Frequently Asked Questions visit our website at March 2015

  1. Who do I approach when I have a Union questions and concerns?

Contact the President of the Local

Earl Booth


Cell: (306)631-8962

  1. When are the Union meetings held?

CUPE Local 5506 holds 10 meetings a year. The Union meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of the month excluding the months of July and August. The meetings are held at St. Michael (unless otherwise noted) at 7:15 PM in the Library.

  1. Will I have an evaluation?

When a review of an employee’s work performance is made, the employee concerned shall be given the opportunity to read such review. The employee shall be required to sign an acknowledgement that they have been given an opportunity to read the performance review and shall be provided a copy. Such signature shall not constitute an agreement with the contents of the review. The employee shall have the right to respond in writing to such review within fourteen (14) days and such response shall become part of the record. Article 9 of the Collective Agreement

  1. Can I have the assistance of a Union representative during meetings?

An employee shall have the right to have a Union representative present when meeting with the Board or its representative. When the Director of Education or designate intends to interview the employee for disciplinary purposes the employee shall be notified four (4) hours in advance of the interview so the employee may contact his Union representative.Article 10.1a) of the Collective Agreement

  1. When will I receive my pay raise?

*CUPE employees wage increases are based on hours worked.


Administrative Assistants (Schools & Div. Office), Library Technician,Nurse Therapist (RN & LPN),Educational Assistants, Nutrition Assistant, Speech Assistants,Library Assistants and Noon Supervisors

Step 1 0 – 650 hours

Step 2 651 – 1,950 hours

Step 3 1,951 – 3,900 hours

Step 4 3,901+ hours


Caretakers, Cleaners and Computer Technicians & Network Administrator

Step 1 0 – 693 hours

Step 2 694 – 2,080 hours

Step 3 2,081 – 4,160 hours

Step 4 4,161+ hours

*Bus Drivers wages increase are located in the Collective Agreement. Collective Agreement STEPS

  1. How much sick time do I get?

Sick leave shall be granted to regular employees on the basis of one and two thirds(1.67) working days per month.Article 6.02 of the Collective Agreement

  1. What type of proof of illness must I supply?

An employee who is absent for more than three (3) working days in one (1) calendar month due to illness may be required to produce a certificate from a duly qualified Medical Practitioner verifying such illness. The Board shall be responsible to notify the employee and request such certificate. Any time lost, or cost incurred by an employee in obtaining this certificate shall be the responsibility of the Board.Article 6.03 of the Collective Agreement

  1. What do I do if I need time off as a result of my sick child?

Employees shall be granted up to five (5) days per school year from their accumulated sick leave to attend to the illness or medical needs of an immediate/blended family member upon the completion of the appropriate form.Article 7.04 d) of the Collective Agreement

Down load the appropriateform from the SHARE POINT tab on the HTCSD website.

  1. Who do I contact if I have a medical appointment?

In the event that you have a medical appointment during work hours, you must inform your principal or supervisor. Ask the principal or supervisor if a sub is required for your time away from work. If a sub is required, you must then call the Sub Desk at (306)-694-5333 (ext.1) and request a sub for the estimated time you will be at your appointment. Leave a message including your full name, where you work, and the time you will be away from work.

Note: You do not need to fill out a form but the time away from work will be taken from your accumulated sick leave.

  1. Who do I contact if I unable to come to work?

Employees shall not be responsible for making arrangements to obtain substitutes. In the event of absence the employee shall contact the appropriate supervisor or designate and request a substitute and then will notify the school. Article 6.04 of the Collective Agreement

Note: CUPE and the HTCSD agree that the appropriate designate indicated above shall be the Sub Desk if you are a Group I employee.

Group I - Administrative Assistants (Schools & Div. Office), Nurse Therapist (RN & LPN),Educational Assistants, Nutrition Worker, Speech Assistants, Library Assistants and Noon Supervisors.

Group I, if you are unable come to work please contact the Sub Desk and leave a detail message including your full name, where you work, the hours you work and a brief explanation of reason why you are absent. The Sub Desk will then inform the principal/supervisor of the absence.

Sub Desk phone number: (306)694-5333 (ext.1)

Sub Desk email

If you are unable come to work and you are a Bus Driver or aGroup IIemployee such as a Caretaker or a Cleaner,you should contact the Supervisor of Facilities, Doug Sears at (306)630-7982.

If you are unable come to work, the following Group II employees; Computer Technician and Network Administrator should contact the Supervisor of Technology, Ryan Stinn at (306)630-8500.

Note: The HTCSD records all absences, and to ensure that they are charged to the correct leave bank, therefore you must inform them of your absence.

  1. How do I request a leave of absence?

The best method to access all CUPE related forms is by the HTCSD website this page, click on the STAFF tab. Then click on SHARE POINT.

