Ministerul Educatiei Nationale

Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Cluj

Olimpiada de limba engleza

18 februarie 2017

Etapa locala Varianta 3


  1. Read the text and choose the correct solution (25 points):

The voyage of the Mayflower

The first English settlers came to America in 1620 on a ship called Mayflower. At 27m long it was very small for the long and difficult journey of 4,500km.

There were 102 settlers on board – men, women and children. It was a religious journey for many of them. They were leaving England because their religion was different from the king’s and so he was persecuting them. Because of this, they were called Pilgrims.

They left the English port of Plymouth on 16th September 1620 in good weather. But halfway across the Atlantic, they met storms. The passengers were sick and the ship got badly damaged. Also, it was hard for the crew of 30 men to navigate because their charts were unreliable and there was a danger of running onto rocks. Amazingly, only two people died on the crossing: one passenger and one member of the crew.

After 66 days at sea, the Mayflower reached Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The place was snow covered and the Pilgrims stayed on board during the cold winter months. Many of them got ill. By spring, only half the passengers and crew were still alive.

A Native American called Squanto, from the Wampanoag tribe, helped the survivors. He taught them to grow maize and other new vegetables and to catch fish. He showed them poisonous plants and plants that were useful as medicine. He taught them many other skills for their survival.

In the summer of 1621, the Pilgrims built houses for themselves and gathered up a small harvest. In the autumn, they celebrated their first successful harvest with Squanto and other members of his tribe. The Wampanoags brought most of the food to the feast – deer, turkey, fish, beans and berries.

The Pilgrims did not call the celebration ‘Thanksgiving’ although they gave thanks to God during it. Today people in the United States think of it as the first Thanksgiving. For many Americans, the Thanksgiving meal includes seasonal dishes such as roast turkey with stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie.For more than two centuries, days of thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.

  1. The Mayflower….
  1. was an American boat.
  2. left England in 1621.
  3. took 66 days to get to Cape Cod.
  1. The King of England didn’t like the Pilgrims because of their…
  1. race b. religion c. political opinions.
  1. In the first winter in America…
  1. half the settlers and crew died.
  2. the settlers had a Thanksgiving party.
  3. only two people died on the Mayflower.
  1. The settlers got a lot of help from Squanto…
  1. with fighting other Native Americans.
  2. to make medicine from poisonous plants.
  3. learning about agriculture.
  1. In 1621 the settlers….
  1. had a party which they called Thanksgiving.
  2. decided to celebrate their freedom from the King.
  3. celebrated with a Native American tribe.
  1. Fill in each gaps with one suitable word: (10 points)

I am looking 1)………to leaving school. I’ve applied 2)…… going to 3)……. university in the States. If I get a scholarship, my parents won’t have to 4)……. the fees. But they still can’t afford 5)…… pay all my living costs there. So if they offer me a place, I will 6)…….. to get a holiday job 7)…….the summer before I go. I 8)…… spent a lot of time doing a training course 9)……a lifeguard. So I would know what to do if somebody got into trouble while I was 10)……. duty.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: (10 points)

1. She…………………………(not answer) my email yet.

2. I got a text message from Jane while I …………………(talk) to my mum.

3. It ………………..(not rain) quite often here, in autumn.

4. I can’t join you next Saturday because my sister………………….(get married)then.

5. “I …………………….( not pay) for the dinner”, he said.

6. My parents ………………(start) their own business ten years ago.

7. Sunny weather……………..(make) me feel happy.

8. I ………………..(have) this jacket for two years and I always wear it when I go out.

9. Look! That man ……………….(try) to steal the lady’s purse.

10. What …………………….(you do) at 7pm last night?

IV. Complete with the correct form of the given words (10 points):

1. On our ……….we were greeted by my mother. ARRIVE

2. A person needs ………..friends when in trouble. RELY

3. This band is gaining ……….in Europe. POPULAR

4. I don’t have all the …………to do this job. ABLE

5. Your beauty is ………… AGE

6. She will never forget your…………… KIND

7. Have you received the ……………to the party? INVITE

8. He is a …………..criminal. DANGER

9. He is very…………today. That’s not very nice. POLITE

10. He practices swimming……………. DAY

V. Choose the correct solution (10 points):

1. Pay attention children, you can cut …..

a. yourself b. your c. yourselves

2. The weather today is…..yesterday.

a. as good as or better than b. as good or better than c. as good as or better as

3. I am sure that……saw the accident.

a. anyone b. someone c. none

4. They chose ……….uniform for next year.

a. some b. an c. a

5. The driver…….me ten pounds to take me to the airport.

a. charged b. paid c. cost

6. Please apologize …………what you have said.

a. for b. of c. from

7. Please help me with my luggage, ………?

a. shall you b. are you c. will you

8. She has known us …………..she graduated from university.

a. until b. since c. while

9. The money ………….last night.

a. was stolen b. are stolen c. were stolen

10. I think you ……… tell the truth now.

a. should b. ought c. must

VI. Write a 120-150 narrative composition with the given beginning: (25 points)

It was early in the morning and my mother was calling me from downstairs.



I. 1 - C, 2 –B, 3 – A, 4 – C, 5 –C













1hasn’t answered

2was talking

3doesn’t rain

4is getting married

5won’t pay/will not pay



8have had

9is trying

10were you doing

  1. 1.C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B