of contact, thematic joining points and shrine destinations in the neighbouring countries, in order to keep working on the projects and on the common objectives. Neighbourly encounters are the basis for the international understanding, also for the understanding of the particular language and cultural differences and ultimately also to break down with prejudices. In this spirit, we invite to this cooperation all of you, who work on similar projects and are looking forward to a common path.
Main goals of the networking initiative "PILGRIMAGE in EUROPE":
§ The consensus between three stake holders: the church, the tourism and the society. Today the division between tourism and pilgrimages cannot be drawn clearly anymore because the roles of pilgrims and tourists in practice overlap. The religious motive is dominant in pilgrimages; however, every pilgrimage is a journey at the same time that it has a tourism dimension. This is visible especially in the organization of pilgrimages, in accommodation, food, transfers and other tourist services used by pilgrims. Pilgrimage centres and routes today represent a tourist attraction for all visitors and pilgrimage tourism does not have a distinctive religious character anymore; in most of the travels there is a combination of religious or spiritual and tourist motives.
§ Sustainable valorization and exploitation of project results
§ Augmented number of pilgrims in all regions and higher number of bookings
§ More powerful and wide-spread marketing activities and win-win effect for all partners
§ Spiritual goals: 1.) focus on society, 2.) importance of faith, 3.) connection between religion and mental health, 4.) pilgrimage could be one solution for many society problems
§ Protection and Awareness about Nature and sustainable lifestyle promotion
§ Find a common symbol and define major routes in europe connecting the most important shrines
§ Overview and database with contacts and basic information updated by all partner regions published on our common online-platform
§ The development of marketable, touristic products, which are to be advertised and marketed concertedly on international level.
Examples of added value through co-operation and expectations related to the platform:
§ Common international promotion and participation on touristic fairs
§ Crossborder hiking – pilgrimage tours
§ Provide and define the quality and standards for pilgrimage routes
§ Strong dissemination and publicity to make more famous the own region
§ Common vision/cross border philosophy of team-work »cooperation instead of competition«
§ Spiritual alliance of countries involved in the pilgrimage region
§ Higher economic growth and valorization of cultural heritage
§ Common promotion of the ways/logo and standards for quality management
§ Advantage for corporate identity and common image (we can preserve our cultural identity and speciality of the route although we use a common sign of recognition)
§ To offer collective and coordinated touristic and cultural facilities/services, providing a sufficient level of quality and infrastructure.
§ The ranking of the priority of PILGRIMAGE has to become better! Pilgrimage should be recognized and offer common products for pilgrims inside and outside Europe
§ To attract new pilgrims of different social classes
§ Strong marketing activities and multiplier effect through the online platform and links to the regional projects (pilgrim´s passport cross-border)
§ Common base of data and information collection available for the pilgrims (easily accesible and in the same format for every country)
§ Realize the concept of »walking beyond borders«
§ The common website/platform reflects the big basic facts about the ways forming part of the »European cross-border pilgrimage routes« and has a link to national pilgrimage projects, that take care of updating the informations
§ Sustainable monitoring and care on regional level carried out by each responsible country partner
§ With this common platform, finally the tensions between tourism and church should be resolved
§ On the platform we offer a »research engine/filter«, where the pilgrims can put their needs and wishes and afterwards receive suggestions, recommendations and available routes that cover their expectations
The European Dimension and common values:
The European dimension of the pilgrimage projects, the mostly same aims and the cooperation beyond the borders of the respective countries are fundamental aspects of the project in Austria and in the neighbouring countries. We are convinced of a dimension that begins to be developed here: we will be still working together, in terms of international understanding, in terms of a better understanding among ourselves and a better living together with people from our neighbouring countries. Several basic principles result from the cooperation.
§ Cultural and spiritual diversity
§ Discover the treasure of different cultures and countries
§ European image of attraction for interested people outside EU
§ Avoid problems with signposting (focus on updateable smartphone apps)
Purely thematic or at the level of the pathways that run throughout Europe (see map), the following significant routes can be found in our area:
§ Mary's ways, with contact points in Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic, Poland and Germany.
§ St. James’ routes, which represent just a small section in our zone and drag throughout Europe.
§ St. Martin’s trails stretches from Hungary via Slovenia and Italy to Tours in France and also another axis that dispose with direction to Germany.
§ The Hemma’s trails form another significant focal point, especially in the cross-border cooperation between Slovenia and Austria.
Kurzbeschreibung der Verbindung zu Pilgern:
Wir bestätigen hiermit unser Interesse und die Teilnahme an der multilateralen Initiative
Ziel der Initiative ist die nachhaltige Nutzung und optimale Vermarktung von Pilgerwegen, die in nationalen und überregionalen Projekten entstehen oder bereits entstanden sind über die gemeinsame Plattform Darüber hinaus dient "PILGRIMAGE in EUROPE" dem Zweck des kontinuierlichen Austausches, der direkten Information und der Abstimmung zwischen den einzelnen EntscheidungsträgerInnen, Organisationen und Projektträgern, die gemeinsam an einer einzigartigen europäischen Pilgerregion arbeiten. Die Bildung eines Konsensus zwischen Kirche/ Tourismus/ Gesellschaft ist bei den Aktivitäten ein zentraler Faktor. Es werden Netzwerktreffen zur Abstimmung und eventuellen Entwicklung eines Folgeprojektes abgehalten werden.
Im Namen der oben genannten Organisation erklären wir hiermit, "PILGRIMAGE in EUROPE" ideell in unserem Wirkungsbereich zu unterstützen, sowie die gemeinsamen Werte im europäischen Kontext partnerschaftlich zu achten und die Ziele der Initiative mit besten Kräften voran zu treiben.
Wir nehmen als Entwicklungspartner/ Diskussionspartner/ Multiplikator an div. Aktivitäten nach Möglichkeit teil und stellen unsere aktuellen Kontaktdaten und Projektinformationen zur Veröffentlichung auf der Plattform zur Verfügung. Die Details der Zusammenarbeit und die Wartung/ Aktualisierung der Daten werden in einer gesonderten Vereinbarung mit den Projektkoordinatoren geregelt.
Ort, am Unterschrift und Stempel:
Brief description of the connection to pilgrimage:
We hereby confirm our interest and participation in the multi-lateral initiative
The initiative is aimed at the sustainable valorization and optimal marketing of pilgrims´ routes that have arisen in national and inter-regional projects on the common platform In addition, "PILGRIMAGE in EUROPE" serves the purpose of the continuous exchange, direct information and the coordination between the various stakeholders, organizations and promoters who work together on creating a unique European Pilgrimage Region. The formation of a consensus between Church / tourism / society is anchored in the activities and shows a central importance. Network meetings will be held for coordination, update and possible development of a follow-up project.
On behalf of the above mentioned organization, we hereby declare our ideological support of "PILGRIMAGE in EUROPE" in our working area and circle of influence, as well as state our respect to common values in the European context and will promote the implementation of the goals of the initiative which are written down in the “Declaration of Principles: Pilgrimage in Europe” with our best efforts.
We take part as a development partner / discussion partner / multiplier to various activities in and agree to put our current contact details and project information for publication on the platform The details of the cooperation and the maintenance / updating of the data are to be defined by a separate agreement with the project coordinators.
Place and date: Signature and stamp:
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