Term: Wk Beginning: Weekly Planning Grid Year: 4/5 Teacher:

(1) Subject

/ Intended Learning Outcomes / Key Questions and Prior Assessment / Activities and Differentiation / Plenary / Resources Health & Safety / Evaluation


(Cross curricular link to Literacy) / Children will be able to suggest why evacuation was used as one strategy to protect children’s safety during WW2.
Children will be able to explain the effect of bomb damage. / What is meant by evacuation?
When did it begin? Why was it necessary?
What happened when bombs landed?
How did it affect people’s lives? / Play opening Neville Chamberlain speech from navigator. Identify his fears and suggest reasons why evacuation had to take place in 1939.
Show children pictures of bomb damage in cities- identify what they can see in the picture.
Add in speech and thought bubbles for onlookers/people remaining in the picture. / Discuss how parents and children may have felt about evacuation. / Rigby Dimensions CD, Pictures of Bomb damage from Internet or books.


(Cross curricular link to History) / Children will be able to identify 2 different types of shelter that would have protected people in the war.
They will be able to recognise the materials used in creating these shelters. / What is an Anderson Shelter?
What is a Morisson shelter?
Where would you find each of them?
What are they made of?
When would they be used? / Look at Pictures of Morisson and Anderson shelters- how are they similar and different. Show frieze frame of William Beech building his shelter in Tom Oakley’s back garden.
Identify the different materials used in the Anderson Shelter and discuss why in the country it would have been possible for every family to have an Anderson Shelter as they all had gardens.
If you had been William what.
& how would you have made your shelter? / How would people know when they needed to go to their shelter? Listen to air raid siren downloaded from Internet. / Air raid siren, images of different shelters, film- Goodnight Mr Tom.
(Cross curricular link to History) / Children will learn how a scientific idea can be tested and evidence used to support an idea. / What is scurvy?
What happened in the past when babies & small children did not get a balanced diet? / Tell children a story about sailors developing scurvy, a Vitamin C deficiency. Explain to the children that although doctors did not know about vitamins then it was suggested that a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables was the cause of the problem. Discuss in pairs how doctors might test out their theories. / Do children think scurvy was a problem during the war? Why? / Pictures of sailors who had scurvy.
PSHE / Children will be able to define the word emergency.
They will be able to name the 4 emergency services and be able to describe situations in which you could call them / What is an emergency?
What are the 4 emergency services? / Intro- Children come and pick 3 number cards 9, 9, 9. What do these mean to the children?
When would you call these numbers? ie in an a emergency situation.
Role play in 8 groups of 4- 2 gps calling the police, 2 the fire brigade, 2 an ambulance and 2 a coastguard. Where would the scenes take place? / What emergencies did people in WW2 face? Did they call 999? / Role- play masks- fireman, sailor, policeman, driver, 3 x cards with 999 on.

(2) Subject

/ Intended Learning Outcomes / Key Questions and Prior Assessment / Activities and Differentiation / Plenary / Resources Health & Safety / Evaluation


(Cross curricular link to Literacy) / Children will be able to describe some likely feelings of evacuees using both primary and secondary sources of evidence.
They will be able to describe the difference between a primary and secondary source of information. (more able only) / Where can we find information to tell us more about the lives of evacuees?
Why is the evidence not all the same?
What does the evidence tell us about the life of evacuees? / Look at evacuees posters and video clip from navigator dimensions. Identify the type of evidence it is and whether it is a primary or secondary source of information.
Look at other sources of information, e.g diary extracts home from evacuees to their parents. Children could then write their own letter or postcard home. (Use knowledge of new vocabulary leant in literacy such as billeting officer to inform letters) / Discuss how reliable the evidence is- e.g some of it may be government propaganda. Which pieces of evidence are the most reliable? / Primary and secondary sources of evidence from WW2, Rigby Dimensions CD, blank paper, white blank postcards.


(Cross curricular link to History) / Children will be able to use a design plan effectively to design their own shelter.
They will be able to listen to the ideas of others, show respect for these ideas, as well as offering some of their own / What materials will we need to make our shelter? How will we make it strong?
What kind of shelter will it be? / Revise what we know about shelters in WW2 and look again at pictures of arrange of shelters.
Work in groups of 3-4.
Complete Design plan for a Shelter. Blow up on to A3. (More able children could design their own plan).
Encourage children to discuss each section or make notes on scrap paper or whiteboards before completing each section of the design plan. / Discuss how and when we will build these next week. (Plan to complete the building over 2 afternoons) / Design plans, access to DT area, pictures of shelters.
(Cross curricular link to History) / Children will be able to identify the benefits of having fruit and vegetables in our diet.
Children will be able to describe how people during the war had vegetables in their diets. / What foods contain vitamins and minerals?
How did people obtain vegetables during the war? / Look at Posters Then and Now on pages 2-3 of Bombs Away. Revise why the poster on page 2 was produced. What is the purpose of the posters on page 3? Compare the purposes of the 2 posters and their intended audiences.
Look at which of the fruits and vegetables are rich in different minerals and vitamins, and what our body needs each of these for. Which of these could be grown in Britain during WW2 and at what time of year, e.g. strawberries in summer? / Discuss what fruits, e.g. pineapples, oranges, cannot be grown in Britain and the reasons for this. / Rigby Dimensions- Bombs Away books.
(Cross curricular link to History) / Children will be able to compare how children deal with emergencies today to how they dealt with one 65 years ago. / How did people in the war know when there was an emergency? / Q What was an emergency in the war?
A- When someone’s life was in danger.
Listen to air raid siren, which signalled an emergency, as a bombing raid could be about to start.
Discuss how people would have moved to shelters?
How do we think children our age, (9/10), felt or feel in emergency situations now and then. In a circle pass round a gas mask, when we have the gas mask- say how we think that people would have felt in their shelters. / What is a state of emergency?
How did children know what to do in an emergency? / Gas mask, air raid siren noise downloaded from the Internet.