  1. What happens if I have a personal emergency?

An employee may request a leave with pay to attend to an emergency beyondtheir control. Such leave may be granted at the discretion of the Director of

Education or designate.Article 7.12 of the Collective Agreement

  1. What do I do if there is a fire or an emergency at the school/worksite?

During your school/worksite orientation, please ask your principal or supervisor what your responsibilities are. HTCSD Administration Procedure 161

  1. Are there any forms to fill out if I am injured at work?

Yes,down load the Violent Incident Report Form, Staff Incident Form from the SHARE POINT tab on the HTCSD website and submit your completed form to the appropriate superintendent/supervisor.

If you require medical attention tell the principal/supervisorand formally report your injury to HTCSD as soon as possible. HTCSD must send an Employer's Initial Report of Injury (E1) form to WCB within five days of being told about your injury.

You must also tell WCB and then you must file a Worker's Initial Report of Injury (W1) form as soon as possible by calling WCBTelefileat 1-800-787-9288. A WCB staff member will complete the report for you over the telephone. You will be asked for your name, address, date of birth, social insurance number, and personal health number. Please have this information ready when you call. You can also file a W1 form online. If you want to send a paper copy, HTCSD can give you one or you can download and print a copy from our website Mail or fax the completed form to WCB.

  1. What do I do if I feel I am bullied or harassed at work?

TheHTCSD Administrative Procedures 170explains, in detail the steps an employee should take.Article 1.10 of the Collective Agreement between the HTCSD and CUPE Local 5506 also speaks to Anti-harassment.

  1. What are my ethical responsibilities?

At no time should HTCSD employees discuss in public information pertaining to a student. An HTCSD employee is expected to respect the confidential nature of their position by avoiding discussion about any topics that are not formally communicated to the public by the administration of the school or the school division. Breaching confidentiality is a serious violation of acceptable conduct.

  1. Am I permitted to administer medication to a student?

Yes, as per the HTCSD Administrative Procedures 315.

  1. Do I transport students in my own vehicle?

Yes, as per the HTCSD Administrative Procedures 557.

  1. What happens if there is a lay off?

If you receive a reduction in hours of 10% or more in one calendar year, you will receive a reduction in your pay. As result of this reduction in pay, you can exercise your bumping rights to displace a less senior member within your schedule. In order for you to be successful for another position within your schedule, you must possess the required qualifications, knowledge, education, skills and abilities for one (1) or more positions, within the schedule, held by less senior employees.Article 5.02 a) of the Collective Agreement

The member that is exercising their bumping rightsmay only displace a less senior employee in an equivalent or lower paid classification.Article 5.02 d) of the Collective Agreement

There may be other members within that schedule affected by the bumping. Once the bumping is completed, a layoff notice shall be served to the employee with the least seniority within that Schedule.Article 5.02 a) of the Collective Agreement

  1. Will I receive a layoff notice?

The HTCSD must provide you with a least one week written notice. Article 5.01a) of the Collective Agreement

  1. If I receive a layoff notice, can I meet with HTCSD to discuss a staff reassignment?

You can meet with the HTCSD and you shall receive assistance if you request it from the Union or HTCSD. Article 5.02 b) of the Collective Agreement

Representatives from the HTCSD and the Union shall meet to review the staff reassignment options, including lay off and provide a recommendation on staff reassignment or lay off to the HTCSD prior to the effective date of the lay off. Article 5.02 b) of the Collective Agreement

  1. Will I receive assistance from the Union once I receive a layoff notice?

You shall receive assistance if you request it from the Union or HTCSD. Article 5.02 b) of the Collective Agreement

It is recommended that immediately following a layoff, the laid off employee shouldmake arrangements to meet with a representative of HTCSD and the Union to discuss their options.Article 5.04 a) of the Collective Agreement

During this meeting the laid off employee shall indicate their preference for subsequent vacancies and shall provide an updated resume. It is important to remember that it is the responsibility of the laid off employee to provide HTCSD with any revisions to their resume and address.Article 5.04 a) of the Collective Agreement

  1. What is automatic layoff?

CUPE members that work on the basis of the academic year shall be deemed to be laid off for the months of July and August. Recall following the summer vacation periods shall be automatic unless the Board has served termination or layoff notice. Article 5.03 of the Collective Agreement

  1. Will I be called back to work after my automatic lay off?

The HTCSD will email you a letter indicating your school assignment and starting date.

  1. If I am laid off and then later on the HTCSD needs to hire more workers, will I be notified?

You need to know that no new employee shall be hired in any position covered by this Agreement until those laid off, if any, have been provided the opportunity to fill the position.Article 5.04 a) of the Collective Agreement

You will not be notified that there are vacancies. To insure you will be considered for any future positions, this is what you need to do:

Immediately following layoff, the laid off employee shall meet with a representative of HTCSD and the Union to discuss their options.

The laid off employee shall indicate their preference for subsequent vacancies and shall provide an updated resume. It is the responsibility of the laid off employee to provide HTCSD with any revisions to their resume and address.

The laid off employee will then be considered with other applicants for any subsequent vacancies where he/she meets the requirements.Article 5.04 a) of the Collective Agreement