American Indian Student Support Services

Cal Seciwa MemorialScholarship

Application Form

Scholarship: This scholarship honors Calbert Seciwa (1953-2009), of the Pueblo of Zuni, for his efforts to provide educational access to higher education for American Indians. He was the first director of the American Indian Institute (now American Indian Student Support Services) at Arizona State University (1989-2006). Under his leadership, the number of American Indian students enrolled at ASU increased from fewer than 200 to more than 1,300. While at ASU, Seciwa also participated in the formation of Arizona Tri-Universities for Indian Education, (ATUIE), an initiative to integrate academic experience with Tribal traditions and cultural practices in higher education. The scholarship is to award American Indian students attending Arizona State University that exemplify leadership, organization and teamwork capabilities.

Criteria for Eligibility:

  • Preference is given to Tribal members of the Pueblo of Zuni. However, all American Indian/Alaska Native students may apply.
  • Enrolled full-time ASU undergraduate or graduate student.
  • Bein good academic standing.
  • Demonstrate leadership qualities.
  • A selection committee will determine the number and amount of awards.


Student Name: ______Tribal Affiliation:______

ASU ID Number:______Grade Level: ______

Academic Major: ______Grade Point Average:______

Email Address:______Telephone Number:______

Briefly explain why you should be considered for the Cal Seciwa Memorial Scholarship.

  1. Describe a type of community service or volunteer work you performed recently.

  1. List specific leadership and related activities you have performed. Describe the duration and capacity or role (i.e. student organization, in the classroom, on a project, etc.).

  1. In your leadership role, give examples of how you planned, met deadlines, worked efficiently as a team, and outcomes.

  1. What areas of leadership do you see yourself developing in the future?

Completeand submit the Application Form by March 18, 2016, 5:00pm.

Hand Deliver: Tempe, Discovery Hall, Room 381

Email to:

FAX: 480-965-7201

Contact:Michael Begaye, Executive Director, (480) 965-6280