(3) Subject

/ Intended Learning Outcomes / Key Questions and Prior Assessment / Activities and Differentiation / Plenary / Resources Health & Safety / Evaluation


(Cross curricular link to Literacy) / Children will be able to describe the experiences pf an evacuee during the war.
They will be able to empathise with children’s feeling during evacuation.
They will be able to infer information about evacuation, using their knowledge of the historical period. / Where could a child be evacuated to?
What might an evacuee’s experience have been like? / Watch Goodnight Mr Tom film. What were William’s experiences of being an evacuee like? Make list on board of positive and negative experiences.
Why would he be unable to write a letter like you did last week, and many evacuees did?
How accurate a portrayal do you think the film is?
Give reasons for your answers.
Hot seat William Beech at different stages in the film to explore his feelings further. / Look a t Imperial war Museum website which has details of the experiences of a range of evacuees & evacuation. / Goodnight Mr Tom film, Internet.


(Cross curricular link to History) / Children will be able to construct their WW2 shelter in chronological order, by following their design plan. They will be able to work as a team successfully in order to overcome problems, which they encounter during the making process. / What will we do if our original design plan needs to be changed?
What is each of our roles in our group today? / Distribute design plans to the children and divide children into different environments- inside or outside depending on the type of shelter that they are building.
Work together in groups to begin shelter building. Use design plans at each stage of the making process. Encourage children to write on their design plans if they decide to change ideas on their plans in a different coloured pen.
Aim to complete the shelter over 2 afternoons. / Discuss problems we have had and how we have/planned to overcome them. / Use of an adjoining field or playground area.
Design plans, materials for the shelters, (some may be brought in from home). Ensure adult supervision if drilling/sawing.
(Cross curricular link to History) / Children will be able to identify foods that contain large amounts of sugar or fat.
They will be able to name the major food groups.
They will be able to identify the purposes of eating different kinds of food groups, e.g. protein for growth. / What is a food group? / Look at a range of staple foods that would have been around during the war and are available to eat now, e.g bacon, eggs, lard, sugar, carrots, bananas, potatoes.
Introduce names of food groups- Fats, Carbohydrate, Fibre, Protein, Vitamins & Minerals. Ask children to discuss what they think of each of the foods contains/contained. Talk about answers.
Look at why we need each of these food groups / Talk to the children about how it was not easy during the war to get a lot of protein rich foods such as meat. (Follow up in next week’s History lesson). / Table of different foods, such as potatoes, sugar, eggs etc.
PSHE / Children will know what the acronym DRAB C stands for.
They will know that listening and decision-making are key skills in an emergency situation.
Children will be able to place someone in the recovery position and know when it is appropriate to do this. / What should we do if someone has an accident?
What if…. / Watch video of child having an accident, where you remove the danger, check if the casualty is breathing, clear the airway, recovery position etc. Make links to emergency work on 999- if there are 2 of you 1 should call the ambulance, the other follow DRAB C.
Ask trained first aider or St John’s the Ambulance rep to train children what to do in an emergency. Use mats, 2 children on a mat. 1 of the children performs DRAB C, the other is the casualty then swap. / Use manikins to demonstrate how you should help someone to breath if they have stopped. / St John the Ambulance representative or trained first aiders, hall, video, 15 mats, manikin, dolls, baby wipes. (make sure children bring someone towards them to put them into the recovery position).

(4) Subject

/ Intended Learning Outcomes / Key Questions and Prior Assessment / Activities and Differentiation / Plenary / Resources Health & Safety / Evaluation


(Cross curricular link to Literacy & Science) / Children will be able to infer the cause of rationing.
They will be able to describe the impact of rationing on the lives of everyday people. / Why was rationing necessary?
Which foods were rationed?
How could people still ensure that they had a healthy diet? / Starter Activity: ask children to define rationing. Have they heard of the word? Discuss why it needs to be in our WW2 class glossary that we began in Literacy. Look at replica rationing books. What kinds of food were rationed? (Make sure children know that bread was not rationed).
Set up table in classroom and drama scene where teacher is shopkeeper and children are customers to demonstrate amount given each week of items & how things looked different, e.g. egg powder. / Look at Navigator persuasion poster encouraging people to grow your own fruit & vegetables- why was this needed? / Rigby Dimensions CD, replica rationing books, selection of food items that were rationed, e.g bacon, table.
(Cross curricular link to History) / Children will be able to adapt and improve their work.
Children will be able to make thoughtful observations, and reflect on the success of their work objectively. / How will we measure the success of our shelter? / Role Play- Put an air raid siren on, (downloaded from internet). Children make their way to their respective shelters.
How will we decide how effective these shelters were? Discuss how appropriate it would be to pour water on them! Collect other suggestions from the class, as to how we can test their success- e.g. look back at original pictures of shelters / Discuss what we need to do next- learning review- what have we learnt so far in 4 weeks? / Shelters, pictures of WW2 shelters, evaluation form
(Cross curricular link to History) / Children will be able to define a balanced diet.