Lesson Plan

Date: 4/03/09 / Time:1:20 – 2:00pm / Class: 1P – Year 1
Subject:Music / Total: 24 / M: 12 F: 12
Lesson Objectives – in terms of knowledge, concepts and skills to be obtained
Learning Intention:
To explore rhythm, dynamics and mood using clapping games and instruments
Success Criteria:
Must: Know that we can use clapping games and instruments to make different sounds
Should: Know that we can change the dynamics of a sound to make it loud or quiet
Could: Know that we can use different instruments to show different moods
Lesson Structure – Division of time and outline of introduction, body and plenary
Tell the children that we are going to be having some music lessons to help us explore how we can make different sounds using different instruments
Activity 1:
Clapping game to see which children can hold a rhythm. Go around the circle, taking in turns to slap, slap, clap, clap and say their names. If the children cope with this, extend the game by going round the other way round the circle and slap, slap, clap, clap and choosing someone else’s name in the circle and then that person carrying on.
Activity 2:
Practice clap patterns using repetition. Easier to remember when there is a repeating pattern because it gives the rhythm some structure.
Activity 3:
“Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?”
“N stole the cookie from the cookie jar”
“Who me?”
“Yes you”
“Couldn’t be”
“Then who?”
“N” stole the cookie from the cookie jar”
Have a few practice turns, then play the game using quiet and loud voices and if the children cope well, play it again using fast and slow tempo.
Activity 4:
Bang loudly on a drum. Ask the children what mood they think I am showing with a bang on the drum. What instrument could I use to show a happy mood? What instrument could we use to show a fairy running? A giant stomping? Let children choose instruments one by one. Give them a few seconds to see what their instrument sounds like. Turn to the person next to you and think about what mood each other’s instrument might represent. Go round the circle, taking it in turns to show the other children what our instruments sound like and and what they could be representing. Discuss.
Activity 5:
Chain of sounds
Tell the children we are going to be making chain of sounds, starting from quietest to the loudest. Do we need to change the order of the instruments, where should the loudest go? Where should the quietest go? Play game. If there is time, try to make the chain of sounds go from loudest to quietest.
Mention that next session we will be reading the ‘Elves and the Shoemaker’ and thinking about how we could use instruments to show the mood of the story and which instruments to choose. Recap that we have looked at rhythm, dynamics (loud/soft), structure (repeating patterns) and mood.
Links to NC & National Framework Strategies, cross-curricular themes etc
NC: Music
1a) use their voices expressively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes
1b) play tuned and untuned instruments
1c) rehearse and perform with others
2a) create musical patterns
2b) explore, choose and organise sounds and musical ideas
4b) how the combined musical elements of pitch, dynamics, tempo can be organised and used expressively within simple structures
4c) how sounds can be made in different ways
Breadth of study:
5a) a range of musical activities that integrate performing, composing and appraising
QCA Schemes of Work:
Music – Unit 2: Sounds interesting – Exploring sounds
Key Vocabulary - to be put on board / Resources
  • Rhythm
  • Dynamics
  • Loud
  • Quiet
  • Hard
  • Soft
  • Structure
  • Mood
  • Contrast
  • Instruments

Differentiation – provisions for different abilities, SEN, EAL and G&T
The activities will be differentiated by outcome, as I am still getting to know the children and their ability levels
Assessment – Type and approach
  • Assessment will be carried out in the form of performance
  • Have the children followed instructions?
  • Which children can hold a rhythm?
  • Which children can change dynamics and speed of their voice, claps and instruments
  • Which children can identify sounds with moods or activities?

Connections to prior learning / Context of lesson in expected sequence
The children have explored instruments in Foundation and have done clapping repeating games in Year 1. / Next lesson we will recap some of the ideas about dynamics, speed, structure and mood. We will read the ‘Elves and the Shoemaker’ and think about different instruments we can use to include sounds to show mood to help tell the story. I will divide the class into groups to work on a section of the story in their game, practice it and perform it. We will record the performance and evaluate it.
Details of ICT and Health & Safety-where appropriate
Safety instructions when using instruments, such as watching our fingers while sliding the cymbals etc
Involvement of other adults
I will be working with this group alone as the CT will be doing Guided Reading with a group and the TA will be dong Free Choice reading.