Syllabus 2013-2014

Teacher: Mr.Grunenwald Email:

Grading Procedures

Grading will be determined by the following: Grading Scale

  • Test/Quizzes (announced & Unannounced) A 100 – 93
  • HomeworkB 92 – 85
  • NotebookC 84 – 75
  • EOC and Benchmarks D 74 – 70
  • Class PointsF 69 – 0
  • Projects(Individual or group – Mathematical or Written)


Homework will be assigned on a regular basis and be checked and returned at the beginning of every block. DO NOT attempt to complete the homework when you enter the classroom for it is to be immediately turned in, no exceptions. Late homework will not be accepted. Homework must be in pencil and complete for credit. The original problem and all work must be shown. Each day, homework will be worth 2 points. Once 5 assignments have been recorded a grade will be given.

Once homework is checked and returned, it is your responsibility to check and correct it as we go over it. This checked and corrected homework will serve as a great source of review when studying.


Each day, assignments are written on the side board. Therefore, when you are absent, you can easily find out what you missed by checking the assignment board. You are responsible for obtaining the assignments that you missed. It is also your responsibility to set up alternate test times if you missed a quiz or test. Failure to do so in a timely manner will result in a zero!


Each student must have a three ring binder for MATH ONLY. I suggest a 1 ½ or 2” binder. Each binder should have section dividers and loose leaf paper. Graph paper should also be included and is available free from Mr.G by request. There will be random notebook checks and tests so be organized and prepared at all times.

Every notebook must contain:

  • Syllabus with parent signature
  • Grade Sheet
  • Calculator Program sheet
  • Algebra Allies Sheet
  • Five labeled sections:
  • Class Notes (Each pg. dated in upper rt. hand corner and in order by date)
  • Homework (Name & date in upper rt. hand corner and in order by date)
  • Definitions
  • Journal/ACT Question
  • Worksheets
  • Algebra 1/Algebra II Notes


Required: 3 Ring Binder, note cards, pencils, pens, loose leaf paper, dividers, TI-84 Graphing Calculator(Honors/PreCalc)

Recommended:TI-84 Graphing Calculator(Algebra 2),sheet protectors, graph paper

Class Points

Each student starts each nine weeks with 30 Class Points. This total may increase or decrease based on the behavior and work of each individual class. Examples of behaviors that may cause a loss in points include such things as:

  • Text book not covered
  • Lining up at the door before class ends.
  • Being sent out of class for discipline reasons
  • Use of cell phone during class
  • Sleeping in class
  • Tardy to class


  • Students are to be in their assigned seat and ready to begin class at the bell.
  • Come to class prepared. There will be no locker visits! Loss of class points and/or disciplinary actions may be taken for repeatedly being unprepared.
  • Cell Phones are to be turned off during class.
  • Communicate maturely. Do not shout out, rather RAISE YOUR HAND.
  • Listen to instructions the first time.
  • Any type of bag is to be kept on the floor at all times.
  • Any clothing not being worn is on the back of the chair.
  • Keep up with daily assignments for it is too easy to fall behind.
  • You must write the original problem and work to get full credit.
  • There is to be absolutely no socializing during tests or quizzes until everyone is finished. Any student breaking this rule shall receive a ZERO.
  • When working in groups each group must be on task and each member must participate fully. Noncompliance will end the activity.
  • When a visitor and/or substitute teach is present you are expected to cooperate and show your best behavior.
  • Only drinks with twist on caps are permitted in class and absolutely no food.
  • Keep the room clean. NO writing on desks, chairs, or calculators. Trash in waste baskets and empty plastic bottles withcaps removed are to be place in the recycle box.
  • Ask! Never be afraid to ask a question if you are confused.
  • Be confident. You CAN do it!!!

"Oh...I listen a lot and talk less. You can't learn anything when you're talking."

Bing Crosby

“If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything. I'm positive that a doer makes mistakes.”
John Wooden

"Great and small suffer the same mishaps."

Blaise Pascal

"Self-trust is the first secret of success."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"The important thing is not to stop questioning."

Albert Einstein

Student Signature:______Parent Signature:______